Found in a Football Field...What Are They?

How many people think these are Gong gi stones

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Pot one even has any of mans trash is another mans treasure, and even at $300.00 for PLASTIC ones, for metal ones that have the year on them, that no one else has. or has ever seen, yes it is my treasure......if this is the real thing that closes this nightmare. I really hope that these plastic ones are that price. I then get the last laugh.

BCH, not to be insulting or disrespectfull, but you have put up the biggest arguement, brought them up any time someone brings up something different, and completely ruled this thread. You have rode on other peoples research, and statements without doing any reasearch on your own. If you don't believe this to be true, read back through the 14 pages. Now is your chance to do some research on your own without asking people to do it for you. Now you think you have the answer, find the proof on your own without someone doing it for you. You will collect the rewards which seem to be important to you...also in the thread. Quit riding on other peoples shirt coats, and do something on your own to prove this. I think you can do it if you put in some effort. But quit asking other people to do your leg work. It is time to prove yourself as a researcher, not just a coat hanger. I think you are definatly on to something. Now put out your own time and research to prove it. Like I said, I am not trying to insult you, but it is time for you to step up to the bat. I really think you have it, now prove it. I still have the only metal ones known, and that puts them a step above the PLASTIC one unless you can prove otherwise through research.

what's the problem with trying to id these things as jacks? what else is in the works....nothing!
what's all the beef about other peoples posts piggmann. nobody is trying to shut up anybodies ideas. except you.
do the math on the last few pages see what the percentages are .... whatever.... if only one person is thinking one way at least their trying to help. and who are they trying to help? you!

why don't you start it as a new post? the ones that believe one way will offer their ideas/pictures/videos... and new people will jump in. i would say if the recent evidence that they are an odd set of jacks was presented in the beginning the percentages would support the 'jack theory'. try it or leave us alone that are trying to id these things.

by the way where are all those people from the previous pages? did the idea that they are jacks run them off? the alaskan thingy was restarted on a new post...go for it...invite new ideas and quit complaining about the overwhelming evidence. if the new post brings out new ideas, that is overwhelming, it will hush the "jacks theory".

one other thing...isn't it odd that the plastic jacks and your metal jacks both come apart the same way? and where they fit together are the same?

i think you should apologize to big cypress. that's just my opinion and i don't mean to be rude or insulting or disrespectful or argumentative or 'rode on' or slanderous or without research.

The sports jacks stones that are listed for $900 on the link posted are for 28 packages of 20 stones each for a total cost of $10.15 U.S. dollars, or 37 cents a package.........NGE P.S. that is at today's exchange rate

Intimer, I would be ecstatic if these were the so called jacks. I have not put down anyone's ideas, only stated we have been over the same ground 2 years ago. If you would take the time and read all 14 pages, you would see the extensive research that has gone into this. Not only this angle, but many others. What I said to BCH was not to insult him, but to get him to do some research on his own and not wait for someone else to introduce it, and then over ride any other idea someone brings up, which he is known for in the past. He is Very loyal to this. A lot of people have stop trying on here because of his persistence. They have emailed me telling me so. But it was all off of their research, their time, that he formed his opinion. All I ask of him was to step up to the bat and research on his own, and not wait for someone to do it for him. As for as these separating the same as the plastic ones, they don't. Mine do not separate, a couple have been broken open due to corrosion or lawnmowers, but whole, they do not separate because they are made to be one piece. You said look over the last few pages and see who is doubting the findings....I am, but I have never completely ruled them out. In fact, further back into all of this I state they probably are, just show me another metal set with similar markings. The last couple of pages was just rehashing between me and BCH....but it's the same rehashing that has lost some good people with different ideas because these "jacks" were shoved down their throats. I said I would concede they were these PLASTIC jacks if they turn out to be similar in markings, but it's still hard to believe I have the only metal set with these markings known to exist. No, I was not cutting BCH down, he has been VERY loyal, and this has been normal. And I ask of you to please read the whole thread to actually see research and time others have put into this before drawing any personal conclusions as to me being rude, or closed minded. My main goal through all of this is try to keep the investigation from getting tunnel vision, and keeping an open mind. I am willing to acept whatever they are happily, and will be very thankfull to all that persisted through all of this, especially BCH.

These were NEVER plastic coated, and they were never intended to be opened.

Yes, I did post on Ebay, not once but twice, and each time for an ungodly amount. But the posting wasn't with the expectations of someone actually buying them. It was hoping someone new would see them and tell me what an idiot I was for asking that much for this XXXX thing that is only worth X amount, and I could get them at X place. I was looking for a new way to find an identification. I won't lie though, I WOULD have sold them if someone would have bid that ungodly amount. Who wouldn't? To say the least, nothing new came through.

