Forrest Fenn s treasure

Not likely on the same pic that I have presented. Maybe Folsom Fall. There are still plenty of beer cans there! The Indian eye location? A group of people in this area? I don't think so. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but knowing the area, not likely. Either way, proof is in the picture, fire away and post it! Hiking to this place and drinking beer? The Falls ?yes. That's what they did at the falls. In the gorge? Proof is in the pic.

One thing that I haven't made very clear about the gorge and the volcanic Mausoleum. It's an optical illusion of sorts. Standing on top of it, reveals nothing. Where my one set of pictures are taken on top of the hidey-hole, nothing below me is revealed. Likewise, getting to the mausoleum is shrouded as well. Really a sight to see. I think several 100 or 1000 years ago, this area would have looked very different. More of a natural amphitheater for ritual ceremonies. Now, it's a masterpiece of illusion surrounded and concealed by underbrush and trees


I don't always reply with a quote, but when I do, it's always a XX's lol

This is the wrong way of trying to disprove my solution. You will have to find the points yourself, draw the lines and go to UU and snap the pic! It's that easy! I promise it will be the same as mine.

Speaking of pictures, I know I'm the first person EVER to snap my pic at UU

NVRADAR. I will be happy to engage you on the facts and any part of my solution. Any other nonsense that you choose to bring to the table from here on out, will be ignored. I'm not into chasing rainbows or unicorns. Sorry to dissipoint if I don't engage.

Then DON'T expect anyone to buy your fairy tails without proof! ANYONE can go look at google earth and find all kinds of unusual anomalies and build a story to I know you have.

Your "facts" are meaningless without the chest. If you don't believe in the chest why in God's name are you here telling all YOU are the "MASTER" solver? I haven't disproved a thing you have ....NO CHEST. That's the proof I and all will accept,until then it's YOUR opinions and theory.

Yes I know my questions are a little tough for you and all will see how you answer or not.

I will bet any amount you can't prove your statement "I'm the first person ever to snap a pic at UU". How will you PROVE it? YOU can't. So that statement is absurd at best.

There are two reasons (maybe more) that I can see for me anyway for your holier than thou attitude. 1. You did find the chest in your solve but won't admit to it so you don't have to face the tax monsters.2. You are so soured that the chest wasn't there after all your intellect you poured into it(and you did) that you can't accept the fact it wasn't there or someone was smarter than you and beat you to it and you want to be recognized for your hard work you put into your solve.....close?

Then DON'T expect anyone to buy your fairy tails without proof! ANYONE can go look at google earth and find all kinds of unusual anomalies and build a story to I know you have.

Your "facts" are meaningless without the chest. If you don't believe in the chest why in God's name are you here telling all YOU are the "MASTER" solver? I haven't disproved a thing you have ....NO CHEST. That's the proof I and all will accept,until then it's YOUR opinions and theory.

Yes I know my questions are a little tough for you and all will see how you answer or not.

I will bet any amount you can't prove your statement "I'm the first person ever to snap a pic at UU". How will you PROVE it? YOU can't. So that statement is absurd at best.

There are two reasons (maybe more) that I can see for me anyway for your holier than thou attitude. 1. You did find the chest in your solve but won't admit to it so you don't have to face the tax monsters.2. You are so soured that the chest wasn't there after all your intellect you poured into it(and you did) that you can't accept the fact it wasn't there or someone was smarter than you and beat you to it and you want to be recognized for your hard work you put into your solve.....close?


I have used logic to solve Mr. Fenn's poem/puzzle.

If you have read all of the previous posts, studied the solution and understand probability, then logic will dictate that the solution is real and tangible.

The smaller the area that a datum set is confined and restricted to, will prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that the end conclusion, is correct by the mere fact of observation, confirmation and proof to the equation, predefined in the original hypothesis.

"The end, proves the theorem, that is justified by the poem, converted to a puzzle and applied unbiasedly to a single location."

Consider and figure the chances, using probability and statistics to justify that my solution is wrong.

But! All of this is moot if you decide to go against logic because you can. Only when the location is found, the points discovered, the lines drawn and the conclusion is reached will you be able to prove the theorem.

Do you dare to jump off a cliff just to defy the law of gravity, because you can? Doesn't mean that your conclusion will be fruitful at the end endless, you acquired something along the way down, that interfered or was in contradiction with the initial law that was being challenged.

