Found the cabin of browns park lost loot 28k double eagles

so anyone know anything more on this or want to continue. I have followed the story out a little more. I think rutinbuck did find a cabin, but is it the right one. The odds of what he says being an outlaw type cabin are probably correct. He has got me stumped i will say the least. I cant for the life of me figure out where his cabin is. I do know where the old outlaw went looking and the sheepheader homestead. On priviate ground of course, and rough country as it getts around to try and hunt.. Its so bad a person cant even get through the downfall and rocks. The question is did the outlaw find the right area? Why was there nothing so far at rutinbucks sight? All are dead that were involved with a hunt that went on around 1972, which the story was written after apache jim was written to to help in the search. Wish i had more first hand info on what went on at that time period with the hunt. Only know from a son of one of hunters that it did happen. But he was only 8 at the time so he was left out of the details. I guess besides rutinbucks find, this is pretty much a lot cause, but hate to really give it up.

yeah.. i know it is. But a person has to look at it maybe a little different. Like i said i do think rutinbuck did find a place that someone used as a shelter that was really out of the way for some reason. Probably didnt want to be found, with the history of browns park. Most of the posts were just people wanting to post with no real connection or interest in the area other than finding gold coins for nothing. A person cant blame Mr. Taylor for being deceptive. He does sound pretty busy. And now seems lost on what to do. I was wondering if by any chance anyone elce maybe from colorado or utah has any connections to the browns park area that has other ideas or have heard any thing else on the story. A few posts at first seemed helpful, but where they were talking about (southen) and where the sheephearder was (northern)

Ill bring it back to the top so those that havent read the whole thread can be encouraged to have some entertainment.

Ill bring it back to the top so those that havent read the whole thread can be encouraged to have some entertainment.

This one will take a 12 pack!

Bum Luck
Did you ever lived in a lunatic asylum? If yes, I am sure that you got good leads.

Wow, just wow. From my understanding he kind of told us where the cabin is. He said something about it being about 8 miles from Butch Cassidys famous cabin. Then there was talk about the bandits heading east into the area. I don't know. This thread has made me tired.

Interesting story, been 7 years since it has started! Has a conclusion been made?
Interesting, very interesting.. Sounds like one I have heard, difference is location..
I'f there is more to the story. Like an ending. Put it out there.
Thanks Best of Luck to ya''
Larry O

If there was a million plus in gold there, you think he would have taken a week off work and not prolonged the heck out of this? I think its a waste of time. Some seemingly broke kid wouldnt wait 2 years + to look around a cabin.

browns park lost cabin

I kow this thread is very frusterating. But a person has to look at it from mr taylors view. what more can he do? If theres a cabin and not any traces or clues, what can a person do? As many of you know it takes a lot of time even if you find a certain area that fits a discription. So what do you do if the clues wasnt right. Really about all a person can do if look for man made clues to see why its not there. Maybe get lucky and find a person who might have a history with the area. I thought i had found some good research on people who were involved with a earlier search, but as it goes, all the people have passed away. The outlaw did show up in 1928, but was he in the right place?
this is one so close, but so far away.

I just found this forum AND this thread, I can't believe I haven't stumbled upon it before. I've been wondering for some time now if anyone has been pursuing the stories of buried goodies throughout the valley. I've been visiting that area since I was a small boy. Most my time was spent to the north, along the north slopes of Diamond Peak and the wide open areas of Cold Spring Mountain. I remember my grandpa telling us of the story of how Diamond Peak got its name, and we would spend hours and hours scouring the benches and arroyos for the fabled diamonds and gem stones that were used to salt the area. My Grandfather was very good friends with the folks who ran the Jarvie ranch, and I spent a lot of time wandering the area with them. I plan on making several trips out there this summer. Of course I will share my progress.

Good to see a post Kokopropelli.
There is probably a lot more stories than actual events that happened in the park. But there was activity and possible caches that truely did exist. Its a pretty tough search. I havent spent any time on the north side. But to tell the truth, the north seems just as likely or more than the southern. I always thought when i first read this story that the oldlaws cabin was on the north side. It still maybe.
I would guess more has been written about the south mountain because of more remote routes to connect to utah and colorado, not to get boxed in like the north.
I think and what ive read more of the indian activity was around cold spring mountain and below in the valley.
Matt rash had a cabin somwhere on cold spring and i imagine others made camps there as they traveled through.
Keep an eye out for anything that looks made made or altered.

Hey roughroc and all.
I've been browsing through some of the threads as I do my searches for "Browns Park," and have come across some posts making fun of the temporal length of this thread, and being of the character I am, I will give them even more to talk about!

