Found the cabin of browns park lost loot 28k double eagles

Correct me if I'm wrong here.... Assuming the 28k means $28,000 face value in double Eagles, that calculates to 1400 coins. 12 troy ounces to the lb. bring the weight to 116 lbs., each piece weighing 1 ounce. 1400 pieces at an average of $450.00 each, comes to $630,000.00. I would be happy to loan you my detector and a grubstake. I can Fedex it out to you tomorrow. Let's talk turkey, email me at . Bart

I know this is an old posting but Gold at $450.00 and oz..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WoW and this was only about 8 years ago. Holy cow!

Hey there hunters! I have read lots of these threads over the years and have searched for quite a few of them. Geezerdb's story about the wells Fargo box from silver city to Boise has been found. I located the hole where the box was dug up in the foothills above Boise. I would like to see if anyone has anymore info about missing loot in wallowa county NE Oregon.

New to the site - just a few weeks. Have yet to read someone who actually found something they were posting about. Unless they find it and never speak of it.

New to the site - just a few weeks. Have yet to read someone who actually found something they were posting about. Unless they find it and never speak of it.

SpeedeeAu- most people rarely mention anything about a significant find unless they want fame, or are completely insane. I for one have never mentioned any significant finds I have found cause there is way too much technology today and one can never tell who may be watching you or following you.

So the original poster hasn't been heard from in 4 1/2 years. Are we to assume he found it?

Or fell off the face of the earth. Or got abducted by aliens;)

Or bought an island in Novia Scotia with his brother and has been a little busy lately :laughing7: :dontknow:

Haha. Don't you just hate it when a good story dries up and goes dead. dang

God I hope we hear something soon or we may have to send a " search and rescue" mission of our own out there with a few detectors of course;)

Sorry, I closed Earth Ocean Explorations website down. Hunter V. Pritchard was the principal owner and I was an associate. I ran the site and over time Hunter got old and I got tired of paying the bills for the site. I did keep my own, I don't put much on it. In treasure hunting you will learn to keep your mouth shut and your hunting trips and research confidential. I was the one that put that story and information up on the web. Apache Jim wrote the story in one of his books years ago. I researched it and reprinted the original information on a Utah treasure site with more information. I have been collecting information on this treasure and there is a lot more to it then what has been put on this site. I know Hunter V. Pritchard and Glen Carson with his wife looked for the treasure site in the 70's and didn't find it. I will give you a clue. The only survivor that went to prison has records in the criminal justice system, go find them, I did. The men killed in Wyoming have graves, go find them, I did. The sister lived in Carbonate, Colorado ( a ghost town now
N 39.74250 W 107.34574
). That was the county seat for the Glenwood Springs area. I have a cabin and property in Brown's Park, Utah. I will be there spring, summer and fall off and on. Come by a see me. By the way, I told Dano, a friend about some land sales for back taxes and he purchased some property. Dano and I will be in the area. The key is research. There are some witnesses to the old man coming to the park that live in the Vernal area. The key is research. By the way the rail road has records on the robbery and you will find a newspaper article on micro-fisk on the robbery and the deaths of the outlaws in Wyoming. My web site now is Welcome. I am a know treasure hunter but if you are not in the circle of treasure hunting for real you may not know me. Oh well, that is the way I want it. In brown's Park, 131 South Taylor Flat Rd 84023. Go luck and if you find it, keep your mouth shut, it is hard to do sometimes when you find something nice but loss lips will sink ships, ask Hunter V. Pritchard, the government ran him through the coals. Oh, the area is full of stuff, the area is so remote and no one lives in the area except a few ranchers. The area has been going from Escalante expidition in 1776, through the old Spanish fort, fur trading post and so much more, an area worth a visit, your time. The fishing is unreal, monsters and the deer and elk hunting is unreal.
Have fun, Jim and please stop by and say hi.

I enjoy # 10, the man who found the gold bars is a damn fool to turn them over to the federal government. What was he thinking? Why do we spend money on metal detectors, cars and trucks, gas and oil, and our time to find treasures? For the joy, fun and pleasure in researching and finding treasures, which help support our families and pay our expenses. The federal government gets their shares when we pay our federal income taxes. RUTNBUCK, Why just search one cabin? Search all cabins in the same location. Good luck and good hunting.

This thread was started in '05. I think the guy was bored. It is based on an old tale that was probably true, but this thread is pure fantasy and so full of holes. He just kept postponing going back to look for the cache , because he went hunting, or he had to work on his boat, etc. I think he was interested in seeing how long he could draw you in. I have to give him credit. He hooked a lot of suckers although I think most followed it to see what excuse he would come up with next. LOL Frank
Gold hand.webp

I am no sucker, and I only treasure hunt in the great state of Connecticut. Good hunting and good luck.

