Forrest Fenn s treasure

You're the liar, Bloodline. You said that if someone asked Fenn if he loved Lucifer and Fenn said, "No" you would believe him. Now your tactic is to call that person a liar. We're all sitting here behind screens. We can't see each other and most of us probably don't even know each other, let along have ever seen each other. Why should we believe you over someone else we haven't seen? G.I.B making the claim that he asked Forrest Fenn a question is certainly a lot less extreme than your claim that Forrest Fenn is a devil worshiper. All things considered, it's far easier to believe a less extreme claim without evidence than it is to believe an extreme claim without evidence. You can't even telly us why you believe what you do. And that just adds to my belief that you don't believe what you are saying. And if you can't even give them impression that you believe your own con you will probably never be able to pull off the long game.

Hobo...Yes this thread has been Hi-jacked to serve one person's opinion. Congrats to BL as no-one is interested in traveling the road you're on. We want to solve this poem/treasure hunt and you don't...simple. Let Bygones be Bygones, we get your point...

About your solve Hobo...Montana is a Great place to start. I think something FF said that is in the Treasure box for the person that finds it could include a Title to something..either title to land or something. I think it's to a property with a ranch/house. I've found a distinct correlation to the solve and a specific piece of property....MinerGirl

Minor girl, If you only knew. It's been found. You were right about him havig a way to know if it's been found. (If the fnder was willing to participate, ), maybe someday. Bye.i

Minor girl, If you only knew. It's been found. You were right about him havig a way to know if it's been found. (If the fnder was willing to participate, ), maybe someday. Bye.i

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Are you saying that Forrest Fenn's treasure has been found??? When did this happen?

There are people who claim to have found it.

I've read some that say it was a virtual treasure, and they found that.

It would be pretty newsworthy had it actually been found. That would be a hard secret to keep.

Oh yeah,,,I forgot..SlickNickle found it. Darn as I was sooo Close..Lol I especially liked the part where he insists that the way FF signed his name as FF uu had to mean a "W" I liked that idea, however I thought he just meant 2 horseshoes (UU) meaning "Good Luck") FF says that to everyone...Good luck with your hunt. Or it could mean ("U2") as in 2 U's ...This is a freaking Spy plane folks...Lol...the it...maybe you'll find the story and the clues that go with it. But it only can mean what Slick says it means so there can be no deviation to his solve..Sarcasm of course. Yes..hundreds of people say it's solved...they solved it...wasn't there when they went so someone snagged it first...blah, blah


There are people who claim to have found it.

I've read some that say it was a virtual treasure, and they found that.

It would be pretty newsworthy had it actually been found. That would be a hard secret to keep.

I agree it would be a tough secret to keep. I'd like to think I could at least keep it a secret long enough to cash it in. It would suck to have the IRS set the value on it and tax you out the wazoo. Much better to get the actual value and worry about paying the taxes on that. Of course, it would be wise to pocket a few "souvenirs" for the bling factor.

I have read a lot about people searching for the treasure.

The one common thread, with a lot of the hunts, is that some folks have forgotten something very basic with this.

You have to go where an 80 year old man could go, and carry, a 40 pound box. (twice)

That alone limits a lot of areas.

Picture an 80 year old man with 40 lbs getting into a canoe and paddling... no, there'll be no paddle up your creek.

He said it- no paddle. There was a fella that died on a strong current while paddling. No no no no... There'll be no paddle up your creek.

Just take it for that. The creek is a reference point.

You could possibly infer that this means to float down the creek with the current, but let's get back to FF's age and abilities.

Was he really (and he said he had to make two trips) going in a canoe, twice?

Was he really (and he said he had to make two trips) going in a canoe, twice?

Plus, he said he did it in one afternoon. So if you consider "afternoon" to be roughly between noon and 5:00pm, and don't account for the times used in the placement of the chest you are talking about a little more than an hour hike in each direction. Another thing he said was that the chest is hidden near the location where he was going to kill himself rather than die of cancer. Putting aside the poem for the moment, deduce where he was going to kill himself and you've just shrunk the area to a manageable size where applying the clues from the poem make it a lot easier.

placement of the chest you are talking about a little more than an hour hike in each direction.

