Found a pocket book....216 years old! APPRAISAL!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Gotta throw my hat in the ring mojax! Beyond belief!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

How did I miss this the first time around?? Just an INCREDIBLE FIND!! Hope the old house and property yield more treasures!


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Wow a fantasic discovery of history, best thing of the internet is that I can see something like this miles away. Thanks so much for sharing your find. :thumbsup:

Amazing that it has been there so many years untouched and unseen, I wonder how many others looked and missed it too. The desk itself is very beautiful and a treasure of it's own.

One never knows where their search might lead nor does one know what discovery lays hidden close to them.

Congrats on your banner and again I thank you for sharing some american history with me on-line

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

I missed this thread, I don't know why, but that discovery is nothing short of incredible.

Maybe it was answered already as I didn't have time to read all the replies, but wouldn't it be something if that script was the original draft of that famous piece of writing.

Again, incredible find and thanks for posting all the pics!


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Gypsy Heart said:
Could you show us close ups of the desk...dovetailing....any hardware....molding....signature?......bottom of drawers......
Here are some pics of one of the small drawers - they are nicely chamfered - they are all marked - (no.1) (no.2)etc ......on the bottoms . I haven't pulled it out from the wall yet , to look on the back .


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Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

beautifully done, no doubt about that! I can't wait to hear more on this...just keep on coming back to see what else you have found out! Thanks again for sharing with us!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

mojjax said:
Gypsy Heart said:
Could you show us close ups of the desk...dovetailing....any hardware....molding....signature?......bottom of drawers......
Here are some pics of one of the small drawers - they are nicely chamfered - they are all marked - (no.1) (no.2)etc ......on the bottoms . I haven't pulled it out from the wall yet , to look on the back .

nice tails on it, need to clean it well and get some good furniture oil on it.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Natman said:
Maybe it was answered already as I didn't have time to read all the replies, but wouldn't it be something if that script was the original draft of that famous piece of writing.

That's what I was thinking as I read. Wouldn't that be a stunner?!

Amazing find and amazing piecing together of its history by the Tnet crew! I love threads like this!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

I concur with everyone's comments...TOTALLY AWESOME FIND!!! Congrats on making the banner too!!! Truly an amazing find to be BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!

Gypsy...some great research you did there....Congrats!!!

I did some newspaper searching...found this article for a Family Reunion....Gypsy found his wife's name as Betsey (also short for Elizabeth). Think this family reunion that was held in 1961 in Pennsylvania is the same AARON BLANEY?? That would be so awesome if it was!

Added: Just I found Aaron and Elizabeth Blaney in their 80's living with a Frank Blaney on a 1910 census record (Union, Monongalia, West Virginia)...this family reunion could be that of Aaron Blaney the THIRD!!! It also states (the census) that Aaron and Elizabeth were born in West Virginia. Aaron and Elizabeth are listed as FATHER and MOTHER. He was 83 and she was 80. Frank was 51 and his wife, Ida, is listed at 48. They have 5 children. Elizabeth gave birth to 8 children, at the time of the census, only 6 were living. Aaron and Elizabeth had been married 62 years at the time of the census. Both first marriages for them. Frank Blaney was born in Pennsylvania..but his parents were born in West Virginia.

On the 1810 and 1820 census records, I find an Aaron Blaney in Boston, Mass and also in Bristol, Maine. Father and Son??? No age given or birth year...only how many in household.

Also, in old directories...I find Aaron Blaney living on Washington Street in 1805 Boston and in 1810 on Church Street in Boston.

If you can locate these...might give you more insight on Aaron Blaney (I will color code each entry):

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about John McNear, Blaney Aaron, Robert Huston
Document Number: 1710
Type of Manuscript: Summons
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1817
Contains the following Names: John McNear, Blaney Aaron, Robert Huston
Comments: In this document, Aaron Blaney, a merchant, is trying to recover funds owed to him by John McNear, a yeoman farmer. Nice document, with one of the tiniest wax seals we've ever seen (well-preserved though with the seal still firmly attached).

