Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

This one here sticks to a magnet, I acquired it from my friends grandpa who was a miner from all over the world. Actually they both stick to magnets this one and the blue one I posted earlier


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But it sticks to a magnet

Yeah, I saw the magnet in the first posted pic. Is it a strong magnetic attraction for either or both specimens? That is another primary indicator for meteorites. Neither of your specimens meet the visual criteria for meteorites according to what I have read and all my knowledge of meteorites come from what I have not really an expert opinion just speculation based on what I have read from experts including university studies. Maybe you have a university nearby with a geology department. They may be willing to take a look at what you have and give their opinion.

Good luck.

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Not real strong but strong enough to hold it, idk but I can see little pieces of metal in it and I dont know if it means anything or not but I was looking at some meterorite pics and I seen a few drawing of space with some sphere circle things a swirl I guess well there's somei on this rock

Hey, could use a little assistance in identifying. I found it in a lake, liked
The lines colliding and seen the chunks of red. Any help would be appreciated.

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Any Info is greatly appreciated

Found this in Minnesota near Lake Elmo. Weights a little over 12 grams. Where is the best place to sell it ? Any idea on its value ? Thanks. I'm a new member but this site seems cool.

So I went to a large gold producing area from the late 1800s looking for the mines couldn’t find them but what I did find was a couple veins that run up and down the hill and water over time exsposed them so I took a sample about as big as a little football it was dark red and I had to dig it out the side of the cliff anyways I took it home put it in a rock crusher classifies it with round strainer panned it and was amazed at how heavy the pan was and noticed the black sand was riding on top of all this heavy stuff..super,super heavy. So I dried it and weighed it up over 3 ounces and that’s after I took a magnet to it ,,so my next visit I put about 3 buckets full of material and it felt like I had a full load in my truck ,,, well I think I have stumbled on to something big but have no one to talk to and I don’t know where to go here’s some pictures of my second trip classified with the round strainer then the red strainer and then I sifted it through a wife beater tank top and the results is this heavy yellow powder that doesn’t move on a miller table or sluice ,it’s like dust but layers upon layers ,some I dug out of the vein was in bands going across the vein I’ll send a pic of that too..any help would be appreciated I can even mail a good amount to sample but I know it’s gold it just has to be leached out or somethingC211915D-ADB7-41E2-9D85-453377819359.webp
Material from site (heavy)1BD34624-7023-4FC1-9608-32ECA3D1CE6D.webp

Found these on my artifact hunt in Missouri a couple days ago. Very cool looking. What are they? I call them my grandpa rocks lol


I am having a hard time identifying this rock. It appears to have an outer crust. It has entry/striations on the side like it hit something going really fast. The center looks metallic, but not magnetic. Rock is about the size of a walnut and is heavy for it's size, weighing 61.9g. What do you think?

I have a few rocks I could use help identifying. Here are the first one7762C180-6CDC-4D27-95F2-19480D036BD2.webp


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Hoping these are granite. I would like to add them to a fish tank of mine. image.webpimage.webpimage.webp


Hi im sammy. I was wondering if i could get your advice on this big rock we have lying around. Its around 600Kg+ rumour has it its wood which was struck by lightning but then it got fossilized? Im not sure.

It has crevices which has a crytalline surface, glassy and shiny. I can show you more pictures1568126187715.webp

Thank you for your time.
Best regards


Hi, please advice me on what this rock is. We heard that it is wood which was struck by lightning but then got fossilized somehow. Im not too sure.

Its very heavy around 500KG+. Glassy, one piece and has crevices with crystalline surface. It has always been around we used it as an umberlla stand but started to realize the value of this rock.

Please advise us.
Thank you
Sammy L

017.webp018.webp help me pleeeaaasse018.webp010.webp013.webp

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I found this by the ocean in Salem Ma.No Idea...Upm0rlNYTr6vBsmtKZYMjg.webp

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