I wouldn't think it would be more than a 10 minute hike, max.

80, your bones ache, muscles hurt-

40 pounds is a heavy load. He got his car fairly close.

wish f was still answering emails, id ask him if found, ive asked in the past, he always said not found

Minor girl, If you only knew. It's been found. You were right about him havig a way to know if it's been found. (If the fnder was willing to participate, ), maybe someday. Bye.i

where and how far an 80 yr old, can hike carrying 20# on
hike in,then go back with another 20#, hike out again, give
an afternoon is 12pm to 4/5pm, was it a hot day,prob not
i noticed Fs breathing always seems labored,in his vid
interviews even his early ones

i kept that in mind while searching, im 60+ and maybe i
walk 2/3 miles a week, and quit smoking yrs ago
F said i think back in 2014...
There isn't a human trail in very close proximaty to
where I hid the treasure.

our plan was, use the human trails, around the HOB
then look for non human trails, and use our binoculars
to see what we could see 200 ft off the human and non
human trails and a 2 hour trek time limit out and back

NOTE, sorry had published the draft, i think this is
a little more comprehensible

all of my search area/s didnt increase in ex-stream elevation
out of the 3 areas we checked for that dang blaze
all trekking was mostly level but a small elevated climb up one
area, once we got turned around but the big hill told us go back.
i have a bad back so i had to rest,a few times as was sort of
rough, fallen trees and keeping track of the non human trails.
my regret from getting turned around,there were two intersecting
non human trails, and since we lost time and was going to run past
the 2hr limit we set for in and out,and running out of daylight.
so could only check one.of the non human trails and on our last day,
even at noon it was only 40 degrees and windy, so we scrapped that day.
maybe i can get back there next yr and check the other NH trail

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The gentleman mentions in an interview that he has never given a precise age at the time the treasure was deposited, citing a fear that someone will look at the rental car records. In my opinion, if he had driven his own vehicle a musing about rental cars receipts would not simply roll off the tongue.

The gentleman mentions in an interview that he has never given a precise age at the time the treasure was deposited, citing a fear that someone will look at the rental car records. In my opinion, if he had driven his own vehicle a musing about rental cars receipts would not simply roll off the tongue.

How do we know it was a statement that just simply rolled off his tongue, and not a calculated statement to add one more layer to the chest's hiding?

I wouldn't think it would be more than a 10 minute hike, max.

80, your bones ache, muscles hurt-

40 pounds is a heavy load. He got his car fairly close.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. What I meant to say was that the maximum hiking time would have been a little more than an hour in each direction. You should also account for a shorter distance if his hike dramatically changed elevations or the terrain changed. There are a lot of variables, but if you figure a hiking speed of no more than 3 MPH you can establish a pretty good search radius.

How do we know it was a statement that just simply rolled off his tongue, and not a calculated statement to add one more layer to the chest's hiding?

We don't. Leaving open three possibilities: 1)he didn't drive his own car and wanted to drop that hint, 2) he drove his own car and wanted to plant a red herring or, 3) he did not drive his own car and did not intend to give thIs information.

We don't. Leaving open three possibilities: 1)he didn't drive his own car and wanted to drop that hint, 2) he drove his own car and wanted to plant a red herring or, 3) he did not drive his own car and did not intend to give thIs information.

I don't know the answer to what I am about to ask, but it could change the equation. Is Forrest Fenn any kind of equestrian? If so, whether or not he rented a car or drove his own could be less significant. A vehicle with a trailer hitch and pulling a horse trailer could expand any potential search radius. He could have had a horse for riding, and another horse or burro for carrying the load. Also, does anyone know where he was when he was contemplating suicide? In one sense that is why I think the chest is hidden in New Mexico. A lot of people jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. But how many of those people traveled from New York City or Dayton, Ohio to do it? Hunter S. Thompson did at home, while on the phone with his wife. I'm an Occam's Razor kind of guy, and the simplest answers are usually the right answers.

FYI, he has said he was driving a sedan when he hid the chest. Answered in an installment of his mailbag.

He said he walked, 2 trips, do some research & you wouldn't have to guess so much.

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