Found in a Football Field...What Are They?

How many people think these are Gong gi stones

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  • Could be, but need more info

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  • Don't think they are

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bigcypresshunter said:
Please. These are not priceless items. They are cheaply made brass plated POT METAL. Try not to get carried away here folks.

They are also the exact size and shape of plastic Gonjii stones sold on e-Bay which can be made out of any cheap material. They also have weighted bearings inside. You said earlier that they sink like a rock. Break one of these "priceless" gems open.

They are not weighted. They sink because there is more metal there than air pocket. Where this "weighted bearing" came from, is from one girls account of her playing with Gongi gi, to which she also stated that she would remove the end cap and replce the weights inside, the end cap was removeable, and then she stated she didn't believe these were that game. The guy who sells the ones on Ebay states he does not believe these are part of that game. And it is copper plated base metal. No, I will not break one of them open, that's like saying use sand paper on that coin so you can see the date, I don't want to destroy one, especially if they are the only set around. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but let's keep the record straight.

Dimeman said:
piggman1 said:
This is the only drawback to doing that. When they were posted on Craigs list I had hundreds of guesses. A lot of those that guessed (all different guesses) claimed that was what they were, and were demanding the reward without anything to back up their guess. It got nasty a few times. I would hate to have that happen in person with a school or other place that I would have to deal directly with. Problems would arise by people trying to collect the reward. I haven't dismissed it, and may still do it. I just have to figure a better way to go about it.

If they were someones they might want them back so you could say show proof of ownership..a picture of them with the "Piggnutz" ( If they are some kind of commemorative thing there should be someone with a picture of them.)

A picture, a package or box showing them, a display photo of them.....has anyone searched for photos on the Korean games of that year??? Maybe some API press photos????Maybe online Korean newspapers ( if there are any)might have some photos?????

That's not a bad idea. As far as searching for info from that country, you would not believe the time spent, not only by me, but several people on here have spent countless hours researching, writing companies and people over there, going through books, all to no avail. We have not even found one person to verify that these are the so called "Gongi gi" game. In fact, people familiar with the game say they are not the pieces. That's all we are looking for, a photo, an article with picture, even someone who has seen these certain ones to send us in the right direction. An empty box would be great. So far there have been a lot of very good ideas and some great guesses, but not one single shred of actual proof of these has been found.

bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Please. These are not priceless items. They are cheaply made brass plated POT METAL. Try not to get carried away here folks.

They are also the exact size and shape of plastic Gonjii stones sold on e-Bay which can be made out of any cheap material. They also have weighted bearings inside. You said earlier that they sink like a rock. Break one of these "priceless" gems open.

They are not weighted. They sink because there is more metal there than air pocket. Where this "weighted bearing" came from, is from one girls account of her playing with Gongi gi, to which she also stated that she would remove the end cap and replce the weights inside, the end cap was removeable, and then she stated she didn't believe these were that game. The guy who sells the ones on Ebay states he does not believe these are part of that game. And it is copper plated base metal. No, I will not break one of them open, that's like saying use sand paper on that coin so you can see the date, I don't want to destroy one, especially if they are the only set around. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but let's keep the record straight.
Some Gonggi stones come with a removable bottom and some don't. They are made of rock, bone, plastic, plated pot metal, all cheap materials. We have yet to find any made of even solid brass. Yours are hollow plated pot metal that have corroded in a short period underground. Can hardly be called priceless or vintage. They are however an interesting find. Breaking one open may not find weights (according to you) but they might prove that the race car "stone" is different.
I dont know why you cannot see the resemblance to the stones on e-Bay. You prefer to accept other peoples word over PBK's and other experienced members of TN. If you continue to think these are priceless and are not game pieces, I think you will be looking in the wrong direction and will never solve the remaining questions.
Just my opinion... not trying to offend you.

Im afraid I have brought this back to the top.

Please don't think I am trying to offend you either, that is furtherest thing in my mind. I do think these are game pieces or souvenier pieces. There is a great resemblance to the ones sold on Ebay I agree. But resemblance is the only thing we have. The guy on Ebay stated he didn't think that what he had is what these were, and he saw all of the pictures I have posted. There was just a resemblance in shape is all. That's still not to say that these are not Gong gi stones. The reason I do not accept the opinions that have been given, is just that, they are opinions only backed by nothing except shape. The guy who made the video on UTube has not got back with me yet. There are others in Korea who we are waiting for their reply. There is REAL research being done in this to find actual proof as to what these are, and were used for. Not a general guess or opinion based solely on shape. There seems to be two types of people interested in this post. Those that are actively researching these things who would like to know for sure what they are exactly, most of them now communicate through private messages because of the second type of people, who have done zero research and base their opinions, and bash the research being done, solely on what they see posted on this thread. As far as being something of value, you're probably right. They most likely are not worth the metal they are made of. But seeing how I have the only ones like this that have yet to be found makes them priceless to me, and I will not destroy one. Sorry if this post offends you, but the truth comes through research, not guesses based on other peoples opinions. And the research is still being done with new leads still coming in, you just won't see it here because of the second type people mentioned earlier.

