Found in a Football Field...What Are They?

How many people think these are Gong gi stones

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Ralphw said:
OK heres my take on these things so far if it matters....

these things are Gonggi stones.
they represent both Korea's united in sports.
the were sold in some giftshop somewhere...event, airport, carnival,,, some public event or place where
lots of people from different countries where in attendance or pass through.
Probably came with 15 pcs.
the 2002 has a ying yang for south Korea,,,, star for North Korea.

just an educated guess with all the evidence we have so far

1000 thanks, Ralphw !!!!!!!!!!

I´v been trying to say that for many days now, but nobody listens !!??

BioProfessor said:
But then there's the race car. :'(


BioProfessor... seem to have missed some of the information here ..... ??

Please look here:


First Inter-Korean Car Race Plan

Korea Herald ("FIRST INTER-KOREAN CAR RACE LIKELY TO BE HELD IN MAY," Seoul, 03/16/99) reported that an unprecedented inter-Korean motor rally between Changwon, ROK Province, and Mt. Kumgang in the DPRK will likely be held in May, according to an ROK official. "The South Kyongsang provincial government has recently agreed with North Korea's Asia-Pacific Peace Committee to hold the international car race May 9-12," a spokesman said. Officials at the Ministry of National Unification, while confirming the local government's plan, said they would decide on approval after consultation with other related agencies. If the provincial government's plan materializes, the participating vehicles will start at Changwon, South Kyongsang's capital city, and race through Chunchon and Sokcho, Kangwon Province. From there they will sail aboard a ferry to the DPRK port of Changjon, before heading for the finish line at Mt. Kumgang. The local government official said that 23 racing teams, including three from foreign countries, will take part in the rally. In return for the DPRK's cooperation in the motor rally, they said, the local government promised to pay US$1 million to the DPRK. The Daewoo Group will pick up the tab.

Like the Basketball game mentioned earlier, this race was some of the first Inter-Korean sports events agreed on by the two states that had been enemies for so many years !

Those events, together with the year of the formalized agreement later, in the year 2002, and the events that they agreed to participate in together, World Cup and Olympic Games are shown on these Gonggi Pieces !!

How many times does this car race have to be mentioned before you stop asking about that "biiiiiiiip" CAR ??

:D :D :D :D

Friendly regards

Show me the PROOF that is what they are. You're just making a guess unless you can back it with hard proof. Hard proof is a picture of them with description, no matter in what or where it is found. Show me even one persons word, they have played with or had, this peticular set. That has even yet to be found. The only thing that makes them what you are saying they are, is your guess. Show me ACTUAL PROOF that is them, I must have missed that post.

Quote from: Ralphw on Today at 03:40:42 AM
OK heres my take on these things so far if it matters....

these things are Gonggi stones.
they represent both Korea's united in sports.
the were sold in some giftshop somewhere...event, airport, carnival,,, some public event or place where
lots of people from different countries where in attendance or pass through.
Probably came with 15 pcs.
the 2002 has a ying yang for south Korea,,,, star for North Korea.
just an educated guess with all the evidence we have so far

Right there it is admitted it is an educated guess. That's the best we have so far.

piggman1 said:
Show me the PROOF that is what they are. You're just making a guess unless you can back it with hard proof. Hard proof is a picture of them with description, no matter in what or where it is found. Show me even one persons word, they have played with or had, this peticular set. That has even yet to be found. The only thing that makes them what you are saying they are, is your guess. Show me ACTUAL PROOF that is them, I must have missed that post.

Find it yourself, Piggman !!! >:(

Feel free to use al the valuable info you got from me, and I guess the other guys, who spend time on this !!! ::)

Good bye, and may the nuts be tasteful !!


To me, this makes more sense than the 1999 Road Rally Race.



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agersea said:
piggman1 said:
Show me the PROOF that is what they are. You're just making a guess unless you can back it with hard proof. Hard proof is a picture of them with description, no matter in what or where it is found. Show me even one persons word, they have played with or had, this peticular set. That has even yet to be found. The only thing that makes them what you are saying they are, is your guess. Show me ACTUAL PROOF that is them, I must have missed that post.

Find it yourself, Piggman !!! >:(

Feel free to use al the valuable info you got from me, and I guess the other guys, who spend time on this !!! ::)

Good bye, and may the nuts be tasteful !!


That's what I'm trying to do. That's why I've written the guy in the video over in Korea. That is why I am waiting on numerous other responses from other people around the world. All I can say is goodbye, and thanks for all your help you did on this. I appreciate it very much.

BioProfessor said:
To me, this makes more sense than the 1999 Road Rally Race.


