Forrest Fenn s treasure

Deepthroat is starting to see the real picture here - but the truth behind this chase is even stranger yet.
The solution to the poem has been resolved in May by Whiterock7, who has sent a pic from the location, small cut from it, but Fenn would recognize it and know it was located. Whiterock7 has also REJECTED the treasure. He absolutely has the only solution, location .......and pictures of the treasure in its location - if the treassure it is still there, he does not know, but Fenn has a simple means to know if it was taken. There is only 1 solution and is verifiable by several means beside the poem. Poem however has multiple meanings, and the sinister one is the real and the intended primary meaning. One day, I'll reveal the solution A-Z. Even if someone found it they will likely not know or understand the half of it!

I tried to warn you all of the danger long ago - the treasure is a lure, Fenn wants your body, and to suppress your soul! He is not in it alone! He is part of something much bigger, something that threatens a whole human race. They go on corrupting and deceiving many, and your children are their prey.

Look up children books by David Kirk - Miss Spiders New Car, I believe, is the easiest one to comprehend. You will see an innocent child taken to Hell, by the means of alchemy - Mantes Motors, then being abused on the way there, it's brain tapped, later abused by the insectoicts. Inferno Flamo ! The books are not fantasy - THEY ARE DOCUMENTARIES ! When you start seeing what's hidden in front of your eyes, you will be shocked! Those images are your children exposed to on the daily basis in schools. The book authors then go and visit the schools, hypnotizing your children so they can later abuse them in their dreams. They have discovered the secret of evoking Satan by means of alchemy = real meaning of holy grail, and transcending the time and space .....Same goes for the traveling theater and the plays they take your children to from schools. They lock them in auditoriums, teachers for most part being ignorant of what is going on, with the exception of few who are in on it, and hypnotize them and imprint stuff in their mind, as well as stop time temporarily. After the play, nobody remembers much of what happened in those critical moments. Has any of your kids been to Rainbow Fish, performed by Star theater company? -then they were abused! Asked them what the play was about.

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A bit dramatic but well put. Makes for a credible story.

Good gawd jayackam that is utter nonsense. Fenn wanting your body and to suppress your soul. He is part of something much bigger, something that threatens a whole human race. They go on corrupting and deceiving many, and your children are their prey.
How do you even think this stuff up?

Where are these pics that Whiterock7 took of the treasure in it's hiding spot?


Where are these pictures?,... only in one's imagination and willingness to post such nonesense.

The treasure exists, and has yet to be found. I believe this to be true.

But the story sellers do not want anyone to think this way.


jayackam: That dog won't hunt man. But you keep trotting him out.
The evidence (such as the evidence is) is that back in April, 2013 or so, Whierock7 tried to "pull a sting con" on Fenn via email to get Fenn to disclose the location of the cashe. Fenn told a reporter that he never received any such email for Whiterock7.
Maybe Fenn did or did not see/receive the email from Whiterock7.
Anyway, since Fenn knew it was a con because (IMJ) he knew he had not hidden any cashe in the outdoors, Fenn paid no attention to Whiterock7 and dismissed the whole thing.
Maybe had a good laugh. And now you are still pulling crap out of the air because you somehow obtained a copy of the Whiterock7 email to Fenn and you are the one who swallowed the Whiterock7 email con hook line and sinker. You may be right and I may be wrong, but Ill take that bet jayackam. Did you not email and call a reporter, tell him to go to a location with police protection where you would meet them and point out where the cashe was hidden in a concrete drainage pipe? Where did you get the gps coordinates jayackam? From the Whiterock7 email?


Telling it like it is. Kudos BTDT2.

I have had a limited few emails with Mr. Fenn, and not only do I believe it is out there, not only do I believe Mr. Fenn has no reason to falsify this chase, but also, not only do I 'think' I know where it is.

Why havent I gone after it yet? Well I will tell you. I have made seven trips so far with eight before year end. Everytime I learn and discover new things about my theory and the facts that surround it and the fallacy of my search area's. All I am doing is narrowing it down trip by trip. And yes, I am in no hurry. Nobody knows what I have seen, and what I have found, let alone why I am looking in my hotspot. IE - it will be there for me tomorrow, and I am not going hungry today. If someone finds it before me, well kudos to them. I hope they throw a grand party. (and I hope I am invited lol).