Umm things are getting a bit carried away here. To be fair breaking one wold be research. I have no horse in this race and don't really care, since I kind of doubt it will make any difference. I just think you are getting a bit silly and need a deep breath. It is a widget you found, people are doing the research because it is there hobby. This is really not serious business. Now get busy figuring out what they are *&^%^(* enquiring minds want to know. ;) ;D

Ramitt said:
Umm things are getting a bit carried away here. To be fair breaking one wold be research. I have no horse in this race and don't really care, since I kind of doubt it will make any difference. I just think you are getting a bit silly and need a deep breath. It is a widget you found, people are doing the research because it is there hobby. This is really not serious business. Now get busy figuring out what they are *&^%^(* enquiring minds want to know. ;) ;D

Great way to put it. I think you have got the spirit that others have lost a long time ago. This isn't anything serious or of great importance. It was supposed to be fun for people that like to do that type of research. It was something different, and I really thought it would have been identified right off the bat. Sure I could break one open, but like you said, I doubt that would prove anything except destroy one. It has got way out of hand as far as people taking it seriously like it was life or death. I think we are on the verge of satisfying those inquireing minds, if you just hang a little longer. I really thank you for your positive input.

justgeese said:
If they were weighted couldn't you hear them rattle ? If they were solid weighted wouldn't they land the same way every time? Think I ask this several pages back but will let Piggman answer, maybe I missed some thing

They seem to be hollow, but not to be enough to make them float in water. They sink because of the weight of the metal. By them not being weighted, they do not land the same way, the way they land is random. For those that may pull up the post where I showed the weight of the whole ones verses the one missing the end cap. I put a thin piece of plastic over the open end of the hollow one, and it still sank like a rock in water.

I just amazed that with all the searching(many hours myself) we haven't even been able to come up with a set of those things, not even a set of gonggi stones that are not plastic(unless I missed something, which I don't think I did).

has anyone came across a photo of a gonggi stone other than those plastic ones?

Ralphw said:
I just amazed that with all the searching(many hours myself) we haven't even been able to come up with a set of those things, not even a set of gonggi stones that are not plastic(unless I missed something, which I don't think I did).

has anyone came across a photo of a gonggi stone other than those plastic ones?

No other pictures have been shown but those, and a girl playing with some in a video on UTube.

bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
Ok, lets try to answer some questions here. ToddB64, the whole one weigh 6.9 grams each, the one missing the end weighs 5.3 grams, the difference being 1.6 grams, (or 23% of the weight of a complete one). I don't think that just an end cap would weigh 1.6 grams, so that still leads me to believe they are solid. They have absolutely zero buoyency in water and sink like a rock. The one missing the end is not copper plated like rest (I don't think), but I haven't run it through the tumbler for cleaning yet like I did on the others.
This was your post that threw me off. I didnt know until now that you did a water test on the car piece. You seem to believe the others are solid. That would make the car belonging to a different set, and might help with the research. No biggie. You will not break it open, its your call. I think they are not weighted because they are metal. I am not going to look for the post but I remember someone stating that they removed some weights to cheat at the game somehow.

only the plastic ones are probably weighted, that would be my guess. metal ones or stone ones wouldn't need it

bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
Ok, lets try to answer some questions here. ToddB64, the whole one weigh 6.9 grams each, the one missing the end weighs 5.3 grams, the difference being 1.6 grams, (or 23% of the weight of a complete one). I don't think that just an end cap would weigh 1.6 grams, so that still leads me to believe they are solid. They have absolutely zero buoyency in water and sink like a rock. The one missing the end is not copper plated like rest (I don't think), but I haven't run it through the tumbler for cleaning yet like I did on the others.
This was your post that threw me off. I didnt know until now that you did a water test on the car piece. You seem to believe the others are solid. That would make the car belonging to a different set, and might help with the research. No biggie. You will not break it open, its your call. I think they are not weighted because they are metal. I am not going to look for the post but I remember someone stating that they removed some weights to cheat at the game somehow.

