Forrest Fenn s treasure

that granddaddy solve, isnt new, the guy themarkd, that started this thread
and myself discussed the folsom falls area back in feb-march 2012, and i hooked
up with some students from santa fe area, to check it out, this was b4 FF said
rocky mts, anyway they had sent me imgs of i think that same hole,with them
and some beer, that had the state Zia sun symbol on the cans, i still have the
drive that the imgs are on, but cant get the os to work, tried reloading the os,
still didnt work, i have a bunch of fam photos on it too is why ive kept the drive

ps, my solve wasnt like the granddad, simple old man close to home
clues brown ranch warm water the falls blaze was a sign near the falls i think,
been awhile LOL

Do you think FF could have found the spot and placed the chest there?

Not likely on the same pic that I have presented. Maybe Folsom Fall. There are still plenty of beer cans there! The Indian eye location? A group of people in this area? I don't think so. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but knowing the area, not likely. Either way, proof is in the picture, fire away and post it! Hiking to this place and drinking beer? The Falls ?yes. That's what they did at the falls. In the gorge? Proof is in the pic.

One thing that I haven't made very clear about the gorge and the volcanic Mausoleum. It's an optical illusion of sorts. Standing on top of it, reveals nothing. Where my one set of pictures are taken on top of the hidey-hole, nothing below me is revealed. Likewise, getting to the mausoleum is shrouded as well. Really a sight to see. I think several 100 or 1000 years ago, this area would have looked very different. More of a natural amphitheater for ritual ceremonies. Now, it's a masterpiece of illusion surrounded and concealed by underbrush and trees

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that granddaddy solve, isnt new, the guy themarkd, that started this thread
and myself discussed the folsom falls area back in feb-march 2012, and i hooked
up with some students from santa fe area, to check it out, this was b4 FF said
rocky mts, anyway they had sent me imgs of i think that same hole,with them
and some beer, that had the state Zia sun symbol on the cans, i still have the
drive that the imgs are on, but cant get the os to work, tried reloading the os,
still didnt work, i have a bunch of fam photos on it too is why ive kept the drive

ps, my solve wasnt like the granddad, simple old man close to home
clues brown ranch warm water the falls blaze was a sign near the falls i think,
been awhile LOL

Santa Fe Brewing Company...good local brew and can be found nationally.

Now that's a treasure hunting tip I will have to look up!

I'm standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona with several things on my mind. Question for you
SlickNickle: Did you check the Union County, NM land records to determine if the property of
interest is private, county or state owned currently?

Don't know, I don't think they know either. I did purchase the whole NM overlay for TrimblreOutdoors, but this area is all unknown. I chose to use ignorant deniability past this point. There was a square up on the mesa that is government owned, and just didn't look right. Didn't make sense either. I have done some digging but fruitless as far as hard facts. I know the path that I took was legal as far as no trespassing, but this route isn't for the faint of heart. A good physical body and a heavy mountain bike are needed. I rode right past a rancher working on his fence and he didn't stop me.

I have a question for all to consider.

Why did Mr. Fenn change the search criteria?

His FIRST public interview stated, somewhere North in the mountains of Santa Fe.

Why the deviation?

Why the maps later on excluding Folsom Falls, NM?

AND WHY did everyone believe him?

Why do people still believe him about this flippity-flop?

This has now become my point by which I base my conclusions. Consider my next train of thought.


Take the poem, use up every word to its enth degree. Spread it out across the Rocky Mountains, or for that matter the whole USA. There are now MILLIONS of possible solutions.

Now, consider the following.

Let's take the same poem with the EXACT same scenario, but ONLY apply the solution to 2 square miles. Now the solution becomes way more difficult to discard as being "lucky" or random. It is by this simple logic, that demands respect when viewing the solution as a whole.
Let's throw in "The first rule of Poetry" the Indian that sports a headdress of a horse,
Apply the geometry with the points in reference to their relationship with the poem, and in this very small area, a "Y" shows up almost perfectly centered in a triangle. Connect that with the other "Y" that the poem instructs the seeker to do, and voila! YY=uu in Greek ! The mother load in all of the FF diaries.

This is the solution with the picture at the end. It was with complete confidence, that I walked up to this place.



Is the first interview online? I may have seen it and didn't realize. I'm just trying to put things in order. Does anyone have a link to the very first interview? Or date even! Sorry, still green to FF treasure!


Is the first interview online? I may have seen it and didn't realize. I'm just trying to put things in order. Does anyone have a link to the very first interview? Or date even! Sorry, still green to FF treasure!

You can go to chasechat I believe they have just talked about it and admin just released it. I had seen it many months ago when I was in the discovery phase of my trek.