(I may update this post in a week or so, with more news. Lets see....)

I think Fenn's real motivation with the treasure chase is more clear to me now than ever. He wants people looking for his treasure and talking about him 100+ years from now. Think of the 'Lost Dutchman Mine' made famous by Jacob Walz or the notorious pirate Blackbeard. People are still scouring the AZ desert and the outer banks of NC respectively for both of their treasures. Blackbeard was famously quoted as saying: "Only I and the devil know where my treasure is buried and the longer liver of the two of us shall have it all!"
I short, their names have become a permanent part of treasure lore and history and Fenn I believe would like to add his own to the mix. I'm still keen on a few locations personally, but must admit I've explored them exclusively from an armchair or a computer screen. That's not to say I may not eventually get out to do a little "yondering", but for now research and contemplation are enough for me. It's possible that Fenn was inspired by the following quote by the scientist Blaise Pascal: "They did not know that it was the chase rather than the quary that they sought."
Just a little food for thought....


I agree with your opinion , which could be the real . I don't know if the people will talking about Forest Fenn's treasure ( which is very small in comparison with a normal size , if exist ) 100+ from now , but maybe his method ( not so decent ) to make money , will be for many years the one of the many other oral lessons in the economical universities over the world .

I wrote that that the Rainbow Fish, was performed by Star theater company in error. It was actually Artspower theater from NJ ( what they really mean is star power = 5 pointed star). The rainbow fish in the play was told by the teacher to seek advice from the Wise Old purple Octopus, which lives in the deepest darkest depths of the ocean. The octopus (satan) then advised the rainbow fish to give away her beautiful scales ( her soul ).

Btdt2 - nobody tried to pull anything on Fenn. There is no hook ,line sinker by Whiterock. It was simply a complete solution. He was hoping that fenn would reply with a secure email so he could send him back pictures from the treasure,s locations, so that he would know that the location and all aspects of it are known. Fenn never replied back. I think Whiterock is correct in that Fenn has others handling some of his mail, so he did not want to send those pics with arrows pointing out the treasure. Whiterock did not want the treasure, he wanted Fenn to man-up and take it back - to eliminate the dangerous trap!
Yes, I did contact the reporters and the cops, and thank God I had a wrong location, because someone would have simply fallen victim to the trap, since whole plan fell apparat due to various circumstances ( there is apparently a huge corruption going on in NM). Whiterock read my interpretation and has contacted me for the very reason, that the sinister aspect of the poem was exactly the way he saw it too. But he correctly resolved the location, even though it was a completely different place, as he later showed me, including the pictures.

Ronnie, I wish I could post the pics here, but for now it would do you all disservice and harm. Where do I come up with this stuff? There is much more to this world than what you can see. 20 years ago if you mentioned an Allien or UFO, people would say you are a complete whacko. Today,s scientists take it for granted that there must be other life in the universe. Soon you might find out that they are among us. When we start looking with our current knowledge through the eyes of man that lived, witnessed and documented things 5000 years, we will realize that there is much more to this world than what we can see.

... I wish I could post the pics here, but for now it would do you all disservice and harm.

I would be appreciative if you would just send them to me then.

Not that I dont believe you,... but you protect me from nothing I am worried about. And I will hold you harmless of any disservice that may result.


Btdt2 - nobody tried to pull anything on Fenn. There is no hook ,line sinker by Whiterock. It was simply a complete solution. He was hoping that fenn would reply with a secure email so he could send him back pictures from the treasure,s locations, so that he would know that the location and all aspects of it are known. Fenn never replied back. I think Whiterock is correct in that Fenn has others handling some of his mail, so he did not want to send those pics with arrows pointing out the treasure. Whiterock did not want the treasure, he wanted Fenn to man-up and take it back - to eliminate the dangerous trap!
Yes, I did contact the reporters and the cops, and thank God I had a wrong location, because someone would have simply fallen victim to the trap, since whole plan fell apparat due to various circumstances ( there is apparently a huge corruption going on in NM). Whiterock read my interpretation and has contacted me for the very reason, that the sinister aspect of the poem was exactly the way he saw it too. But he correctly resolved the location, even though it was a completely different place, as he later showed me, including the pictures.

jayackam :Check out the si-fi movie The Blob. Since you now know the location of the cache, possibly you can get some ideas from this flick on how you might disarm or destroy the highly dangerous cache. Good luck to you man. Let us know how it comes out for you.

