Just a missed you Simon-Good morning/night
Thats no skirt! It is Mummy wrapping!!But nice Idea dude
I can´t even say if it is an "she". Looks like the name stands on a collumn at the sides.
Buddy, I have to go now. Still some work to do and wify is waiting...
See ya all tomorrow or later in the evening!
Bill, comes the water out of the cabbage or did you filled it with water?
The cabbage I used wasn´t real for making Kraut. Way to hard and I stomped it for hours without success. I just filled it up with tap water.... Later I learned that there is a special cabbage for making Kraut! It is much softer and after a short time of stomping water comes out and the salt does the rest of the work.
Hey, in a few weeks we fill up the honey from this year130 Kilos so far.
Can´t wait the apples are ready in my area. Many trees and no one takes care of them. Good old sorts! I wanna make a lot apple juice this year to store it. We bought everything for it. An old press, and large pot to cook all kind of stuff in for storage etc.
It will look like this:
As promised here's a video on the sauerkraut method.
In modern times we have a term "Hike up the big Daddy pants" (Old construction worker doing the same thing decades old/can't think out of the box/try new products/ideas/his way-or highway)
So I see the one on the right has that "Hike up the big Mummy wrap look"