Silver Member
JMO, I.D, i dont think we need more threads, as its all just part of the hunt
and if we tried to post a new thread, as a per subject of the hunt, it would
prob eventually get the same way, then we would have 2 or 3xs the bs to
wade through
as far as me posting FF email, thought about not doing it, but hey maybe
it would shut the I FOUND IT'S down for awhile, and we could talk about
other aspects of the hunt, and yes i had a need to know because i have
a trip/hunt for late spring 2016. was going this year,but the car said fix
me, then was going in late sept. and the wash and dryer said done, need
new ones. funny add 300$ more to the cost of repairs, and just buy new
and if we tried to post a new thread, as a per subject of the hunt, it would
prob eventually get the same way, then we would have 2 or 3xs the bs to
wade through
as far as me posting FF email, thought about not doing it, but hey maybe
it would shut the I FOUND IT'S down for awhile, and we could talk about
other aspects of the hunt, and yes i had a need to know because i have
a trip/hunt for late spring 2016. was going this year,but the car said fix
me, then was going in late sept. and the wash and dryer said done, need
new ones. funny add 300$ more to the cost of repairs, and just buy new