Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!
On File at Harvard
Blaney, Aaron Roxbury, May 29, 1775
Note for supplies signed by Griffin Greene Invoice of mollasses. Roxbury, December 15, 1775
Supply order. Marblehead, May 27, 1775
Note to Blaney signed by William Bowers.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Blaney, Aaron Roxbury, May 6, 1776
Note to Blaney from Robert Pope Undated account sheet. (several signatures of Thos. Clarke) Roxbury, June 19, 1775
Note to Blaney from Moses Robbins Concord, May 29, 1775
Note to Blaney from Jonos Heywood.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Blaney, Aaron Roxbury, May 1775
Military receipt for supplies. Roxbury, December 25, 1775
Note to Mr. Walker signed by James Gardner. Account sheet for December 1776.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Blaney, Aaron Camp near New York, September 22, 1776
To A. Blaney from ? For another letter to Mr. Blaney see John Adams.
Acquisition Information: No date or source.
Aarons Jr.'s son...also Aaron was a
Master mariner of New York
'John Blaney of Lynn and some of his Lineal Descendants' by CC Blaney