BioProfessor said:
That's why I stopped searching with a "name" for them. I am focusing on event memorabilia and commemoratives. I am hoping the people who sponsored the event will have some memory of the things produced as part of the games celebration.
This is a Korean game and the translations of the names we get are from Korean sources. If you can read Korean, be my guest but I don't see that as a fruitful search area. There is just no way for me to "go to the source." for any information about how they are named and how the names have changed or vary from region to region.
Hi Daryl
I think you are right on the mark searching event memorabilia and commemoratives. In fact, I was thinking the same thing just yesterday....amazing as that may seem.
The first reply to this nightmare thread was "game pieces or dice", by yours truly, and I still stand by this, albeit a "wild" guess at the time. It just seems obvious to me.
So, as a generic term, the nutz could be called "commemorative game pieces". But even after a positive I.D. is made, the nutz may not actually have a "name" per se, other than being referred to as "game pieces" in the game instructions (or some other term in English or foreign language meaning about the same thing.). Now on the other hand, the game itself should have a distinct name, like Gongi (or whatever the spelling was.).
As a final comment, even though IMHO I believe the nutz to be game pieces, I am keeping an open mind to the possibility that the purpose of their creation may have nothing to do with a game.......maybe just an event memorabilia item.
I'm glad to see Dave has taken the suggestion I made waaaay back in reply #47....sending pics to Mark Parker of W & E Treasures magazine, however, as I think about it though, that's not a very nice thing to do to Mark !.....Woowee....LMAO. Now the
Evil thing has him in it's clutches like the rest of us !