
mjarvis said:
When there's money involved, things change and we see the other side of people that you haven't. It's unfortunate but that's from first hand experience.

You are so very right I also know this first hand, will
Get papers drawn up
Before I enter any agreement with my friend as we all know friends and business is a hard one to get right

The difference with the jungle
Gold guys they are in millions of pounds of debt before they started so all the money they get is spent already plus there planning wasnt the best watching that programme shows you what not to do lol

It's not personal it's just business to protect yourself. Those guys were in debt from there jobs, but the money they browed was a couple hundred thousand. They producers spin it the way they want it to look but they took a risk but didn't get themselves in the best position to be successful.



bill-costa rica said:


I agree bill!! Anyway to boost ratings, no matter the cost of others.

I'm not saying you should go to the country dressed like Rambo expecting trouble. It just never hurts to be a Boy Scout. Cover your assets on the business side and at least have the ten essentials in a day pack with you. Be prepared they always told us haha

I think I'm gonna go out their in 1 month to check out his land then the fun part getting the money for equipment already got a friend who can ship everything for me. Need to get on cad and get mesen a sluice fluid bed design and made ready for shipping lol

I know I'm looking at a little 7 ton digger and costs for shipping etc and costs of fuel to run them over 8hour period to get a real idea of costs , I was thinking of moving the metre plus of top soi,l digging a pit and to use trash pumps to move the material to the sluice

Drill holes, drill holes, drill holes, drill holes. Best way to find out what's in the ground before you start moving over burden. Listen to the other miners and there mistakes they've made saves you time and MONEY.

I'm going to go out in hoiladay/dig holes and test ground measure depth top soil covering ( yeah gravel pumps what I'm thinking :) but a digger would still be needed to shift top soil, ya looking at about 400 US a day for a small digger so it would be cheaper o buy a small one and ship it than to rent one, at least I will have an asset if all goes tits up lol

You can probably build everything on site as far as recovery equipment except for the carpets. Take the carpets and a gold cube for the concentrator. Then build a sluice or trommel right there on site. I think that the Bamazon crew had a nice simple sluice set up. Keep it Simple and Effective. Then if you like what you see down there, let me know and if you want, I will join you :)

I think the bamazon crew could have had a much better sluice... All they had were expanded metal for there riffles and those seemed to get clogged with the thick clay they were processing. Check out these studies!! They both have such valuable information in them... Stay safe, and if you need anyone there with ya lemme know

Yukon Placer Mine Study For Increasing Gold Recovery
Placer Gold Recovery Research Final Summary - GPEX

Also are you going to someone setup a jig for diamond/gem recovery as well? I think if you set up a trommel with double screen (check out on youtube) you could set it up to throw out the larger rocks and send the rest to a jig for diamond/gem recovery!!!

It's the same expanded used in parts of the Yukon study (I haven't watched it in 4 years or more probably and haven't read it in The expanded is basically the standard for the industry and is available. The Bamazon boys didn't clean out their moss often enough to help deal with the mud & clay that they were running and also it clogged up a lot more because it was backed moss which doesn't work as well as thick unbacked over ribbed. The backed moss needs to be cleaned out every time you shut down or the material totally hardens into it. The same goes with regular moss but still it's not anywhere near to the same extreme of the backed. So they washed lots of gold out of the box for sure because of their lack of knowledge on how to maintain it, but the box itself was a good example of what you can do in the middle of nowhere with next to nothing available for materials. You could build your box easily & quickly from the local timber that you will need to clear anyway. All it has to do is last the one season and wood is free and easy to work with. Metal would be nice but only if it's readily available where you want to open the mine.

If you took that wrong I did not mean it to be taken that way, and you are quite awesome I have seen probably everyone of your videos Mr. Lukens!

I was referring to how they state an oscillating sluice works really well in those conditions.. But if you are just out there digging some test holes then I would keep it as simple as possible especially for setup, tear down, and transportation!

No I didn't take it wrong, I'm not that way :) They did the Clarkston in 95 I think. Oscillating sluices do work really good but he will be in the middle of nowhere with maybe a junk yard within 100 miles. It really depends on what size the gold is, if there is any water and then if its anaconda time :) hahaha. I'm still looking for the shrunken head on ebay if you're missing a friend...

Yeah first time out there take a small fluid bed with a small carpet collection at the end, I have already got the matierals for this just need it welding, (will fit in my suitcase) test some gravel from 5 test holes I have chosen from google earth, all near or on bend of the river birim which is A new full.jpg just south of my friends village, diamonds mmmm I have looked at uv lights and basic diamond recovery method but not made any decisions yet. If test holes look good will
Come home search for some investors, have a few people interested already,then dig get bit dig lol

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Without being there seeing the land for yourself those seem like excellent places!

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