resurector said:
Lone-- not to distract from your newest find--(Cause obviously you sit nude on a snow covered peak...The GURU of GOLD. LOL.... sorry you really had a impact on us with that 1/2 eagle. So I'm pullin yur chain).... I'd like to remind folks that this coin( In my opinion,and historically) IS GOLD but your BAR COPPER (first circulation? c.1785!!!) is the find( or one of the finds) of a lifetime. And about a 1000x rarer than the 1909 $5 !!You folks can check it out in best finds. Lone, doesn't wanna admit it,, but that coin could fetch $5000+!! at auction these days.And I? mention it because I think its the rarest COIN I've seen posted!! You just keep hittin em outta the park...To consistently bring home NEWSWORTHY finds shows us" Great detectorist aren't made---their BORN.. ..GL====? resurector
Thanks for bringing this up resurector,
you make a good point,,, the gold coin is a nice find and definitely a coin that most all detectorist aim to find within their detecting career (so to speak)
the bar copper is/was a "once in a life time" find of all finds (at least to me) and you are correct that it has historical significance far beyond a common $5 gold eagle,
You wanna know the sad part though?? I did sell the Bar Cent, but,
when I found that copper, I was up north of here by 100 miles or so, and in an old logging town detecting a site with a lot of history (more than I knew at the time),,, I hit a signal at 10+ inches and out came the piece,,,
I took it home, cleaned it up, and began looking for what it might be through books, asking people, etc. (it was before the internet was in 80% of homes) and I didn't own a computer at that time.
Well, a few yrs passed, and I never found out what it was (as I never thought to look in the "Red Book") because I thought it was a token of some sort,
I put it in a coffee can with a pile of other cool stuff I found over the yrs, and listed it on ebay as one big "dug lot" of detector finds (more of which I didn't know what it was- but WISH I had now) because I do know what most of it is/was now,,,
the final price for the entire lot reached $124.00 and some change,
I shipped it off to the winner, and 2yrs later (3 yrs ago) was showing my friend the pics of the coin, and he told me I made the biggest mistake of my life,
he whipped out a Red Book, and there it was (plain as day) pg 53 of the 53rd edition (yr 2000)
and even though I had the same book sitting here for all those yrs, I never thought of looking for the coin in it because as I said, I thought it was a "token" or something..
You want to talk about a guy that was angry, depressed, and feeling what words can not describe??
I was sick for weeks because the WORST part is/was,
I've been a coin collector since an early teen (mid 70s) and I thought I knew my coins, but when I realized what I let slip away for "nothing" because I didn't do my "homework"
I began reading/researching TONS of material on colonial coppers, and a whole lotta other things as well!
I believe that IF the T-net would've been around back then, I could have shown the pic of the coin, and would've known almost instantly what I had because someone would have ID'd it for me, and saved me from my own lack of knowledge at that time!!
We're ALL lucky to have a place such as this forum these days because just a few yrs back, there wasn't any place like this and you couldn't just pop onto some site to ask questions about how to, what is it, where do I, what's the best detector, how do I use it, etc. etc. etc.
Some people have NO clue as to the value of info there is on this site, and sites like it.
That's why I feel more (a LOT more) people should donate and become charter members to help preserve this info/site.
HH and remember,
DON'T sell any of your finds UNtil you know exactly what they are! lol