Found a pocket book....216 years old! APPRAISAL!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Mojax thank you for sharing this piece of history with us.
here is some info on the pocketknife in your last post.
Vintage Henkle & Joyce Hardware Company "Pen knife". Great old knife made circa 1900-1934. Genuine jigged bone handles. Nickel silver bolsters and inlaid crest shield. Both blades have tang stamp. Main blade has nice long nail pull. Both blades are swedged toward point. Real nice solid old knife - a piece of Americana.
(Blade) Steel - Carbon Steel
Handle - Genuine Jigged Bone
Blade - Spear and Pen
Closed - 3-1/4"
Weight - 1.5 oz
Nickel Silver Bolsters and Crest Shield
Brass liners

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Old Dog said:

Detecting is a fine method of treasure hunting.
But it has in the scope of the whole picture only a small footprint in the treasure hunting scheme.
Treasure hunters find things everyday without the use of a detector.
Some, don't even own one.
From dumpster diving to Dowsing and diving.
and please include the occasional accidental thing.
Very little actual large treasure is found with a detector.

Look through this forum and see what I mean
You will see finds from all over from Caches in fruit jars to yard sale finds
from dives off the coasts to digs in an old dump.

and everything in between
Treasure is not just coins found in the ground by chance with a detector.

No offence


I see your point. I guess there are multiple ways to locate treasure. Still a great find and I especially like the dug ones. WTG!!

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Mo, it just keeps getting better! The house looks like it is rather old as well. Late 1700's maybe.



Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Cynangyl said:
those are some mighty nice finds and didnt even have to leave home sheeesh I love that old drawer pull or whatever it is in that last is puuuuurty!!

that last thing is a door knob I think it is beautiful,

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

How long you owned this piece of property?

It is beautiful I have never seen but the coast line of Maine before flying

I am wondering the same as others how come your in another house and not living in that house?

Are you going to make into a guest home?

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

An absolutely fantastic find - I look forward to keeping track of this great story as it unfolds. A wonderfully patriotic song too.

TIC: The Australian cricket team could use it as a battle theme next time we play the Poms (I mean the English Tyrants) :wink: - just kidding Crusader ;D ;D ;D

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Treasure Tales is right! You do have a fortune in that house!

Antiques Roadshow should beg you to do a show!

If you need any help transcribing the older letters, I'd be happy to help. I transcribe 1800s writing nearly every single day, so no problem!


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

No amount of words can express how much Happiness I have for your treasures right now. Truly an amazing find of a lifetime. Would you consider adopting me??? ;D ;D ;D Tim

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Completely Awesome post, CONGRATS! I'm with everyone else, I'd be in there night and day digging thru it all. Very Impressive ;D :thumbsup:

Here is a link to a website with some experts that may be able to help you.

WorthPoint Worthologists are men and women with expertise and a passion for art, antiques and collectibles. Their background include auctioneering, appraising, publishing, teaching, and consulting. What all Worthologists have in common is their ability to evaluate items to determine their history, significance, and worth.

To help you find information about the history, worth and preservation of your collectibles, all our Worthologists contribute weekly to our Antiques and Collectibles Research Library, and write collector blogs. If you have a question about an item you own, please use our Ask a Worthologist about your antiques online service."

Good Luck and one more small piece of advice.... don't let any of those documents leave your site for just anyone to examine, you may not get the originals (same ones) back!

Edit to add the link for the Antiques Roadshow FYI Discussion Forum

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Wouldn't it be totally awesome if antique road show did a show on his entire old homesite with the desk and papers all of it... holey moley

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Being a student of historical building and construction,

I Have been looking at the house from the outside as well as what photos you posted of the inside.
This house is not what builders call a foursquare. It predates the foursquare by a bit. My parrents own a foursquare that was built in 1836. this should give an idea of the age of the house. using the chimney position as a guide... one can put the age of the house before 1830, or in the Federal period.
It has been added to a couple times and the original house could be as early as 1780s or 1790s. you might check to see if it is of a log construction. many early houses are added onto an old log home.

Just a little more info for the story, It isn't much but it makes a little more sense.
Kind of cool to see it all come together.

The furniture may have been in the house since it was new.


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

I'm gone for a week and look at this find.......the most amazing to date in my book

......and the research by the fellow members........INCREDIBLE

Congrats on the outstanding find....thats truely incredible


Dugholes :laughing7:

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Actually, not just on TNet, but this is one of the best finds that I have EVER seen! To get the purse with Aaron Blaney's name and date on it and in outstanding shape is just more than most people can ever hope for! That right there would have been one of the best finds that I have ever seen considering that it looked like the purse was from the 1950s (IN GREAT SHAPE). But when you combine the handwritten POEM inside the purse and then the amazing desk :o :o :o It TRULY becomes not just an amazing find, but becomes a Museum quality, national treasure! The desk looks to be in overall very good shape........and I agree with the guy above, if it is of American construction, than you are looking at a very very good sum of money!

Congrats on one of the best finds I have seen in my lifetime :wink:

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

This entire thread, Has totally blown me away, to find what you have found is just..well, heck, I just dont have words to express myself, but good lord, that is the best thing I have seen in a long long time... I am dying to know what a professional will say about that and the desk, did he live in that house as well.. talk about American History, this is just as great as the guy who showed up on the antique road show with Pickett's sword and didnt know it at this time... and who knows what else you may find there... holey moley, I cant wait to hear more info..

I am so very thrilled for you

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

But is it really worth anything but a good adventure?

Sure it'll be tales to tell for decades to come but without a swarm of experts pouring over the place, who will believe you?

Out from an old desk, in an abandoned house, tumbled a 200 year old document in great shape which you went after on a whim?

I'm just playing devil's advocate and if you really want to get an honest evaluation of your finds be prepared for some pretty intense scrutiny.

Did you ever stop to think maybe you have been charged with a task? Something fate or even spirits want you to do? Maybe there is an injustice here. Perhaps someone took credit for a song that shouldn't have. Or maybe the building is beloved even though it's owners have moved on to another realm and their purity of heart has kept it from rotting and it's your task to preserve it? Maybe you were supposed to involve some of the others here on this board, for they are the ones who could provide clues with research.

So many questions. Such an incredible find.

Sorry, if I found something like that it would freak me out and my mind would certainly assume I found it for a reason. But what reason?

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

These are fantastic finds you have found..... In fact finds of a lifetime :wink: You have not said if you have looked for secret drawers in that writing desk and that other cabinet. It would be great to find another compartment with more great goodies in them.
As usual, Tnet have found all the great history for you..... :thumbsup: This is what is great with the people on this forum.

Keep us all informed on any other progress, and more pics of the inside of the house would be great.

God bless

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

This is by 100 times a greater find than I've ever seen by any Tnet member.

Some things are worth far more than silver and gold.

You are the No.1 Tnet finder!


Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

radarwill said:
Nice find!!! What does it have to do with metal detecting?
What a great find mojjax. Hope it makes you millions.
As for this ol’ boy I’m quoting, sounds like sour grapes to me………LOL
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!

Absolutely amazing!! :o

Re: Found a pocket book....216 years old!


I just now read this thread.


Mucho congrats on these amazing finds!

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