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about James Jones, Aaron Blaney, Robert Huston
Document Number: 1716
Type of Manuscript: Summons
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1817
Contains the following Names: James Jones, Aaron Blaney, Robert Huston
Comments: In this complaint, from the Maine court system in 1817 (when Maine was still part of Massachusetts, hence "Comonwealth of Mass" heading on this document), Aaron Blaney, a merchant, claims James Jones, a yeoman, reneged on an agreement to pay him fifteen dollars. This document is in really great shape!
ADDED: Just found two ship manifests that list Aaron Blaney on two different ships, both coming from Panama (if I remember correctly...have to look again..bear with is data for one of them:

New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
Name: Mr. Aaron Blaney
Arrival Date: 25 Mar 1861
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1816
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Havana, Cuba and Nassau, Bahamas
Destination: United States of America
Place of Origin: United States of America
Ethnicity/Race­/Nationality: American
Ship Name: Karnak (Aaron is listed as the Ship's Master)
Port of Arrival: New York
Line: 4
Microfilm Serial: M237
Microfilm Roll: M237_209
List Number: 192
Port Arrival State: New York
Port Arrival Country: United States

here is the data for the other one (this record ...I can't view):

New York, 1820-1850 Passenger and Immigration Lists
Name: Aaron Blaney
Arrival Date: Apr 22, 1842
Age: 27
Gender: M
Port of Arrival: New York
Port of Departure: Gibraltar
Place of Origin: United States of America
Ship: J Emlin
Family Identification: 30071610
Microfilm Serial Number: M237
Microfilm Roll Number: 48

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about George Yeates, Thomas McClure, Robert Huston, Aaron Blaney
Document Number: 1724
Type of Manuscript: Summons
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1815
Contains the following Names: George Yeates, Thomas McClure, Robert Huston, Aaron Blaney
Comments: In this court summons, a pair of merchants, Aaron Blaney and Thomas McClure, sue one George Yeates, for non-payment of funds. Attached is a nice little handwritten receipt. Otherwise, this document is in great shape!

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about Samuel Woodard, Prince Hatch, Sewall Persons, Marius How, Amos Tomlinson, John Houston, Kavanough Cottrel, Aaron Blaney, Manaseth Sleeper, William Day, Jacob Sleeper
Document Number: 1749
Type of Manuscript: Receipt
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1810
Contains the following Names: Samuel Woodard, Prince Hatch, Sewall Persons, Marius How, Amos Tomlinson, John Houston, Kavanough Cottrel, Aaron Blaney, Manaseth Sleeper, William Day, Jacob Sleeper
Comments: A couple documents from around 1810 (no date written but we know from several other documents in the lot) entitled "Copy of Commisioners return on Samuel Woodard Estate." What follows is a list of the numerous individiduals who had a stake in Mr. Woodard's estate. Fascinating piece of history!

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about James Jones, Aaron Blaney
Document Number: 1793
Type of Manuscript: Receipt
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1817
Contains the following Names: James Jones, Aaron Blaney
Comments: A receipt in which James Jones from Bristol, Maine agrees to pay Aaron Blaney the fifteen dollars he owes him. Nice document, in really good shape (and priced to sell).

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about John McNear, Benjamin Richards, Aaron Blaney
Document Number: 1798
Type of Manuscript: Receipt
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1817
Contains the following Names: John McNear, Benjamin Richards, Aaron Blaney
Comments: A receipt documenting the payment of eleven dollars and thirty-five cents (with interest) by John McNear to Aaron Blaney. Good shape!

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about John Brewer, Robert Askins, John Fitch, Thomas McGuire, Samuel Tucker, Nancy Blasdell, Hannah Wentworth, William Page, Isaac Howland, Aaron Blaney, Joseph Washburn
Document Number: 2021
Type of Manuscript: Expense Account
Location(s): Boothbay, Maine
Year: 1817
Contains the following Names: John Brewer, Robert Askins, John Fitch, Thomas McGuire, Samuel Tucker, Nancy Blasdell, Hannah Wentworth, William Page, Isaac Howland, Aaron Blaney, Joseph Washburn
Comments: An expense account for the Brewer family of Boothbay, Maine, with an itemized list of where their money went--doctors, nurses, a coffin! It wasn't a good year apparently. In nice shape, nevertheless.

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about Robert Huston, Aaron Blaney, Joel How
Document Number: 2024
Type of Manuscript: Receipt
Location(s): Wiscassett, Maine
Year: 1814
Contains the following Names: Robert Huston, Aaron Blaney, Joel How
Comments: Bank statement verifying receipt of $100, paid to the President, Directors and Company of the Wiscassett Bank by two men, Aaron Blaney and Joel How, who were investors. This is a nice keepsake from the financial records of these New England families.

