Forrest Fenn s treasure

JMO, I.D, i dont think we need more threads, as its all just part of the hunt
and if we tried to post a new thread, as a per subject of the hunt, it would
prob eventually get the same way, then we would have 2 or 3xs the bs to
wade through
as far as me posting FF email, thought about not doing it, but hey maybe
it would shut the I FOUND IT'S down for awhile, and we could talk about
other aspects of the hunt, and yes i had a need to know because i have
a trip/hunt for late spring 2016. was going this year,but the car said fix
me, then was going in late sept. and the wash and dryer said done, need
new ones. funny add 300$ more to the cost of repairs, and just buy new

So then. Being that the triangle/KAPREKAR thing on the WWWH site turned into such a debacle here, let me address that debacle.. I think that the poster HeavyMetalThunder MAY have unscrambled a word that did not need unscrambling and I made a typo and typed A.P Parker rather than the correct spelling of the author's name A.K. Parker.

So then, the number revealed on the WWWH site was, in my judgment, 180. The sum of the 3 angles in any triangle is 180 degrees. The KAPREKAR was included possibly to send the searcher off on a wild Barnacle Goose Chase or to A.K. Parker. ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS.

I suspect the 180 to have been a suggestion to the pilgrim to turn around and go back to where
the pilgrim began her/his search. Also possibly do some more informed constructive thinking. The
idea that more research, less dreaming of material riches, new and old, and less sightseeing may
help some few solve the poem map.

Lastly, I ask you pilgrims, what are the odds (that by pure chance) KAPREKAR would be rearranged
so as to produce the name of a writer who wrote in 1935 about a birthday and the year would tie to
a 1935 Plymouth that Fenn posted about ~ 8/07/2015? stacked deck or serendipity? Only The Shadow knows.

May not mean anything, but a foreigner put me onto this: "parka kre" is a term for a 'wild goose' in another language. Like I said, it may only be a coincidence.

Who's who?

Is Chad the guy who said not to search for the treasure because it held Fenn's demon soul, or was he the guy in Florida looking for funding and a handout to pay for his vacation out west? Or is he a couple of different profiles altogether. Why is he making stuff up? Is he also Crispin? I dunno myself. Maybe he's Geraldo incognito, and likes to send reporters and community officials to isolated dead end places. I lost track of how many times and in different places he found the treasure.

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Consider This

Consider this: What do/did the WWWH site and TTOTC poem map have in common?
The way I see it: They are/were both SATIRE. Fenn is just much more vague with multiple
interpretations from start to finish, yet sill disguised SATIRE.

If a person dosen't believe FFs treasure exist, why are the even on this forum. I don't believe in bigfoot so l don't visit the bigfoot forum (if there is one).

It's a long read but look at SOLVED! Granddaddy... In general forum. Complete solve on Fenn's poem. Says it all!

It's a long read but look at SOLVED! Granddaddy... In general forum. Complete solve on Fenn's poem. Says it all!

Well that is a TON of reading!! and thinking!!! WHICH by the way has me thinking " any redneck with a pickup truck" probly wouldn't be able to figure much of that cypher included. So I will stick to my solve and keep reading all I can. I did pick up some great new ways to "see" things by reading it. The chest isn't in NM....ImHo.

Interesting, Kinda like going from LA to Reno by way of HongKong and ending up in Dallas. I don't want to go to Reno or Dallas.JMHO

For SlickNickel

It's a long read but look at SOLVED! Granddaddy... In general forum. Complete solve on Fenn's poem. Says it all!

So then SlickNickel, what seems to be the problem? Did you run your findings by Fenn and get his
feedback? Your work looks good to me. You did one SUPER job there. Knocked my socks off.

Is Chad the guy who said not to search for the treasure because it held Fenn's demon soul, or was he the guy in Florida looking for funding and a handout to pay for his vacation out west? Or is he a couple of different profiles altogether. Why is he making stuff up? Is he also Crispin? I dunno myself. Maybe he's Geraldo incognito, and likes to send reporters and community officials to isolated dead end places. I lost track of how many times and in different places he found the treasure.

Not me.

The thing that I am still toying with is that the easy way to think is to assume the trail goes downhill, and there is a possible solve that has the trail going UP in elevation. It can be argued that the trail leads to Eagles Nest.

Why on earth did the author of WWWH make such an elementary cryptogram? It is not even random in that each letter simply means the next one in the alphabet. How old is this person running the site anyways?

Why on earth did the author of WWWH make such an elementary cryptogram? It is not even random in that each letter simply means the next one in the alphabet. How old is this person running the site anyways?

Dementia weakens the mind.

Why on earth did the author of WWWH make such an elementary cryptogram? It is not even random in that each letter simply means the next one in the alphabet. How old is this person running the site anyways?

That's the one on the right. You have to do the one on the left yourself...

Because everything you need has been provided.


Consider this pilgrims. What if Fenn's poem map, when interpreted as Fenn originally intended,
was not properly adjusted and took SlickNickel to the spot Fenn was considering going to "end it all" if the cancer beat him and not the other way around? Now that would be ironic.

Why would someone who believes that the treasure doesn't exist come to this site?


It's raining outside and T.V. sucks.

I don't believe it ever existed. Y'all are putting way more into this than FF did.

He found a way to get people to talk about him, buy his stuff, talk about him, get the news to talk about him, get people on the internet to talk about him, and then have more people send him money for stuff and buy is less than standard musings, and very less than average books and fantasy maps. For extra money he will even sign it for you.

He didn't put near as much effort into construction of the poem than Slick did decoding it.

Lot's of people have decoded it, and all of them equally make sense. Your own brain will do more work justifying your individual solution then FF needed to do writing it.

There are two commonalities in all of this.

Money. Ego.

How can he get people to spend money on his substandard writings and gee-gaws, without a capitol investment, where the buyer does all the work and advertising is continuous and free...

When things get quiet- how do we get them spun back up without spending any money- boost sales and get them talking about me again.

Hummm..... lemme think....

Consider this pilgrims. What if Fenn's poem map, when interpreted as Fenn originally intended,
was not properly adjusted and took SlickNickel to the spot Fenn was considering going to "end it all" if the cancer beat him and not the other way around? Now that would be ironic.

Where did you get the idea that FF was planning on suicide from there? That seems like a pretty far out idea....

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