That would make more sense to me too.

until we find more.. thats the way I feel about em

Do us all a favor piggman1, if you and Bioprofessor do ever find conclusive ::) evidence as to what these worthless objects are, add something to the title so we all don't have to keep reading useless banter. This thread has become ridiculous.

diggummup said:
Do us all a favor piggman1, if you and Bioprofessor do ever find conclusive ::) evidence as to what these worthless objects are, add something to the title so we all don't have to keep reading useless banter. This thread has become ridiculous.
Seeing how they are a one of a kind item so far, that would put them in the priceless range, instead of the worthless objects category.

Page 8 and nuthin... bummer.

I'll check back when you guys get to page 9... should be tomorrow about noon I figure.

Good luck.

justgeese said:
piggman1 said:
diggummup said:
Do us all a favor piggman1, if you and Bioprofessor do ever find conclusive ::) evidence as to what these worthless objects are, add something to the title so we all don't have to keep reading useless banter. This thread has become ridiculous.
Seeing how they are a one of a kind item so far, that would put them in the priceless range, instead of the worthless objects category.
Have you contacted Sotheby's yet ;D

No, but I will.

piggman1 said:
diggummup said:
Do us all a favor piggman1, if you and Bioprofessor do ever find conclusive ::) evidence as to what these worthless objects are, add something to the title so we all don't have to keep reading useless banter. This thread has become ridiculous.
Seeing how they are a one of a kind item so far, that would put them in the priceless range, instead of the worthless objects category.


If they are a one of a kind set made of metal, could be they were made for a display case at the location of the games, or made for a member of one of the organizers of the competitions. Could be a kid got them from the parent....a show and tell type thing and lost them in the place you found them.You said lots of Korean kids go to the school. Maybe you can get with the school principal and ask if you could post a picture and a "Do you know what these are??" on the school bulletin board for a few weeks.

Just thinking out loud, here.....

Have you thought about putting an ad in the paper under lost and found.
I know that could very well mean losing something so interesting, but the satisfaction of KNOWING for certain where they came from could be a relief.

I'm still kinda holding to the theory that, like suggested, they are one of a kind..

Some craftsman made them as a special gift for someone.

Can you picture...Mr.Smith comes home from Korea where a very special person made those for him, he puts them in a safe place only for little johnny to get his little hands on and sneek them to school to show his friends and play with them during recess.
All of a sudden the end recess bell rings and johnny runs back to the classroom, forgetting the pieces.

They probably are priceless to someone, if not Sotherby, the original owner.

I dont think this is too far fetched an idea. Maybe Mr.Smith learned to play the game while in Korea and someone was so kind as to make him a handcrafted set.

Not unheard of for friends to give friends hand made tokens of friendship.

Priceless...I'm sure it is to someone.

bigcypresshunter said:
piggman1 said:
Show me the PROOF that is what they are. You're just making a guess unless you can back it with hard proof. Hard proof is a picture of them with description, no matter in what or where it is found. Show me even one persons word, they have played with or had, this peticular set. That has even yet to be found. The only thing that makes them what you are saying they are, is your guess. Show me ACTUAL PROOF that is them, I must have missed that post.

Quote from: Ralphw on Today at 03:40:42 AM
OK heres my take on these things so far if it matters....

these things are Gonggi stones.
they represent both Korea's united in sports.
the were sold in some giftshop somewhere...event, airport, carnival,,, some public event or place where
lots of people from different countries where in attendance or pass through.
Probably came with 15 pcs.
the 2002 has a ying yang for south Korea,,,, star for North Korea.
just an educated guess with all the evidence we have so far

Right there it is admitted it is an educated guess. That's the best we have so far.
The part that says they are Gongii stones is not an educated guess. It is fact. Some people, including yourself, seem to have missed this important point. We even have pictures of weight filled plastic versions. The only part left to be discovered is why your has sports logos. If you need more proof that this is a Gonjii game I say to break one open. I know they are special to you but they are in fact worthless and "Histories Mysteries" is not interested. :D ;)
I mean no disrespect but we need to get real. Do you really doubt these are game pieces?

I have sent several messages to the person in Korea who made the video that others have refered to asking his opinion on these, and any info he might have. There are several other letters to different people and places in Korea asking the same info. We are waiting for a response from them, plus numerous other places that have been contacted are still being waited on. The guy with the "plastic ones" says he DOES NOT think that is what we have. Shape alone brought out that theory.
Yes, I believe they are part of a game most likely, but there is not any hard evidence to even support that. It has all been educated guesses. We may never find out what these really are, but there are a few who are putting out an amazing effort to try. I don't intend to offend anyone, or hurt anyones feelings, and I personally check out every lead someone gives, and that is just the tip of the iceburge that is being done. But to date there has not been one shred of "solid" evidence to back these educated guesses. Even the guy with the plastic ones says he doubts that these are them.

deepskyal said:
Have you thought about putting an ad in the paper under lost and found.
I know that could very well mean losing something so interesting, but the satisfaction of KNOWING for certain where they came from could be a relief.