Sorry if I was unclear, I think they are all hollow. The race car turned out to be plated the same as the others after it was cleaned. I think they are all hollow and I don't think they are weighted either. It's just the weight of the metal that makes them sink. Yea, there was a post that I put up from an outside sourse where the girl said she would remove the endcap and replace the weight in order to cheat.

bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
Ok, lets try to answer some questions here. ToddB64, the whole one weigh 6.9 grams each, the one missing the end weighs 5.3 grams, the difference being 1.6 grams, (or 23% of the weight of a complete one). I don't think that just an end cap would weigh 1.6 grams, so that still leads me to believe they are solid. They have absolutely zero buoyency in water and sink like a rock. The one missing the end is not copper plated like rest (I don't think), but I haven't run it through the tumbler for cleaning yet like I did on the others.
This was your post that threw me off. I didnt know until now that you did a water test on the car piece. You seem to believe the others are solid. That would make the car belonging to a different set, and might help with the research. No biggie. You will not break it open, its your call. I think they are not weighted because they are metal. I am not going to look for the post but I remember someone stating that they removed some weights to cheat at the game somehow.

Sorry if I was unclear, I think they are all hollow. The race car turned out to be plated the same as the others after it was cleaned. I think they are all hollow and I don't think they are weighted either. It's just the weight of the metal that makes them sink. Yea, there was a post that I put up from an outside sourse where the girl said she would remove the endcap and replace the weight in order to cheat.
I think an end cap could weigh 23% of the complete one. In that case we may learn nothing by breaking it open.

Finally we are in agreence. I think the end cap did weigh the difference. This thing has gone through so much, I think it threw everyone off track for awhile. A lot of what was said was at the begining when we were in the early stages of examining them. Now, we are at least seeing eye to eye, and back on track.

bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
Finally we are in agreence. I think the end cap did weigh the difference. This thing has gone through so much, I think it threw everyone off track for awhile. A lot of what was said was at the begining when we were in the early stages of examining them. Now, we are at least seeing eye to eye, and back on track.
Im glad you finally agree with me on something. ::) ;D I still wish you would come around to the Gonggii stone ID. What else could be about dime-size, octagonal with 2 flats? We need to find more Gongii stone pics in my opinion.

I think he is leaning toward the gonggi stone idea, but there still is no definite proof is all.( i don't mean to speak for anyone, just my thoughts on it)

bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
Finally we are in agreence. I think the end cap did weigh the difference. This thing has gone through so much, I think it threw everyone off track for awhile. A lot of what was said was at the begining when we were in the early stages of examining them. Now, we are at least seeing eye to eye, and back on track.
Im glad you finally agree with me on something. ::) ;D I still wish you would come around to the Gonggii stone ID. What else could be about dime-size, octagonal with 2 flats? We need to find more Gongii stone pics in my opinion.

I agree we need more pics, we need pics of this exact set. They were commercially manufactured by someone, there has to be an ad for them somewhere. Just because a round disc is metal, flat, about the size of a quarter, and has an eagle on it does not make it a quarter, or even a token. It could be a commemorative or one of a number of things that shape, size, and make. I doubt you would settle for knowing what your metal disc was without a picture of your exact disc. If you would, I have a lot of "coins" to sell you. No offense meant, but that's the reality of it.

bigcypresshunter said:
Just because a round disc is metal, flat, about the size of a quarter, and has an eagle on it does not make it a quarter, or even a token. It could be a commemorative or one of a number of things that shape, size, and make. I doubt you would settle for knowing what your metal disc was without a picture of your exact disc. If you would, I have a lot of "coins" to sell you. No offense meant, but that's the reality of it.

You are using a bad example. A quarter is a common shape, and many coins/tokens have an eagle. This dimesized octagonal piece is not a common shape. In fact it is very rare. You are saying that there could be "a number of things" with this exact unusual shape. "No offense meant" either, but you are not using any common sense. I have no more to say on this subject unless I find something on the net for you.

You hit the nail on the head. Something that is this unique has to be documented somewhere, it just hasn't been found as of yet. I used that example to try and explain that just because something looks like something similar, doesn't necessarily make it that item. It doesn't matter what shape the item is, or how rare a shape is. Everything so far has been based on a "single" photo of "one" item only. There has yet to be even one other different picture of this "one" thing you are saying it is. If there were multiple pictures of different types of these from other manufactures, then I would be more incline to agree that is what these are. I thank you for your help in this, and I can't change what you believe, but I can't accept one photo of an item, made of a totally different material as proof to what these are. It wouldn't be common sense if you did. Again, I thank you for the help, but the biggest help would be finding more different pictures of these made by other companies, and if they are as common as they are, there should be plenty of different pictures of different ones available.

jorge del norte said:
I got some just like those on my memorabilia shelf in my basement.......mine are still gold and shiny just like when i got back in!

no way! can we see? pleeeeease?

jorge del norte said:
I got some just like those on my memorabilia shelf in my basement.......mine are still gold and shiny just like when i got back in!

What are you waiting for? :D Let's see em, and tell us all about them. End this madness. :D :D :D

i'm sorry......i am evil..........i don't have them

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits Jorge. ;D ;D

That just ain't right,


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