Show me a logical reason and disprove my solution. JUST ONE. Solid piece of evidence and not (you don't have the chest).

I will throw this back in your face. PROVE to me that Fenn hid the chest with absolute proof! You must use logic that can be supported, and not just argued.

A 12 year old, doesn't believe in Santa Clause, what proof does he need? What has the 12 year old realized that causes him to support his FACT.
Simple answer here, and the reason, it's going to take a long time for people to come to a realization, but I can't make that decision for them, they must accept the premise on their own.


I don't always reply with a quote, but when I do, it's always a XX's lol

This is the wrong way of trying to disprove my solution. You will have to find the points yourself, draw the lines and go to UU and snap the pic! It's that easy! I promise it will be the same as mine.

Speaking of pictures, I know I'm the first person EVER to snap my pic at UU

NVRADAR. I will be happy to engage you on the facts and any part of my solution. Any other nonsense that you choose to bring to the table from here on out, will be ignored. I'm not into chasing rainbows or unicorns. Sorry to dissipoint if I don't engage.

if it is solved then there is no need to continue to argue with members that you have solved it. It comes across as attacking those who don't believe you solved it....

Then DON'T expect anyone to buy your fairy tails without proof! ANYONE can go look at google earth and find all kinds of unusual anomalies and build a story to I know you have.

Your "facts" are meaningless without the chest. If you don't believe in the chest why in God's name are you here telling all YOU are the "MASTER" solver? I haven't disproved a thing you have ....NO CHEST. That's the proof I and all will accept,until then it's YOUR opinions and theory.

Yes I know my questions are a little tough for you and all will see how you answer or not.

I will bet any amount you can't prove your statement "I'm the first person ever to snap a pic at UU". How will you PROVE it? YOU can't. So that statement is absurd at best.

There are two reasons (maybe more) that I can see for me anyway for your holier than thou attitude. 1. You did find the chest in your solve but won't admit to it so you don't have to face the tax monsters.2. You are so soured that the chest wasn't there after all your intellect you poured into it(and you did) that you can't accept the fact it wasn't there or someone was smarter than you and beat you to it and you want to be recognized for your hard work you put into your solve.....close?

So then NVR, how might you explain your visceral reaction (relating to deep inward feelings rather
than to the intellect) to the probability that the chest may never have existed
as you imagened it?

AHHHHHH!!! You don't see the fatal flaw in your solve do you slick?? I do! And it is in your last post. I didn't have to state my facts...YOU plainly stated it for me. Do you know what I'm telling you?

So then NVR, how might you explain your visceral reaction (relating to deep inward feelings rather
than to the intellect) to the probability that the chest may never have existed
as you imagened it?

My reaction is in response to being looked down on as stupid and not worthy of solving a poem when someone states he has solved it without ANY proof. It's that simple.



I have posted a reply to this, and have ASKED the poster to post the pics! Hasen't happened! Probably won't. Unless the clues are followed precisely, my picture and hidey-hole will not just be stumbled upon. UU MUST be solved to get my picture.

Here is the UU you are speaking about. If encrypted in the chase somewhere, you will find the marks here on Google Ear

Omegas Closeup.webp

Here is the video of our recent hike there last week. We flew into Denver, drove for another 300 miles, and hiked the 20 miles through the area and back to the car. We spent two hours there and nothing was found.

We thought the chest would be waiting on top of this rock...but no chest.

Look at the bones he was speaking about......'Take the Chest and Leave My Bones'


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Originally Posted by cw0909

that granddaddy solve, isnt new, the guy themarkd, that started this thread
and myself discussed the folsom falls area back in feb-march 2012, and i hooked
up with some students from santa fe area, to check it out, this was b4 FF said
rocky mts, anyway they had sent me imgs of i think that same hole,with them
and some beer, that had the state Zia sun symbol on the cans, i still have the
drive that the imgs are on, but cant get the os to work, tried reloading the os,
still didnt work, i have a bunch of fam photos on it too is why ive kept the drive

ps, my solve wasnt like the granddad, simple old man close to home
clues brown ranch warm water the falls blaze was a sign near the falls i think,
been awhile LOL

NOTE: NO REPLY TO THIS POSTING. I wonder why........ lol

thats my post. am i missing something? why would i reply to my post?