update to all.
Sorry for taking so long for getting back. Me well I am still to poor for a detector. And my work has got me tied up. I still do not own a cam. Think i will get one for christmas. Well bill made it back up there during Hunting Season. But he spent most of his time hunting elk. And he camped a long ways from the cabin. The nearest acess is well next to a night mare to travel. Then the hike back in is no walk in the park. A normal person would have never built it there. Well he came home empty handed. For Elk and gold. I on the other hand went back up. I took along the so called guru dude with the Long Range Ground Penitrating Unit. I told him I would not show him where the cabin was but I would get him close we started out 2 miles away. He set up the unit and pointed us in a derection. Kewl I though right derection. Well we headed in an direction not towards the cabin. To do a cross referance. he set up his unit again and low and behold he points us in the direction of the cabin again. So we head out in the general direction and he keeps setting this unit up and I will be damn he takes me with in 100 yards of a cabin and squares off an area and said the gold is right here. he pinpointed a small spot on the ground near a old tree. Now he has yet and he never did see the cabin and I never did tell him where it was. And he didn't ask? Out of respect. We didn't have a shovel but we did have everything else we could pack no metel detector again. Just the long range unit. We dig around with sticks and hell i broke all my finger nails. The funny thing a tree about 30 feet away has markings on it. We dug around for about an hour and lifted some big rocks out of our digging. He set up this unit from all different directions and it always pointed to the same spot.
I think I have possibily linked butch cassidy to this through News Paper Archives. See the possy trailing them came across a set of tracks joining the bandits. Or the bandits joined the lone tracks. In the snow. Well it turns out Butch had just been released from Cheyane Prision about the same time. And he was run out of the State. Butch has an historical cabin in the general area. The story about Butch goes he went back years later to find some of his many loots in Wyoming and he never found any of them and he ended up leaving the country.
But my thoughts and deep down feelings are the gold is still there!!! See the funny thing of all this for some reason all this info and piticular chain of events keeps happening to me. And It like is just falling into place. And hell I am not even a treasure hunter till now.
My question is who is the Map dowser that sent the e-mail to Southern Utah that was forwarded to me that indicated that I had stepped on the treasure and he could guide me to it. If I could call him from the area. And I am sorry but who sent me the E-mail. I know you live in wayne county but i am sorry I forget your handle.

The gold is still there and I will get a cam. The make shift spring is lined with rock about 4 feet deep and is about 1/2 full of dirt and the gold is not there i dug that sucker up. My back still hurts. Thanks for all the info and help
I will try to get back with you all sooner. But with me I have to cut the hey when the sun shines. Good luck to my search and all who has helped
kelly Rutnbuck

I sincerely don't want to offend anybody, but this thread is starting to sound like an LRL sales post ha ha h ha? And I'm sorry for being suspicious, but I've seen them stop at NOTHING in their sales attempts on this forum. I've seen them have like 3 different identities and all three are talking to each other about how great the LRL worked.

The reason for my negativity on LRL's comes from common sense. I've never gotten an answer that makes sense from any of them about this question:

1. If you're LRL can locate a gold hoard from 1/4 mile - a mile away, why are you messin around on this forum tryin to sell them to other people? Wouldn't the profit from your sales be like "chicken feed" when all you have to do is jump in your car, drive slowly down a road, have somebody point that thing out your window, and you find more gold than King Midas? Besides, you MUST be extremely wealthy already from all the gold hoards you're recovered?

As a side note: #58 from Rutnbuck said:
"Ah Ha Sorry I have kept you all in suspense! I did make it up once this summer. NO luck just a great time. I have had a really hecktic summer !! Work . Got to pay the bills and when the sun shines I have to cut the hay!! I will go up twice this next few weeks probably this week end or next. Spent the last couple weeks in Ak. I have been working the MD so i know how to function it now. Oh no one knows where it is!! Bill is still out. Wishing him luck."

RutnBuck, if the LRL located the why are you still searching? in your post #35 you said that after the LRL located the spot, "We didn't have a shovel ". If I would have found a spot with a fortune in gold right under my feet, I think I would have gone right away and Bought, borrowed, or stole a shovel ha ha ha?

Map Dowsers? refer to my common sense question to the LRL issue. Why would you even CONSIDER going out in the field to find a treasure for somebody else when you MUST already be EXTREMELY wealthy from all the gold hoards that you've found while dowsing?

Maybe I'm not thinkin straight but PLEASE give me an answer that makes sense?

Dano, the cabin is waiting. I found the cabin site a few years ago but have not had the time and help to do the work. Man, it is very remote area and the first thing that comes to your mind, why in hell would someone build a cabin here. First, you can see the three corners area from the area of the cabin. An escape is easy there as you would be going down into the valley fast. The spring is small, the flow is not good. Hay, your land you purchased near my land is being attacked by the idiots that rule Daggett County. I am going up there the 21 Mar 18 to fight for our rights. I tried to get into the old cabin area last month when I was up in the hole, got stuck with the F350 4x4, I am going in there this summer. Need to use the RZR to get in. Take care of your wife and I will pray she recovers. Your bud, JimF

$28,000 gold coins / $20.00 equals 1400 coins @ 1oz Troy equals 116.0 lbds (Troy) and $1500 per coin equals $210,000.00, close. Shortstack, your figures are way off.

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