That is very nice Tom and again, congratulations.
I will have to get out my Volkswagon owner's manual and brush up on my German. What is the name of the book ?
I did see them before, but it is ALWAYS nice to see such items again.
I will never speak German as well as you speak English. My father in law was from Germany.
DANG!! As I said... the brain cells.........
No Joke, the last years I forget a lot of stuff. Specially the short-term memory is sometimes realup! Is that normal for someone over 50??
Otherwise I can put things on a place and I know where it is years later. All unimportant stuff gets lost like Kelly Bundy forget everything LOL
You can call me Kelly now
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did he tried to talk German with you?
I never liked languages at all but it is so important, specially to get some other information's. Politics, History etc.
Any updates on the Honey Bee farm ?
around $ 820.00 U.S. dollars