Found a pocket book....216 years old! APPRAISAL!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

That has to be one of the best historical finds I've seen here on TN. What a fantastic find!!! :thumbsup:
The story and pictures are icing on the cake.
UNBELIEVABLE FIND. :thumbsup: :icon_king:
Congrats on a well deserved banner item.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Wow, that is what treasure hunting is all about!


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

That's pretty amazing. I seriously think that I would have every piece of that desk gathered and take it to a furniture restoration expert. Just because it is in such a state of disrepair doesn't mean it is not historically/monetarily valuable. Just look at what you found inside it!!! :thumbsup:

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Super cool! I love how the picture is coming together. Can't wait to hear more. Congtratulations on a find of a life time! Keep us up to date,

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!
Maine Books for Sale

BRISTOL, MAINE Early Families - Transcribed by Albert W. Johnston. Dates
are from Mid 1700' to late 1800's.Gives the Parents and their children
with children's birth date and death date. Also listed is the Marriages
of Bristol, Maine from 1769-1847. These marriages were officiated by,
Thomas Thompson, Esq, Peaslee Wells, Esq, John Fossett, Sam Jewett,
James Erskine, Rev. C. C. Cone, Sam Hinds, Esq, Alex Nickels, Esq, Rev.
A. McLean, Thomas Johnston, JP, Rev. William Riddel, William McIntyre,
Esq, Rev. Thomas Ames, Rev Enos Baxter, Robert Huston, Esq, William
McClintock, Esq,, Sullivan Hardy, Aaron Blaney, Esq, Joseph Washburn,
Esq, John F Gardner, Esq, Rev. Benaiah Pratt, Rev. Amasa Smith and
Thomas McClure Esq. 8.5x11, soft cover. $20.00

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

That is cool, If you go on ebay you can find a # of olf 1700 papers and see that spelling was diffrent back then

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

This is an amazing thread. So many people are able to help put the pieces of the puzzle together. This is what I love about Tnet!

Congrats on an amazing discovery!!!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

That is amazing!!!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

WOW! That is an AWESOME find! And the story coming together just makes it all the better! Congratulations and keep us updated!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Absolutely unbelievable.
Contact the Keno Bros. about the desk and maybe the Smithsonian about the pocketbook (looks 20 years old!) and documents.

Need detectorists for the grounds of that old house?

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

This is one of the most amazing, unique and fascinating finds I've ever seen here!!

I would seriously consider contacting a historical society in Boston and set up an appt. to meet with someone about this. It reminds me of something one would see on "Antique Roadshow."

The documents may be worth a great deal of money, but the artifact history of it may be priceless - it could also lead to a great ancestry search!!!

I'm in awe! Thank you so much for sharing - this one deserves to be on the banner for a long time!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

It looks mighty nice up there on the banner! Congrats!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Congrats on the well deserved banner tour!!

I am very much intrigued with your discoveries here,
they keep drawing me back with each new post.

Keep us posted on how you progress with this,
you have something very special here, not to mention very rare.
Thanks again for giving us the chance to share in it with you.


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!
On File at Harvard

Blaney, Aaron Roxbury, May 29, 1775
Note for supplies signed by Griffin Greene Invoice of mollasses. Roxbury, December 15, 1775
Supply order. Marblehead, May 27, 1775
Note to Blaney signed by William Bowers.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Blaney, Aaron Roxbury, May 6, 1776
Note to Blaney from Robert Pope Undated account sheet. (several signatures of Thos. Clarke) Roxbury, June 19, 1775
Note to Blaney from Moses Robbins Concord, May 29, 1775
Note to Blaney from Jonos Heywood.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Blaney, Aaron Roxbury, May 1775
Military receipt for supplies. Roxbury, December 25, 1775
Note to Mr. Walker signed by James Gardner. Account sheet for December 1776.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Blaney, Aaron Camp near New York, September 22, 1776
To A. Blaney from ? For another letter to Mr. Blaney see John Adams.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Aarons Jr.'s son...also Aaron was a
Master mariner of New York

'John Blaney of Lynn and some of his Lineal Descendants' by CC Blaney

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

mojjax... as always, a phenominal topic! Your stuff alone could keep treasurenet going... :thumbsup:

Gypsy... WTG with the research!

This is as cool as the "Mountain Stick".

I'm suprised some archie has knocked your door in with a search warrent for the stuff THEY will take credit for...

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Could you show us close ups of the desk...dovetailing....any hardware....molding....signature?......bottom of drawers......

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Yeah...would love to see pics of all of it and surely would help with some that are researching too. :thumbsup:

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Amazing Find. Congrats. Did you find anything Mding the yard?

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