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Thats no skirt! It is Mummy wrapping!! :laughing7: But nice Idea dude :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

I can´t even say if it is an "she". Looks like the name stands on a collumn at the sides.

In modern times we have a term "Hike up the big Daddy pants" (Old construction worker doing the same thing decades old/can't think out of the box/try new products/ideas/his way-or highway)

So I see the one on the right has that "Hike up the big Mummy wrap look"

Buddy, I have to go now. Still some work to do and wify is waiting...

See ya all tomorrow or later in the evening!

Might catch you as well Tom this week later on. Till then have a great one.

Lake Erie watersnake, I believe.


Afternoon Tom, Simon, pepperj and WD. Sorry I missed you guys. Trying to get this garden laid by. Up early my time to beat the heat. Putting in a little time on the Show in the morning but that’s about it.
04DFCCB1-9E8E-4A17-A82B-9B79902121FC.gif OK later.

Just invented a new word. Scroll I dus. :laughing7::hello:

Hey Tom and Simon. I've been kinda AWOL. Chores. Driving miss Sadie etc. I thought I wanted a garden again. 116047674_2696409654014759_1515162040630246026_n.webp

See y'all later.


The trick with making real old fashioned this is funny an Irish Canadian teaching a German guy how to make sauerkraut wait until I get another beer....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Finely shred the cabbage using a mandolin or similar gadget place is a large container weigh the cabbage less the weight of the container. You put at least 2% or preferably 3% of the weight of the cabbage of kosher or pickling or sea salt no salt with iodine.

Now you massage the cabbage with your clean hands until it starts giving off some of it's water. Cover the container with a clean cloth and leave it for an hour or so and repeat the process with a break several times until you have sufficient liquid from the cabbage to cover it when you place it in your crock.

Some people use a fancy wooden tool called a muddler to pound the cabbage and also compress it when they put the cabbage in the crock until the liquid is higher than the cabbage.

When it's all in the crock with sufficient liquid above the cabbage place a ceramic or other non metalic covering over the cabbage and put a heavy non metalic weight on the plate to keep the liquid over the cabbage. The good bacteria that ferments and produces the sauerkraut requires what they call an anaerobic environment(no oxygen) to do it's magic. The put the lid on the crock and place in a dark place somewhere between 18 and 23c should work.

Check it every day for the first while to make sure the cabbage is below the liquid and the brine should get cloudy and have small bubble which shows the ferment is working. I'll post up a link to a video showing things a bit more in detail.

Bill, comes the water out of the cabbage or did you filled it with water?

The cabbage I used wasn´t real for making Kraut. Way to hard and I stomped it for hours without success. I just filled it up with tap water.... Later I learned that there is a special cabbage for making Kraut! It is much softer and after a short time of stomping water comes out and the salt does the rest of the work.

Hey, in a few weeks we fill up the honey from this year :hello2: 130 Kilos so far.

Can´t wait the apples are ready in my area. Many trees and no one takes care of them. Good old sorts! I wanna make a lot apple juice this year to store it. We bought everything for it. An old press, and large pot to cook all kind of stuff in for storage etc.

It will look like this:



As promised here's a video on the sauerkraut method.


In modern times we have a term "Hike up the big Daddy pants" (Old construction worker doing the same thing decades old/can't think out of the box/try new products/ideas/his way-or highway)

So I see the one on the right has that "Hike up the big Mummy wrap look"

:laughing7: :icon_thumright:

Ed9hv6SWsAA5gLz.webp:laughing7: the best on it is "follow me for more DIY projects" LOL

Recycling right?

Oh you want to play that game.

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