Here is the UU you are speaking about. If encrypted in the chase somewhere, you will find the marks here on Google Ear

View attachment 1207601

Here is the video of our recent hike there last week. We flew into Denver, drove for another 300 miles, and hiked the 20 miles through the area and back to the car. We spent two hours there and nothing was found.

We thought the chest would be waiting on top of this rock...but no chest.

Look at the bones he was speaking about......'Take the Chest and Leave My Bones'

Cool videos! Looks like way to much fun to be out exploring!

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The chest being hidden is is up to each individual to decide to believe or not. I have no real issue with anyone who says it isn't real. Just don't make the proclamation you are the "master solver" and everyone else searching are just pawns in the search because we are just simpletons. That will only get you grief. Some believe slicks solve and thats totally fine, some don't thats totally fine as well. Just don't force it!!!

thats my post. am i missing something? why would i reply to my post?

Yes slick didn't reply to your post to my satisfaction is what I was saying.

Maybe.............. I could get it for you! It won't be cheap though! :evil5: I'm no stranger to dancing with the devil! I prefer not to! .........But what are you paying?:laughing7:

I WANT nothing, All for you man. Just go to hell and get it.

slick you didnt quote me, so it took awhile to try and fig what the convo
was about. in my post i said the imgs are on a non working HD, and 1 of
the 3 imgs they sent looks like the same hole, that from memory of 3 yr
ago, so ya it might not be the same hole, if i ever get the HD working
ill post the img. now i wish i hadnt cleaned up my inbox, lol

Not likely on the same pic that I have presented. Maybe Folsom Fall. There are still plenty of beer cans there! The Indian eye location? A group of people in this area? I don't think so. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but knowing the area, not likely. Either way, proof is in the picture, fire away and post it! Hiking to this place and drinking beer? The Falls ?yes. That's what they did at the falls. In the gorge? Proof is in the pic.

One thing that I haven't made very clear about the gorge and the volcanic Mausoleum. It's an optical illusion of sorts. Standing on top of it, reveals nothing. Where my one set of pictures are taken on top of the hidey-hole, nothing below me is revealed. Likewise, getting to the mausoleum is shrouded as well. Really a sight to see. I think several 100 or 1000 years ago, this area would have looked very different. More of a natural amphitheater for ritual ceremonies. Now, it's a masterpiece of illusion surrounded and concealed by underbrush and trees

Originally Posted by cw0909

that granddaddy solve, isnt new, the guy themarkd, that started this thread
and myself discussed the folsom falls area back in feb-march 2012, and i hooked
up with some students from santa fe area, to check it out, this was b4 FF said
rocky mts, anyway they had sent me imgs of i think that same hole,with them
and some beer, that had the state Zia sun symbol on the cans, i still have the
drive that the imgs are on, but cant get the os to work, tried reloading the os,
still didnt work, i have a bunch of fam photos on it too is why ive kept the drive

ps, my solve wasnt like the granddad, simple old man close to home
clues brown ranch warm water the falls blaze was a sign near the falls i think,
been awhile LOL

I guess the heat in the kitchen was just too much for slick. Asked the right questions and his story falls apart.

Eldo NICE videos!! Was it to far for FF to get in there in your opinion?

nvradar, i think the area of folsom falls is not the place ,because i dont think
it is in the rocky mtn range, and FF has said think about how far an 80 yr old
man can walk, or something like that,sorry not a quote, just from memory

I guess the heat in the kitchen was just too much for slick. Asked the right questions and his story falls apart.

Eldo NICE videos!! Was it to far for FF to get in there in your opinion?

So then. One place I suspect SlickNikel to be wrong was when SN judged Fenn as a master of
the puzzle. I see Fenn as a Puppet Master. NOW Puppet Masters know their wood.
Fenn selects just the right wood. Fenn would reject SlickNikel out of hand NO DOUBT.

nvradar, i think the area of folsom falls is not the place ,because i dont think
it is in the rocky mtn range, and FF has said think about how far an 80 yr old
man can walk, or something like that,sorry not a quote, just from memory

I think it to be wrong as well. I was just trying to get his opinion if he thought FF could hike into that area twice with the chest.

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