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about Joseph Tomkinson, Robert Huston, Aaron Blaney
Document Number: 2223
Type of Manuscript: Court Docket
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1812
Contains the following Names: Joseph Tomkinson, Robert Huston, Aaron Blaney
Comments: The entire court records of Robert Huston vs. the Town of Bristol, 1812--a complete page by page chronology of all the events leading up to the lawsuit, in a nice brown paper sleeve"just for you!

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about Robert Huey, Joseph Bayley, Aaron Blaney, John Fossett, John Mears, Isaac Bunker, James Morton, Phillips Hatch, Silvanus Coombs, John Fossett, James Heckleton
Document Number: 2229
Type of Manuscript: Bill
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1809
Contains the following Names: Robert Huey, Joseph Bayley, Aaron Blaney, John Fossett, John Mears, Isaac Bunker, James Morton, Phillips Hatch, Silvanus Coombs, John Fossett, James Heckleton
Comments: A listing of bills brought against the estate of Henry Fossett, who apparently died in 1809. Interesting document demonstrating how probate business was done 19th Century style. (Probably at the end of a shotgun, like everything else..)

Native Soil Manuscripts Index
about Thomas Clough, James Curtice, Robert Huston, Samuel Woodard, Joshua House, John Fitch, Ebenezer Bearce, David Hutchings, George Howland, Aaron Blaney, James Wyllie
Document Number: 2273
Type of Manuscript: Petition
Location(s): Bristol, Maine
Year: 1804
Contains the following Names: Thomas Clough, James Curtice, Robert Huston, Samuel Woodard, Joshua House, John Fitch, Ebenezer Bearce, David Hutchings, George Howland, Aaron Blaney, James Wyllie
Comments: A petition, signed by about forty townfolk from Bristol, that states plain and simple: "As we conceive it of importance to our civil and more especially religious instincts to have a regular standing ministry.." The issue seems to be "the diversity of religious sects and opinions--we have not been able to raise a salary." So, in other words, there was so much squabbling amongst church members that they haven't been able to unify on a similar belief and thus there's been no real congregation.

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1776-1800
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Occupation: trader commerce(s)
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): Boston, Massachusetts
Occupation: Occupation(s): trader, commerce(s)
personal notes: Notes: Ward 12
Source Date: 1780
Source Info: Listed in Assessors' "Taking Books" of the Town of Boston 1780, 1780. Boston
Reprinted from the Bostonian Society's Publications, 1912

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1776-1800
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): On The Neck, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1798
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory, 1798, WEST, John. Boston
Printed by Rhoades and Laughton, For John West, No. 75, Cornhill

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1800
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1800], 1800. Boston
Printed by John Russell, for John West, No.75 Cornhill

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1803
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1803], 1803, WEST, John. Boston
Published by John West, No.75, Cornhill [E. Lincoln, Printer]

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): Chamber Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1806
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1806], 1806, COTTON, Edward. Boston
Published by Edward Cotton, No.47, Marlborough street. E. Lincoln, printer

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): House: Charles Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1810
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1810], 1810, COTTON, Edward. Boston
Published by Edward Cotton, No.47, Marlboro' street. Printed by Munroe and Francis

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): House: Blossom Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1816
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1816], 1816, COTTON, Edward. Boston
Published by E. Cotton, No.47, Marlboro' street. Printed by James Loring

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): House: Bridge Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1818
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1818], 1818, COTTON, Edward. Boston
Published by E. Cotton, 47, Marlbo' street. J.H.A. Frost, Printer

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Occupation: hospital medicine(a)
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): Bridge Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Occupation: Occupation(s): hospital, medicine(a)
Source Date: 1820
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1820], 1820, FROST, John H.A. & STIMPSON, Charles, jr.. Boston
Published by John H. A. Frost and Charles Stimpson, Jr. And for sale by them at No. 3, Spear's Buildings, Congress street, and 12 & 13 Exchange street. J.H.A. Frost, printer

Name: Aaron Blaney
Dates: 1801-1825
Location: Boston Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Address: Address(Es): Bridge Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Source Date: 1821
Source Info: Listed in The Boston Directory [for 1821], 1821, FROST, John H.A. & STIMPSON, Charles, jr.. Boston
Published by John H. A. Frost and Charles Stimpson, Jr. And for sale by them at No. 3, Spear's Buildings, Congress street, and 80 State street. John H. A. Frost, printer

I believe the Aaron Blaney you found documents on...his parents may have been Ambrose and Judith (Curtis) Blaney.