You can go to chasechat I believe they have just talked about it and admin just released it. I had seen it many months ago when I was in the discovery phase of my trek.

Thank you! I was trying to find it on youtube but wasn't sure if I did or not.

A.R. or J.C

With the understanding that I do not question your solve.
If I may be so bold SlickNikle. When you began your TTOTC work back in May or June. 2015,
were you more inspired by A.R. or J.C.? Speak a bit to that if you care to.

Now that I have been admonish by TH and my sidekick, and rightfully so,

How does one go about knowing that they are on the right track with TC when writing Mr. Fenn?

I chose to use probability and numbers.

I was well aware that Mr. Fenn was replying to fellow seekers, but the numbers didn't add up.

Mr. Fenn has been uplifted to the likeness of Superman and a supercomputer. He has scaled canyon walls and has gone to the bowels of the earth at age 80. FF has the ability to read each and every one of his 1000 daily emails, every day, and has a better return rate on answers then Santa Claus.

What is the probability that I can get FF to return my email?
A simple control is put in place to ensure a speedy reply. First, the subject line. At a glance, Mr. Fenn would know I'm in the correct location.
SUBJECT: Eye and horse head Folsom Falls.
It got his attention!
Misspelling of his name? This was the control to prove a different point, and not for discussion on this thread.

Both controls were met and satisfied by his more than timely return in 4 hours!

I was able to satisfy my hypothesis and prove my two theories in one simple email.

When looking at the members, what is the probability, that I would be able to prove my hypothesis amongst 1000's of emails?

With the controls set in place, it's then simply a matter of true or false against the 1000's.

I received my answers! And quickly!
Other than warning on insults, don't think I admonished you any other place, maybe disagree but that is different.😁

With the understanding that I do not question your solve.
If I may be so bold SlickNikle. When you began your TTOTC work back in May or June. 2015,
were you more inspired by A.R. or J.C.? Speak a bit to that if you care to.

Sorry for not understanding your acronyms. I'm an old Army Dog on top of being an an audio engineer, and this can mean A LOT of different things.

Apache Reservation or the Jicarilla Connection

Is this what you are referring to? LMAO!

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Sorry for not understanding your acronyms. I'm an old Army Dog on top of being an an audio engineer, and this can mean A LOT of different things.

Apache Reservation or the Jicarilla Connection

Is this what you are referring to? LMAO!

Sorry for the delay, I had things I needed to do. Excellent response by the way.

OK just one more if you please.
I will give you one (1) word and you reply with three (3) words my one (1) word brings to your
mind regarding things you are engaged with around your residence in the order in which you enjoy
the 3 things. Brewing beer or drinking beer excluded.
And the word is: FOUNDATION.


Dude, you are gonna fry these poor people's brain. Lol

My solution is hard enough let alone A.R. This definitely isn't going to give either one of us gold stars for this discussion, so I will reply with a simple answer and we can talk about it over a home brew some day.

Answer: I think it, but not in its pure application. It's more of a free floating thought that is always present. Does this answer your question?


For you BTDT, you MUST strictly apply AR to post #2491, if that makes you feel better! Lol
No fudging the logic! And yes it is inherently applied. Actually between you and me, this basis is the ROCK to stand on, but you or I will never convince a single person here ROFLMAO.

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Other than warning on insults, don't think I admonished you any other place, maybe disagree but that is different.��

He threw us both in the category of admonish. So, I don't think he meant it as an insult. I think he meant it more in the lines of keeping him in check....helping him to relate to people without overstepping personal boundaries.
Slick is very intelligent. Probably too intelligent. My guess, Slick, if I may be so bold, is that he needs people like you and I to help interpret and not accidentally upset him. In my mind, we all on the same team.
Good night,


I forgot, am I Batman on mon wed and fri and side kick on tues thurs and sat?
I know I'm the joker on Sunday or when I had to much HB.

Oh, and thank you for explaining to TH, I'm a dork sometimes and yes you are correct as usual. Thank you Batman.

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I'm doing this just for BTDT apply what ever logic you wish! Apply the axiom if you dare!

I would like to propose a contest!


All solutions with all of its clues must be in an area no more then a 2x2 mile square block.

Only the poem, a map and a dictionary can be used.

Your solution must make logical sense and hold up 100% to the scrutiny of every viewer.

You must be able to defend every single point, line and word in the 2x2 block, of your solution.

The end prize will NATURALLY be, the promise of Mr. Fenn's treasure at the end!
I give you my word (as Forrest has) that the prize will be there!

Good luck!

I did it! (The 2x2sqm that is)

Can't be that hard!

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Not against my persimmon your not! Not yet your not!

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