Found in a Football Field...What Are They?

How many people think these are Gong gi stones

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  • Could be, but need more info

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  • Don't think they are

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I know patents were addressed here, but can't recall what results came from that...can you update me on this ? Also, I wonder if it's possible for the patent office to do a trace from a pic ? Has this been tried ?

Todd :)

ToddB64 said:

I know patents were addressed here, but can't recall what results came from that...can you update me on this ? Also, I wonder if it's possible for the patent office to do a trace from a pic ? Has this been tried ?

Todd :)

I don't think they were really researched that much. The first link you have to register with, and then you get access to all the drawings and specs. The second link you don't have to register with, and I think you can do it with pictures. It was so way back there I had forgot about it.
Also, here is a pic of where they all were found.


  • location.webp
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Allright, you know what that field is laid out for. I didn't know that type layout. I've thrown knives,axes, and tomahawks, but never hammers, I never have been able to get them to stick. :D Way to go on identifying the field!

piggman1 said:
agersea said:
Guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think, I got it now !!!! ;D

These game nuts for the Korean kids Jack Stones Game (gonggi) were made with these logos and signs to celebrate the long and unbelieved proces towards the inter-Korean sports exchanges agreement of the year 2002 !!!!!
The many nuts with basketball will relate to the sensational Baskeball game mentioned in the first link.

I think the many signs and logos relate to exactly the sports and events in which cooperation was agreed !!

Please check out these links:


Nothing about car races

Geeshhhh, piggman1 !!!!!
You wont ever believe anything that I propose, will you ?? :-\ :-\

I said it didn´t I:

I think the many signs and logos relate to exactly the sports and events in which cooperation was agreed !!
This of cource also includes motor sports.

Not so motivated to find more as before !

Don't take it personal. I didn't say I didn't believe you. I just made a point that I didn't see anything mentioned on raceing. Sorry if I offended you. It wasn't intentional.


Re your reply #584, with pic of field and black dots showing where pignutz were found, that's a good piece of work you did on that pic !

Looks like the pignutz could have been slung, thrown, tossed, etc. from a common point, i.e. that concrete pad........ummmmm, wonder why they were so widely dispersed ? If someone was playing Gonggi in the field one day and forgot the game, then sometime later the field was graded with tractor equipment and spread the nutz around, this might account for the dispersion.........we need the likes of Sherlock Holmes on this one !

Todd ;D

PS...I am beginning to think you know the answer to all of this, but are having too much
fun to let us in on the secret ! Come on now, tell the truth ! ;)


I think the answer has already been given here. It would serve the owner of the "nuts" to look at the answers and check them out.
No offence Pigman, But this has got to stop.

There are a lot of good answers here,
either look into some of them or stop the nonsense.

Old Dog said:

I think the answer has already been given here. It would serve the owner of the "nuts" to look at the answers and check them out.
No offence Pigman, But this has got to stop.

There are a lot of good answers here,
either look into some of them or stop the nonsense.

I guess we need to see if we can start a private thread so we don't offend people with your nuts pigman.


To all of those that say the answer is all ready here. Lets see them in a pic. Either via internet, book, advertisement, catalog, or whatever. This was not the only set made. To all of those that think they are one thing because of their shape, that's not "proof", but you can believe it if you want. To all of those that have stuck by, researched, contacted people and places, shown them off, and still have not settled for an easy way out guess, I salute you! Believe me, there is no one else in the world that would like to see this ended more than me. The title of this section is "WHAT IS IT'. Go through the treads in this section, there are people who show, or can tell you where to find ACTUAL PROOF as to what you are looking for. That's all I want. If you are tired of reading it, stop reading. If you are tired of it period, quit. But I personally have looked at everything everyone has been kind enough to submit, read everything people have painstakenly found, and proof has yet to be shown what these actually are. So if your tired of it just quit, it's that easy. The answer may never be found. But to those that are still not satisfied like myself, words can't express my thanks to you enough for the work you have put in to this. Even if this tread dies today, there WILL be some of us that know, the truth has never been found. We still don't know "WHAT IS IT".

I will back you up all the way on your point of view on this thread pigman. If this thread has started to bother people it is very simple...Don't Open It!!!