I'm still kinda holding to the theory that, like suggested, they are one of a kind..

Some craftsman made them as a special gift for someone.

Can you picture...Mr.Smith comes home from Korea where a very special person made those for him, he puts them in a safe place only for little johnny to get his little hands on and sneek them to school to show his friends and play with them during recess.
All of a sudden the end recess bell rings and johnny runs back to the classroom, forgetting the pieces.

They probably are priceless to someone, if not Sotherby, the original owner.

I don't think this is too far fetched an idea. Maybe Mr.Smith learned to play the game while in Korea and someone was so kind as to make him a handcrafted set.

Not unheard of for friends to give friends hand made tokens of friendship.

Priceless...I'm sure it is to someone.

I think your theory holds a lot of water. Otherwise there would be some documentation of them somewhere. I have put them in the local Craigs list and received hundreds of guesses, but that's as for as that went. I'm beginning to think they are a one of a kind item as well.

Dimeman said:
piggman1 said:
diggummup said:
Do us all a favor piggman1, if you and Bioprofessor do ever find conclusive ::) evidence as to what these worthless objects are, add something to the title so we all don't have to keep reading useless banter. This thread has become ridiculous.
Seeing how they are a one of a kind item so far, that would put them in the priceless range, instead of the worthless objects category.


If they are a one of a kind set made of metal, could be they were made for a display case at the location of the games, or made for a member of one of the organizers of the competitions. Could be a kid got them from the parent....a show and tell type thing and lost them in the place you found them.You said lots of Korean kids go to the school. Maybe you can get with the school principal and ask if you could post a picture and a "Do you know what these are??" on the school bulletin board for a few weeks.

Just thinking out loud, here.....

I'm sorry, I thought I said there are very few Korean, but that's not a bad idea if the school will let me. Thanks

Dimeman said:

If they are a one of a kind set made of metal, could be they were made for a display case at the location of the games, or made for a member of one of the organizers of the competitions. Could be a kid got them from the parent....a show and tell type thing and lost them in the place you found them.You said lots of Korean kids go to the school. Maybe you can get with the school principal and ask if you could post a picture and a "Do you know what these are??" on the school bulletin board for a few weeks.

Just thinking out loud, here.....

I'm sorry, I thought I said there are very few Korean, but that's not a bad idea if the school will let me. Thanks

This is a very long thread ::) and you could have said very few, and also if any other schools are close by you might try posting a picture and question there also..... Since the playground was open for everyone to use it,someone might just know something and contact you. Sometimes grocery stores have bulletin boards people post stuff on also.
Hope you get positive proof. :)

Dimeman said:
Dimeman said:

If they are a one of a kind set made of metal, could be they were made for a display case at the location of the games, or made for a member of one of the organizers of the competitions. Could be a kid got them from the parent....a show and tell type thing and lost them in the place you found them.You said lots of Korean kids go to the school. Maybe you can get with the school principal and ask if you could post a picture and a "Do you know what these are??" on the school bulletin board for a few weeks.

Just thinking out loud, here.....

I'm sorry, I thought I said there are very few Korean, but that's not a bad idea if the school will let me. Thanks

This is a very long thread ::) and you could have said very few, and also if any other schools are close by you might try posting a picture and question there also..... Since the playground was open for everyone to use it,someone might just know something and contact you. Sometimes grocery stores have bulletin boards people post stuff on also.
Hope you get positive proof. :)

This is the only drawback to doing that. When they were posted on Craigs list I had hundreds of guesses. A lot of those that guessed (all different guesses) claimed that was what they were, and were demanding the reward without anything to back up their guess. It got nasty a few times. I would hate to have that happen in person with a school or other place that I would have to deal directly with. Problems would arise by people trying to collect the reward. I haven't dismissed it, and may still do it. I just have to figure a better way to go about it.

piggman1 said:
This is the only drawback to doing that. When they were posted on Craigs list I had hundreds of guesses. A lot of those that guessed (all different guesses) claimed that was what they were, and were demanding the reward without anything to back up their guess. It got nasty a few times. I would hate to have that happen in person with a school or other place that I would have to deal directly with. Problems would arise by people trying to collect the reward. I haven't dismissed it, and may still do it. I just have to figure a better way to go about it.

If they were someones they might want them back so you could say show proof of ownership..a picture of them with the "Piggnutz" ( If they are some kind of commemorative thing there should be someone with a picture of them.)

A picture, a package or box showing them, a display photo of them.....has anyone searched for photos on the Korean games of that year??? Maybe some API press photos????Maybe online Korean newspapers ( if there are any)might have some photos?????

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