Sex: M
Birth: 7 APR 1707 in LYNN, ESSEX, MA
Death: 1759
Note: He was a cordwainer.
Father: JOSEPH BLANEY b: 2 OCT 1670 in LYNN, ESSEX, MA

The Aaron Blaney and wife, Elizabeth....I believe this is the info on them. Could they be of the Aaron Blaney lineage you found? Possible...but not sure as of yet:

Aaron Blaney
Born: 10 Mar 1825
Died: 19 Feb 1913
Morris Crossroads, Pennsylvania, USA

His Wife:
Elizabeth Brooks
Born: 26 Oct 1830
Died: 12 Oct 1916 in Morris Crossroads, Pennsylvania, USA

No listing of whom his father was...:(

This is info on the son they were living with in 1910:

Francis Marion Blaney
Born: 1858
Died: 1942
and his wife....
Ida Mae Stewart
Born: 1860 in England (but the census says she was born in West Virginia)
Died: 1926

On the birth record of Roxbury I posted... (s) is for son of and (d) is for daughter of....

I'll add more as I find it....again, AWESOME FIND!!!! CONGRATS!!!

PS: I am modifying this post everytime I find new data....sorry....too much data...not enough time!!!!!!!!! LOL


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Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Wow! That is some fine researching as well! What a team you guys are!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Ron and Ann said:
I concur with everyone's comments...TOTALLY AWESOME FIND!!! Congrats on making the banner too!!! Truly an amazing find to be BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!

Gypsy...some great research you did there....Congrats!!!

I did some newspaper searching...found this article for a Family Reunion....Gypsy found his wife's name as Betsey (also short for Elizabeth). Think this family reunion that was held in 1961 in Pennsylvania is the same AARON BLANEY?? That would be so awesome if it was!

PS: I am modifying this post everytime I find new data....sorry....too much data...not enough time!!!!!!!!! LOL

I smell an amazing story coming on...remember the hiking stick? I say track down the current Blaney family and find out if they are having a reunion anytime soon...don't tell them why. Tell them you have a surprise and you would like to come to the reunion to give them a gift. Bring the desk, the wallet and the song, and return it to them (After having someone that knows about antique documents properly preserve it of course). I'm sure that when old Aaron died he had long forgotten the existence of the wallet and song manuscript, and whichever one of his decendants parted with the desk they didn't realize there was such an amazing piece of their family history with it!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

WOW, I missed that one. GREAT FIND!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Those are some amazingly well done hand cut half blind dovetails !!!
The construction from what I can see in the pictures so far is better than outstanding!

Please at least try to save that desk.
To lose it ...even without a signature or makers brand
would be like losing a piece of art.
You are in possession of a piece that probably took one man about 6 months to build.
and YES. In that regard alone it is a piece of art.
I can honestly say these things are a one of situation.

In other words.... don't grab the loose coins and leave the bars behind.
That desk is treasure.


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Mojjax, Excellent finds. You might want to check
the stairs, not the treads, the boards that face
you asyou climb them. I found some in a house
that opened and were hollow but empty. Also,
Gypsy,and everybody else. Excellent research.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Amazing find, well done. If you could keep us up to date with anything else you find out that would be great.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Mojjax , Congratulations on your unique find . Just a word of caution concerning these and most

antiquities in general , any paper effemera as old and likely significant as this , should be taken to a conservator

of early maps , documents, books etc. (Gypsyheart could probably hook you up) With regard to the old

furniture please do not use any cleaning agents at all , and definitely do not use any furniture polish or oil

or any refinishing products. The value of early Americana is in the retension of original surfaces as much as

possible. How many times have we seen the Keno brothers just cringe , when they see the Federal highboy

that has been cleaned or refinished . Good luck on the "rest of the story" keep us all posted .

Gregory, Santa Fe.

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

I too agree with TT. Being able to place where soooo many could see and appreciate it would be GREAT !!!!! Selling it may not be a way to go though.. First is to have it verified and then place it a the Smithsonian " on loan " which they will pay you pay the week, month, or year. Then maybe even let it travel around the country via a museum like the Smithsonian... and get paid....


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Nice find!!! What does it have to do with metal detecting?

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

radarwill said:
Nice find!!! What does it have to do with metal detecting?

Everything about it has to do with what detecting is about ! :) Since most of us are here because of a passion for historical research or are history buffs ,this find (actually three finds..bookcase desk,wallet and song) are all valuable links to history.....

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