Cold Springs mountain, Beaver Basin, O-WI-Yukuts Mountains, Bender Mountain and all those on the northern side of the park saw a plethora of activity. Matt Rash did in fact have a place on Cold Springs, and it was accessed via a trail near Goodman Gulch called the "Matt Trail." Isom Dart had a place on the southwest slopes of cold springs as well, accessible from the park via Beaver Creek.

I will post my findings as I find them. First trip probably mid-April. Hopefully by then I will have my aerial photography/recon platform ready.

This is has been a cool hunt story and I plan to keep an eye on it. Good luck and stafe safe but go find it and get us some pic's please.
Are bwe there yet?

Just read the entire thread....wheeeew. Sounds like a little kid looking for Florida beach pirate's treasure. I think this has also broken the "pig nuts" record of posts. nge

Just found this site the other day! Been reading this thread and several thoughts come to mind. If this treasure has been found, most finders would not publically tell about it for the obvious reasons. Odds are it was found years ago, and the luckly finder kept thier mouth shut about it. Of if the fellow who started this thread found it, then he should/would have kept his mouth shut too for obvious reasons.
This story reminds me of the lost stagecoach gold shipment that was robbed near Silver City Idaho back in the late 1800's.
The story goes that a gold shipment was being taken out by stagecoach from Silver City to Boise, and the bandits that did the deed got wind of it and hit the stagecoach about 10 miles out of town. But soon there was a posse on thier trail and they had to bury the gold, but did get caught and shot/hung/imprisoned (take your pick). The gold was not found, and ever since folks have speculated/hunted/failed to find the strong box.
Think about this for a minute- if you did find the gold soon after, would you have told anyone? Especially if no one knew you had found it? Or maby 50 or 75 years later you found it? Again, would you keep your mouth shut and your good fortune to yourself? Now if I were to stumble on that cache after all these years, I sure would keep my mouth shut and go quietly about my business for 'obvious reasons'!
So- who knows if this cache still exsists or not? And if the expert and his gold detection device pin-pointed where the gold supposedly was, why did this thread poster not dig there and find it at the time? Maby he did and has kept quiet about it, smart move!
Or- maby he is was/just having some fun with all of us with a tall tale?
Anyway, years ago I knew C.E. 'Rick' Ricketts who wrote 'El Lobo and Spanish Gold' about his experiences in Mexico as a mining geologist. I still have an autographed copy of the book which I treasure. Rick always said that yes, there is still treasure out there to find- and looking for it can sometimes be better the finding it. (I'm not sure about that, I'd like to find a big one and see for myself if that is true!)
The point is, sometimes looking and spinning a good tale can be alot of fun for all of us, but the truly lucky ones who do find 'the big one' probably keep quiet about it.
For many years since the late 1800's another good story concerned the lost gold mine of the Minam river in NE Oregon's Wallowa county. It seems that some of the original Nez Perce Indians would disappear at times and come back to town with nice nuggets to purchase horses, pay thier store bill, etc. They would never reveal the source of the 'mine' even when offered great inducements. Some of the old timer's would follow them but the Indians always gave them the slip. Folks have been looking for this likely gold placer deposit for years with no luck. Is there really a deposit somewhere up the Minam river?
I have panned and found nice color and even a few 'picker's' on the Imnaha River- even found one of the original mine sites but have never found the 'mother lode' even though the old timer's claim to have found nice nuggets.
I could go on and tell alot of interesting stories, I've been doing this type of thing since the early '70's but I might just add fuel to someone's fire to get out there and start looking! And that's what alot of it is about, right?

Correct me if I'm wrong here.... Assuming the 28k means $28,000 face value in double Eagles, that calculates to 1400 coins. 12 troy ounces to the lb. bring the weight to 116 lbs., each piece weighing 1 ounce. 1400 pieces at an average of $450.00 each, comes to $630,000.00. I would be happy to loan you my detector and a grubstake. I can Fedex it out to you tomorrow. Let's talk turkey, email me at . Bart

That's NOW $2,209,480 @ $1578.20/ounce March 2013. But..they would be at coin value. At least $1800. They would be $2,520,000. The dates will vary, determining value of course.

This story reminds me of the lost stagecoach gold shipment that was robbed near Silver City Idaho back in the late 1800's.
The story goes that a gold shipment was being taken out by stagecoach from Silver City to Boise, and the bandits that did the deed got wind of it and hit the stagecoach about 10 miles out of town. But soon there was a posse on thier trail and they had to bury the gold, but did get caught and shot/hung/imprisoned (take your pick). The gold was not found, and ever since folks have speculated/hunted/failed to find the strong box.

You read this scenario a lot, robbers caught or shot by possee, money presumably buried. I think what could have happened was the posse was risking their lives to recover some fat cat bankers money, with little more than a thank you from the bank, and could have easily kept the money for their trouble. They got the bad guys...that was the important part. So they bury it and come back a couple years later and retrieve it.:dontknow:

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