Forrest Fenn s treasure

Where do you start on this thread?
I've been researching this treasure since before this thread was started. I have never posted here before and basically told myself I wouldn't right from it's inception.
I had read up to July 1st of this year and then stopped, not to again come in until yesterday and today to get caught up.

My advice to anyone new to this, save yourself the trouble and stick to Forrest's book, "The Thrill of the Chase" and his poem. You'll only give yourself a headache. At the same time there are a lot of good posters in here so I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.
But at the same time there are four posters (7 user names) who add absolutely nothing to this thread repeatedly.

But one in particular is a riot who claims that the treasure box is full of evil spirits nonsense, but he knows a guy that found it and has proof, but still won't post anything to back up his claims. I'm sure if your over 5 years old and have graduated from kindergarten you can see that.

All I know is a lot of people are over thinking this way to much. Do I know the exact spot this treasure is at? No I don't. But I do believe I have narrowed it down to four possible area's. With one of them highly unlikely as it lies south of Santa Fe.
I have spent many hours on this over the last almost 3 years as it is intriguing to me and an easier treasure to hunt, but not necessarily to find. Sure I love all the other famous more richer treasures like the Lost Dutchman's mine, Oak Island along with many others, but this one just calls to me I guess because it's newer and the man that hid it is still alive.

I'm still going to look into this more until next spring and am pretty confident that'll I'll actually attempt looking for it. Something I wouldn't do considering I live just outside of Toronto, On which is over 1500 miles.
I will never give up a single clue to anyone and don't understand how anyone would if they were truly serious about actually looking for it. Loose lips sink ships.

I have found 2 caches in the last 5 years. Both were small compared to this, but one required doing research.

Very good advice Ronzie. The book and the poem thats it.

This yarn is two years old. Is the coot still alive? Bet he was seen doin it if he did. Those hills are crawlin with hobos.

We two old Coots are sill alive and I hope that we both find treasures before the good Lord call us home.

I feel sorry for all the people and animal who lost their lives and home there.

1231677_3444482487271_1593798212_n.webp Forest Finns moms house...

Lets see, you have been working on this little poem for 3 years and you haven't looked for it but you know the meaning of the 'clues' in the poem. Let's see, how many times have you heard someone say they know the 'clues'? No one will even acknowledge the starting points location. I wonder why! Frank...

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Almost 3 years since I first heard and came upon this poem. It's not that I sit and research it every single day as I have work, kids and other things that come first.
Yes I have an idea where to start and I have my own theory on where it possibly lies. Actually I'm over 1800 miles away and wouldn't even consider traveling that far unless I was confident in it's potential location.
Why would anyone with a brain shoot their mouth off giving clues if they were actually serious about looking for it themselves?
It's obvious you don't believe that there is a Fenn treasure, so why do you constantly keep being negative and coming into this thread and add nothing positive? Does it somehow make you feel better about yourself?
Move along hater.

UH OH!! now you hit the hornet nest Ronzie!!! Get ready for the backlash!!!

I don't think I'm trying to build any self image. I'm not one who likes to argue on the internet, but I do love a good debate.
I'm fine with you not believing that there isn't a treasure. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

What do you want me to say about my theory? I'm not going to decipher the poem for anyone. I've read the book twice and have gone over certain parts of it many times. I know the poem off by heart and have done some research in other places. Why would anyone give other people clues? I personally believe he actually hid this treasure.
Others have had their own theories and went hunting and found nothing. I'm confident in my theory, but by no means I'm I 100%. It's possible I could be way off. Like I said, I'm 1800 miles away and at this time I'm financially strapped. If everything goes as planned I'll be in better shape in the spring to go look for it.

I'll try to add something. I believe it's not even close to Yellowstone and that warm waters has nothing to do with geysers.
I've been brought up to respect my elders and I hope we can debate (not bash) each other.

Yup, I am back.

And I look forward to getting back to business regarding the chase.

I am in the process of planning out my 8th trip this year, with the hopes of putting the full-scour on my hotspot.

I have to put this spot to rest, as this will likely be my last trip out this season.

I will probably spend the winter planning my next plan-of-attack, so I need to put this spot to rest, or in my safe deposit box.

I wanted to add that Mr. Fenn's new book titled "Too Far to Walk", is a continuation of his other book in regards to the chase.

In his latest interview and Article with Margie Goldsmith, Mr. Fenn eludes to the fact that in this new book will be a pullout map, showing the area's where the treasure is hidden. I cant wait to get my mitts on the map. I will post it on my website when I do.

But something he said in his interview caught my eye.

He said "it isnt in Canada".

While on the outside that would seem a given. Even though the Rockies do in fact extend into Canada, the fact that that is the first time I have read that in print or heard it anywhere from Mr. Fenn suggests that this was in fact the 14th clue.

No, I have never had intention of going to look in Canada. But it tells me Mr. Fenn isnt quite ready yet to cease giving out at least small clues.

It made me smile.

I am certain he didn't put it in Canada as he never mentioned Canada in TTOTC...... er did he?

Hey guys, I have hidden a brief case with a million dollars in cash in the barren desert of southern New Mexico. Send 50$ to my paypal account and I will send you a crudely sketched map that will lead you to this buried treasure......just kidding.