I see posts to threads for different subjects, like lost mines for example, that have been going on forever with no end in sight. The people that read and post to those threads are doing something that interests them so more power to them. Personally I am not interested in them so I simply skip over them. It ain't that hard.

Those of us who have been following this thread are having a little fun in the search and that seems to upset some people, I don't know why but it does. Personally I want to know where the hell these things came from and why it has been so difficult to find out anything about them. I know they are not old or valueable but that just adds to the mystery. It should have been simple to do a few internet searches and find a set of them for sale some where but it wasn't so it turned into a challenge to find out. Me, I love a challenge, that's why I have continued to work on it with everyone. I want to be the one that solves the mystery, or I want to know how whom ever does solve it did it.

I guess we seem to be wasting our time to some people and they don't understand why we would continue searching. All I can say to them is "Why do you care what I do with my time? Its the same as people that laugh at us when we are out metal detecting and don't know why we would waste our time digging up "junk". They don't understand that to us it's interesting and we enjoy it. Just like some people like to spend months restoring old cars or spend their weekends fishing or hunting or whatever it is that they enjoy. I don't go around putting down other people just because they have an interest that I don't share and I don't appreciate others who do it to me.

For those out there that think any of us are "holding back info", are you NUTZ?? Do you really think any of us would find out what these are and then keep it to ourself and take the chance that someone else would post the answer before us? If anything I am guilty of posting too quick and having to modify my posts because I found out the clue I thought I had was bunk.

I would love to see this solved and over with but on the other hand I will miss it when it's done. I have had a lot of fun running down the clues and working with the other T'netters interested in this thread. Like I said before I love a good challenge and this one has been great.


You tell 'em Charlie...I so agree with you and Piggman....

There are many subjects, topics, threads, etc on this forum that I have NO INTEREST in....I just don't read them. Plain and simple...but I love reading the WHAT IS IT many interesting finds....esp of things I have never seen the PIGGNUTZ!!!!! LOL

To no avail...I've shown these pics at work to my customers....nothing yet, nothing even remotely close to posting a suggestion or idea :( :'(

So....kudos to those who have found this thread interesting, exciting, etc and for trying to find the answer. Someday we all may know..but then again...will we ever really know? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Happy Hunting All,

I have to agree piggman1.

I still need to see a set like it.

Thanks you all for your support. Sure this is a long thread, but we do a lot of kidding and leg pulling, and that is one of the things that keeps it fun. I for one am not one that will settle for calling a button that you find, just a button. I'm not the only one, look at how many people post pictures of their button finds looking for more info on them. And there are experts who gladly tell them what type, year, make, and whatever else they know of that type of button. They will tell you where you can go and look for yourself for more info on that particular button. That is ALL we are seeking, exact info on this particular "button". I have spent days looking for more to give us more clues, I was out there most of the day yesterday looking without success. To those that don't understand, there are many other subjects to read on this forum. For those that have stuck it out through thick and thin, I say THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND HELP! We may never know what these are, but no one can say we didn't try and find out. Again, thank you all.

Pigman, I recently saw a post about a detectorist that the local paper did an article about. Is there anyway that this might be a possibility where you are at? If you could get them to do a human interest story and get a picture of your nutz in the paper maybe maybe someone locally would recognize them. Just a thought...


savant365 said:
Pigman, I recently saw a post about a detectorist that the local paper did an article about. Is there anyway that this might be a possibility where you are at? If you could get them to do a human interest story and get a picture of your nutz in the paper maybe maybe someone locally would recognize them. Just a thought...


I have contacted the local TV station FOX Channel 7 here in Austin about doing a story on how we as detectorist help keep our parks safe "for the kids", by the removal of dangerous items like bullets, shredded aluminium, etc, from their play areas. They wrote me back and said they have past it on to their human intrest department and I should be hearing back from them in the near future. If they do the story, I guarantee you I will have those shown as well. The newspaper is an angle I haven't thought of, but will definitely give it a try.

I can see the headlines now...

"tonights feature story: pignutz"

Hope they call you back soon,


Pics of whole group for new page


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Maybe they are the ends of a baton that was passed in competition ,
sometimes batons take a beating . or maybe something to do with a
marching band :-\ ....some of that stuff has neat little end caps.

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