Silver Member
Hi all
I have read the poem , I have read some posts and I make some conclusions . I agree with some posters how the tale had not a starting point , until now . The first map picture ( with the brown shape ) give a starting point and the location of the chest ( or whatever is ) . This map show how this mountain formation has the root in north central NM and with the clue which says how the treasure is not in Canada , but is north , in the brown alleged mountain formation .
And now we return to the roots and research a mountain formation like in the picture , which could fit with some clues .
After little research , I found how the place fit to a mountain range near Santa Fe recreation area . Look at these pictures to see the similarities . In the second picture I have inserted an overlay with the map .
View attachment 873339 View attachment 873341
Now the clues .
I believe is not far from Santa Fe but is far to walk .
What could has hot water ? Except a natural geyser , I believe is a house . And of course on the top of the recreation area , are some houses . Maybe one of these belongs to a Brown family , or has brown color , or it is made from tree logs . In this picture are the houses and to the right the Santa Fe lake .
View attachment 873352
The other clues , I believe are around Santa Fe lake .
This is my opinion , and I hope to be the correct .
Have a nice day and good luck in your research .
hi markmar your attachment links dont work