See how easy that was? I actually do beleive Fenn hid a treasure out there. I've heard stories about him and his eccentricity and I don't think he is the type of person that would write this book as a hoax. However, I bet thousands of people have already spent thousands of hours looking for it and it's still hidden. If he really did it, I'm sure he planned it for years and searched for years to find the perfect spot. I think you'd have to spend years looking for it as well. So it's a great story and a great idea, but this is one treasure hunt I will have to sit out. Good luck to anyone pursuing it though, I hope some prospector who's down on his luck and really needs the loot finds it.

Well friends and fellow TH'ers I'm happy to say my recent B-Day netted me a copy of 'The Thrill of the Chase'. After obsessing over the poem for the last 7 months or so and developing a strong lead theory as to the cache location --- the book failed to confirm it. That's not to say I'm wrong, I just can't point to anything conclusive and I suspect anyone who has taken the time to read it probably feels the same way. Which brings up an interesting point: HOW MANY PEOPLE ACTIVELY IN THIS LONG THREAD HAVE ACTUALLY READ IT!?
The first shock you would get is the coffee table size of the book (although only 147 photograph filled pages). I read alot and I read this slowly and carefully yet it took me only 2 & 3/4 hours to read it cover to cover. I think that speaks for itself.... Fenn's writing style is a cross between Mark Twain & Antoine de St. Exupery. He is folksey and engaging throughout and sometimes downright spiritual. The book isn't really divided into chapters so much as pastiches about random events, people and places in his life. He makes some snide comments at the beginning about other authors including literary giants Hemingway & Fitzgerald (even though he mistakes 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' being about an ambulance driver during WWI actually 'A Farewell to Arms') again I think this speaks for itself. He is however praiseworthy over J.D. Salinger's 'The Catcher in the Rye'. Obviosly he is trying to carve his own unique niche in literary history, but I could've done without this section altogether.
So about that treasure cache, he includes one tantalizing short piece in there about what he put in it. And of course the old tagline that its "somewhere north of Santa Fe". He also drops hints (IF you interpret them that way...) about possible locations. Frankly none of which is anymore convincing or obvious than the others. So do I feel cheated or that I wasted my time? NO! I think the poem is still the best starting and possibly ending point for anyone interested in increasing their net worth by roughly $1-$3 Million dollars.
If you were reading this and looking for more clues, sorry to disappoint you --- read it yourself!

I have read the excerpt, but I digress my search is based on the poem, and my own flair of reason and digestion of the clues I see. I have had only two spots I am focused on, the first was because I wasnt paying attention, the second because the first was the right direction. I will be finding this cache, either first, or not first. But I will find it.

Enjoyed your post spyguy. I hope to read the book someday too, but I have taken Mr. Fenn's advice that the book will not provide clues, just subtle hints. I am certain it is a good read though as many of his works are.

Woah,.... I really like this ignore function at this forum.
( CLICK HERE to put Frankn on your IGNORE List too ) :)

Everything is so nice and sunny and cheerful without the display of the doom and gloom and bs trolling out this thread.

This is one time where Ignorance IS truly Bliss. :)

Now,... bout this chase.... :)

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Everyone is forgetting the basics. Fenn said: it's in a place dear to me, don't over think the poem, he doesn't trust the government (may be in a park), you have to study his life to understand where it would be, didn't say it was buried he said it was hidden, he changed the poem after he was cured of cancer and removed the line about "take the treasure and leave my bones" so may have changed his mind about a cache spot, he removed a paper $1000 bill so it wouldn't get destroyed (from water?), pay attention when I speak of Yellowstone, father or cancer (subtle hints in these paragraphs?), he hid treasure in Aug 2010 after over 8 yrs of intense planning and poem editing, was not flying during 2010 and said he laughed to himself at what he did after hiding it and WALKING to his car, probably in an elevation of over 7000 ft because he corrected himself when he realized he let that slip. All these facts are in his blog, video interviews and his books. You guys are just pulling crap out of the air!
Oh, another thing he said was..."Don't get pulled in with these websites that claim to know the location for a fee, and don't listen to everything you read on web sights." this one! Happy Hunting

"sights",... has had the attention of my thoughts for awhile now.

Welcome Donnadoo!

Hi all

I have read the poem , I have read some posts and I have made some conclusions . I agree with some posters how the tale had not a starting point , until now . The first map picture ( with the brown shape ) give a starting point and the location of the chest ( or whatever is ) . This map show how this mountain formation has the roots in north central NM and with the clue which says how the treasure is not in Canada , but is north , in the brown alleged mountain formation .
And now we return to the roots and research a mountain formation like in the map picture , which could fit with some clues .
After little research , I found how the place fit to a mountain range near Santa Fe recreation area . Look at these pictures to see the similarities . In the second picture I have inserted an overlay with the map .

FF.webp FF1.webp

Now the clues .
I believe is not far from Santa Fe but is far to walk .
What could has hot water ? Except a natural geyser , I believe is a house . And of course on the top of the recreation area , are some houses . Maybe one of these belongs to a Brown family , or has brown color , or it is made from tree logs . In this picture are the houses and to the right the Santa Fe lake .


The other clues , I believe are around Santa Fe lake .
This is my opinion , and I hope to be the correct .

Have a nice day and good luck in your research .

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