Fox Host: ‘All Hell Could Break Loose’ On November 1st

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I am glad I don't live near a city, or town. Wonder how this will play out?

I'll let you know how things go:laughing9:I might be at my brothers house that particular day lol.

Nov 1? this sounds like a buffalo bob thread lol

Dave,jeff is unique in that he posts his comments before reading the article and watching the video:laughing9:

Hey I get food stamps, and I would gladly give them up if somebody would be so kind as to give me a job, even McDonalds will not hire me, but they will hire convicted felons, for me its not a entitlement, it is a needed benefit, that or I guess people just want others to just starve to death.
Me I have no kids, so I could not care less, but if I had a child and he or she was starving, I would do whatever it took to feed them, and people will, that's what I am worried about.


A reduction of $36.00 a month, $9.00 a week. There are so many ways to make $9.00 a week.

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

It's these types of ppl, that cause the problems, within the system, and then among good hearted ppl, who may would STOP helping folks, when they get scammed by someone like this.

Bogus Beggar Gary Thompson

bc, I hope the changes will not negatively impact your household. You and the Mrs is due MORE, than you probably get.
Please do get some applications started for her, if she is not already on disability. Good luck with everything, too!

I agree with that RJC, the system is very broken, for example, a friend of mine, his daughter just got out of county jail after being there almost 2 years, she has 3 kids that she lost custody over when she went to jail, she was getting 436 bucks a month in food benefits for herself and her kids, what the problem is the entire time she was in jail DHS kept adding that monthly benefit, she got out and had over 10 grand on her food card which she promptly began selling to others for 30 cents on the dollar, I reported her, but dhs did nothing, what's worse is the people she was selling it to were people that are wealthy.


BC, those types things, is what burns my craw! There's no winners, and everyone losses, more or less.
I mean, I can't blame that poor girl, man, in her mind, she hit the jackpot!
Couple that with lack of moral integrity........ But what is worst, imho, is the wealthy ppl, that have ways and means, and still prey upon folks for their personal gain. THEY should be charged to the fullest.
I would go to the HEAD Director of the DHS, give names, and demand an investigation. The only problem, it's only going to impact the children, if DHS take from the mother benefits, to repay what was ill gotten. They may would even take her kids away from her(again), if she was not able to provide.

We have laws, no one enforces. We have needs, that get over-looked. We point out illegal/improper activity, no one does anything about it. We have ppl getting paychecks, that don't even do the jobs they are paid to do!
It hurts those that are truly in need.

BC, those types things, is what burns my craw! There's no winners, and everyone losses, more or less.
I mean, I can't blame that poor girl, man, in her mind, she hit the jackpot!
Couple that with lack of moral integrity........ But what is worst, imho, is the wealthy ppl, that have ways and means, and still prey upon folks for their personal gain. THEY should be charged to the fullest.
I would go to the HEAD Director of the DHS, give names, and demand an investigation. The only problem, it's only going to impact the children, if DHS take from the mother benefits, to repay what was ill gotten. They may would even take her kids away from her(again), if she was not able to provide.

We have laws, no one enforces. We have needs, that get over-looked. We point out illegal/improper activity, no one does anything about it. We have ppl getting paychecks, that don't even do the jobs they are paid to do!
It hurts those that are truly in need.

Pat, from personal experience, if you report them they tell you it's none of your business. If you push the issue, then YOU get investigated. I was accused of harassing the case worker when I told them what my wife's brother and nephew were doing to scam DHS. She said it wasn't important, and definitely none of my business, when I asked to speak to her supervisor, she refused and instead reported to the supervisor that I was harassing her and preventing her from doing her job. Supervisor shows up, and tells me to leave or she will call the cops.

I understand what you're saying too, Chadeaux. Basically, it's a bully, bullying someone else who is trying to do the right thing, so they don't have to do extra work, and have incompetence exposed in the broad light of day, on their watch!

I can't even post my rant on incompetent caseworkers, but I'll pm it to you! LOL!

RJC, quoting from a network media source? I don't believe it. And FOX at that. You've seen the light or is it those FOX girls which attract us all. I think the welfare cheats better get ready. There are folks on both sides of the aisle that abhor this. This should be only the start. Hopefully within a decade the progarams will be radically different. This country just doesn't have the money to waste anymore on free people who do not need them and a good overhaul is coming.(just my opinion)...

saw the 'breaking news ' on the tv today, but not this one. Will it say " all hell breaking loose?"


Along with the Seniors, many people on "food stamps" have full-time jobs.

The issue often isn't jobs - it's wages.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Fox News, Neil Cavuto & all these other jokes don't give people enough Respect.

When things get Tuff people survive, & they don't need to commit violence to do it.

Only people that commit violence over such minor things,
are Trained to commit Violence by our Government.

I personally have more respect for the Citizens of this Country.

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Along with the Seniors, many people on "food stamps" have full-time jobs.

The issue often isn't jobs - it's wages.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Exactly. If you can't do simple math I think you should start at 50/hr. If you can,15/hr.

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