BCH, you have my most sincere apologies. I even went on to say in my post that I especailly thanked you for your persistance in this matter. You have been one of the few who are still here, and no matter if we agree, or disagree, I still respect you for you hanging in there. No, I don't care if they are old, if they are a relic, or even if they are not worth the metal they are made of. I only wanted to find out what they really are, and see another metal set with simular images. I am not wanting them to be something big, I have no idea as to what they are, and that is why I posted. With something this new, I thought it would be an easy identification with all the experts out there. I NEVER expected it to go this far with all the experts out there. I'm sorry if I insulted you. As far as that girl goes, she was an answer on Craigslist, funished no pictures, just said she thought that is what they were. That was the last I have ever heard of her since. So far the idea has only been based on shape alone, and I hope we would both agree that shape alone does not identify something. Again, you have my apologies.

I coun't care less if they have any value at all. I just want to know WHAT they are. Value has Nothing to do with it. But you are right, they are my own little treasure. On the lighter side, I think it is me and you going back and forth that has added so many pages to this. ;D Let's work together to keep it to a minimal from here on out. I can if you can. :hello2:

Agreed, now let's light the peace pipe. :icon_thumleft:

IronSpike said:
I wouldn't be surprised if gold and silver sports jackstones could be found. The game itself is very old, however while searching for these pieces I noticed a statement on one link "introduced to USA in 1997". Don't think they ever caught on as 'a craze' other than jack game already known :dontknow:

This is a very good point. I just wonder if the ones introduced into the US in 1997 were made of plastic, or were they made of a different material. That would be something very interesting to find out.

There is also another point that has been made over and over. That is that the jacks toys all have ends that come off to adjust the weight I suppose, with rice, BB's, etc. There is no adjusting these in any way because the ends are made not to come off. Just because it quacks doesn't always mean it's a duck, the same between a quarter and a slug. Even though a slug will operate a vending machine, it doesn't make it a quarter.

Missed point. Just because a duck decoy looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It still doesn't make it a duck.

MOOOOOOoooooo............ :laughing9:

No problem, good point.

Maybe this will explain why I think the way I do. I grew up with a scientist as a father, and a mathematician as a mother. There were no assumptions. Too many things look, or can be made to look like something they are not. You had to prove any assumption. I once sat on a murder jury where one other person and i held the jury up for days, because there was a crime that was committed that to us was not proven "beyond a shadow of a doubt". During the time we were fighting over the evidence, the police caught the real killer who confessed to the crime. That is why I cannot accept circumstantial evidence as being true fact. And all we have here is circumstantial evidence as to what they are. I grew up to never take anything at face value. Hope this explaines why I take the stand I do. And beleive me, my Dad was a practical joker, and I saw MANY things that were not as they appeared. So to me, quack, bark , meow as a isn't one untill proven one.

So that's what's wrong with me, My wife and friends always call me a "pessimist" or, never satisfied, never truly trusting what I have heard, always " prove it to me " kind of person. I was not raised this way, just been through the school of hard knocks. I always look on the bad side of things, that way, if things turn out for the better, then I have reason to celebrate. But if things turn out as I expected them to, then I am no worse than the wear. BTW, don't EVER cross me, I don't hold grudges, I get even! And I will prove the point in question. I AM a likeable guy, easy to get along with, don't take me for a fool, and alot of people don't like my reasoning. Once again, Thank You for explaining my beliefs...........NGE

I like yor attitude. I was the bad sheep of my family too. That is why I am so prsistant. I have been the black sheep of the family, the road of hard rocks I have been dragged down, And that is why I am so insistance of seeing the real things....not plastic, even though I will accept them. I was always taught, accept any excuse, but don't believe none of then. Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see,

I believe that this question could benefit from a fresh start.

Why not lock this thread and post a new one as follows:

• Post your best photos of the items: top, bottom, and side views.

• State that they are believed by some members to be Korean gonggi stones or jackstones, and post a link to the old thread for the benefit of those who want to plow through its 15 pages.

• State clearly your requirements for a satisfactory identification: photographic documentation of identical items, or whatever your criteria may be.

• Request that those who are able to provide such an identification, with full details and incontrovertible proof, contact you by PM or e-mail.

• Lock the new thread to prevent another endless round of "How about this?" and "Not close enough. Keep trying!" (I'll be more than happy to bump it periodically, so that it doesn't get overlooked or forgotten.)

• When you are thoroughly satisfied that you have made or received a correct and complete identification, unlock the thread and post the information... and let the congratulations begin! :icon_thumright:

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