Found a pocket book....216 years old! APPRAISAL!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

radarwill said:
Nice find!!! What does it have to do with metal detecting?

It is a treasure....this is treasurenet...not detectornet :wink: Truly one of the most incredible treasures found that I have seen since I came here....a piece of history we all get to see and participate in researching. Too cool!!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!


Detecting is a fine method of treasure hunting.
But it has in the scope of the whole picture only a small footprint in the treasure hunting scheme.
Treasure hunters find things everyday without the use of a detector.
Some, don't even own one.
From dumpster diving to Dowsing and diving.
and please include the occasional accidental thing.
Very little actual large treasure is found with a detector.

Look through this forum and see what I mean
You will see finds from all over from Caches in fruit jars to yard sale finds
from dives off the coasts to digs in an old dump.

and everything in between
Treasure is not just coins found in the ground by chance with a detector.

No offence


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

find of a lifetime congrats however when are you going to detect the property, does the house have a dirt basement. I think i would take my vacation time and practically live in that house. again stunning find ,amazing research by all can,t wait to see what else you find there hh and continued good luck

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Man what a discovery. Truely what treasure hunting is all about. I hope you choose to rescue that old desk. Many congrats on your amazing finds.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

have you had a chance to move the desk out and take a look at the back of it yet??

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

No words good enough to describe that find, Mo! I can only imagine what you must have thought when you found that!

Thanks for sharing your find! Stunning!!!!!!


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

What a cool story behind the finds. I love it when you can research an item like that. Congrats!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Wow what a find and the history is fascinating.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Cynangyl said:
have you had a chance to move the desk out and take a look at the back of it yet??
I was going to check it out more this weekend - I gotta get the garden planted before the rain comes .

Here are a few more pics from inside the old place . Check out those "Dutch" doors . And the bureau ( the marble top is broken in half).
The cardboard sign in the attic is about 5 feet tall .


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Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Wow! I would be forever in there going through stuff! Thank you so much for sharing more pics with us! That bureau is beautiful too! :o The dutch doors are very neat....reminds me of the doors in our old barn. :D

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Thats it...I would take that house in a moment and renovate it...its absolutely beautiful.....

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Gypsy Heart said:
Thats it...I would take that house in a moment and renovate it...its absolutely beautiful.....

lol we think alike pretty lady....I was thinking the same thing!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

unclejesse67 said:
Amazing Find. Congrats. Did you find anything Mding the yard?
Don't W worry UncleJess , I got my first good Mdector a year and a half ago - ACE 250 - many of these item I have allready posted . Last weekend I found my first large cent ! (1831)
I havn't had to leave the property much with the ACE - been too busy here . Ive been actively clearing brush/growth - so I can get into those hard to detect areas . So far it's been fun ! Still havn't found a ring yet .


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Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

"Dr Whatchacallit's Pink Pills for Pale People" (!)

That's a grand item even with 'condition issues'. They marketed a purple pill with racing stripes, maybe these--like Halley's Comet--will have a 2nd day in the sun.

The marble-top dresser is great, too!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

those are some mighty nice finds and didnt even have to leave home sheeesh I love that old drawer pull or whatever it is in that last is puuuuurty!!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

This is one of the best posts I've ever seen on here. I love it, and that song is AWESOME. I would rather find that then anything else!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

I just love this thread, its so neat seeing and hearing all I have a question or two if ya don't mind, you bought this house ( 2 of em rite) with land... how many acres do ya have? and have you had a chance to research the history on the house? this is stuff that we all just dream of.. and out of sheer curosity, what are you gonna do with that lovely old house? please dont tell us its gonna be torn down... I am so curious on all this.. this is truly a wonderful find and they just keep on comming... I love this..

thanks in advance too...

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

hey i was going to ask if this gye has been around the house with a metal detector but i see that he has there looks like as much stuff outside thats is inside. man you have a treasure trove!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Forgot to ask this one, the picture you posted from your rooftop...well it looks like the house either has another building right behind it? or is that attached to the house.. boy I just love it... totally awesome... when you do get time, I know your busy planting, but could you show us more pictures of the house too.. I just love it...

Thank you.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!


Hey buddy,
It just keeps getting better all the time.
That bureau has a Thomas Hepplewhite look to it.
If so ... another very valuable treasure.
careful to keep all of it's pieces and parts together.

When you move these pieces be very careful not to hurt them too much more than they already are.


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