I wrote that that the Rainbow Fish, was performed by Star theater company in error. It was actually Artspower theater from NJ ( what they really mean is star power = 5 pointed star). The rainbow fish in the play was told by the teacher to seek advice from the Wise Old purple Octopus, which lives in the deepest darkest depths of the ocean. The octopus (satan) then advised the rainbow fish to give away her beautiful scales ( her soul ).

Btdt2 - nobody tried to pull anything on Fenn. There is no hook ,line sinker by Whiterock. It was simply a complete solution. He was hoping that fenn would reply with a secure email so he could send him back pictures from the treasure,s locations, so that he would know that the location and all aspects of it are known. Fenn never replied back. I think Whiterock is correct in that Fenn has others handling some of his mail, so he did not want to send those pics with arrows pointing out the treasure. Whiterock did not want the treasure, he wanted Fenn to man-up and take it back - to eliminate the dangerous trap!
Yes, I did contact the reporters and the cops, and thank God I had a wrong location, because someone would have simply fallen victim to the trap, since whole plan fell apparat due to various circumstances ( there is apparently a huge corruption going on in NM). Whiterock read my interpretation and has contacted me for the very reason, that the sinister aspect of the poem was exactly the way he saw it too. But he correctly resolved the location, even though it was a completely different place, as he later showed me, including the pictures.

Ronnie, I wish I could post the pics here, but for now it would do you all disservice and harm. Where do I come up with this stuff? There is much more to this world than what you can see. 20 years ago if you mentioned an Allien or UFO, people would say you are a complete whacko. Today,s scientists take it for granted that there must be other life in the universe. Soon you might find out that they are among us. When we start looking with our current knowledge through the eyes of man that lived, witnessed and documented things 5000 years, we will realize that there is much more to this world than what we can see.

If I find it then I'll let my daughter open it just to be on the safe side. :laughing7:


Drat,.. no picture,.., no surprise,...

I guess I am left with just a comfortable well-protected life with no thrills or spills.

Maybe I will just invest in T-bills to be safe (***huge sarcasm especially if the US defaults. Now THAT is real scary stuff!!***)

jayackam i went to this show with my 2 neice and 3 nephew,they are fine then and now
where do you come up with this stuff
anuary 26, 2006 12:00 am • Mary Louise Speer
Theater troupe performs at Bettendorf library : Bettendorf News

So I guess it is fine with you then, that the little fish is advised to go away from little pond, to the big ocean to find the knowledge, rather than her parents = remember these are kids preK-1st grade usually . Then she is guided to meet the sleek black shark, represented as a 5 pointed red star on the screen= devil, who spins her around- hypnotizing, confususing and abusing her ( flash of light from huge camera= stopping time), and then tells her to go tO the darkest depths of the ocean where a wise old purple octopus lives in the dark cave! When she finally finds her and listens to the advise to give away her soul=her god given beautiful scales, they all sing praise-gospel music to the octopus= which represents the Satan. Remember this all happens in the greatest, darkest depths of the ocean! Then when the rainbow fish returns back, and gives away her scales, as she was advised to do by Satan , and tries to see how she looks in front of the mirror, she is blocked by her fish friends-darklings, and she is told that from now They will tell her how beautiful she looks! She is no longer able to see herself! Why do you think that is?

So is that the play you saw and admired? What lesson do you think your kids got from it? Have you asked them about their dreams days after they saw the show? Maybe your interpration is quite different, but that is what the play was about. I am not certain what happened between meeting shark and meeting Satan, since I took my child out, but you get the point!
Take a little time and consider what I am saying here! Do not be defensive. You might just start seeing things differently.

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Jayakam you must of found the peyote patch. You'll be puking in about 20 minutes.


EURIKA!! jayackam,you just bought yourself "a ticket to ride". That puppy will hunt.
Just get over that hidden in the outdoors and evil spirits in the box stuff.:icon

Now THAT IS a cute puppy.

All young puppy's just melt my heart when they look at me with those eyes.


Satan doesn't exist. It's a play/story.

People who think the Fenn treasure is cursed and he wants your soul.


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