Forrest Fenn s treasure

Why would someone who believes that the treasure doesn't exist come to this site?


It's raining outside and T.V. sucks.

I don't believe it ever existed. Y'all are putting way more into this than FF did.

He found a way to get people to talk about him, buy his stuff, talk about him, get the news to talk about him, get people on the internet to talk about him, and then have more people send him money for stuff and buy is less than standard musings, and very less than average books and fantasy maps. For extra money he will even sign it for you.

He didn't put near as much effort into construction of the poem than Slick did decoding it.

Lot's of people have decoded it, and all of them equally make sense. Your own brain will do more work justifying your individual solution then FF needed to do writing it.

There are two commonalities in all of this.

Money. Ego.

How can he get people to spend money on his substandard writings and gee-gaws, without a capitol investment, where the buyer does all the work and advertising is continuous and free...

When things get quiet- how do we get them spun back up without spending any money- boost sales and get them talking about me again.

Hummm..... lemme think....

You guys do all the work for him...he suggests something and...boom! Your minds take off.

Can't think of any recent examples I may have seen about this...

Why are sales of firearms down?
Where did BigCypress go...must be the revenge virus that took him down.

Where did you get the idea that FF was planning on suicide from there? That seems like a pretty far out idea....

I see it like this Crispin. Fenn says he worked on the poem map for 10 or so years. Maybe went at
it more in the wearly years when he was motivated by the Grim Reaper looking over his shoulder.
Lots of work in the early years. With the detail that SlickNikle found, who would doubt that
something may have slipped by with the poem map when Fenn changed his mind and went with a new plan?

Further, the location that SlickNikle shows the poem map took him to was a place that Fenn
would find very special. Folsom Man and all that, you know. Follow me?

Oh, by the way. Where warm waters halt changed on Aug 22nd.

FF said he has nothing to do with that site.

Happy birthday Forrest-

(it appears to me that the page was a simple countdown clock to his birthday, he turned 85 on August 22nd)

Why would someone who believes that the treasure doesn't exist come to this site?


It's raining outside and T.V. sucks.

I don't believe it ever existed. Y'all are putting way more into this than FF did.

He found a way to get people to talk about him, buy his stuff, talk about him, get the news to talk about him, get people on the internet to talk about him, and then have more people send him money for stuff and buy is less than standard musings, and very less than average books and fantasy maps. For extra money he will even sign it for you.

He didn't put near as much effort into construction of the poem than Slick did decoding it.

Lot's of people have decoded it, and all of them equally make sense. Your own brain will do more work justifying your individual solution then FF needed to do writing it.

There are two commonalities in all of this.

Money. Ego.

How can he get people to spend money on his substandard writings and gee-gaws, without a capitol investment, where the buyer does all the work and advertising is continuous and free...

When things get quiet- how do we get them spun back up without spending any money- boost sales and get them talking about me again.

Hummm..... lemme think....

If this is what you consider this your form of entertainment you need to get a life. Maybe crossword puzzles.

that granddaddy solve, isnt new, the guy themarkd, that started this thread
and myself discussed the folsom falls area back in feb-march 2012, and i hooked
up with some students from santa fe area, to check it out, this was b4 FF said
rocky mts, anyway they had sent me imgs of i think that same hole,with them
and some beer, that had the state Zia sun symbol on the cans, i still have the
drive that the imgs are on, but cant get the os to work, tried reloading the os,
still didnt work, i have a bunch of fam photos on it too is why ive kept the drive

ps, my solve wasnt like the granddad, simple old man close to home
clues brown ranch warm water the falls blaze was a sign near the falls i think,
been awhile LOL

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If this is what you consider this your form of entertainment you need to get a life. Maybe crossword puzzles.

You just entertained me. Thank you.

I actually posted a solve previously, but I'm not willing to spend any money on actually going there to look.

FF's book, in 2010, was a best seller, at twice the price of a normal book.

Try and figure out how many millions this venture has made him.

If it doesn't exist, he should figure out what his poem means and go hide it...just out of courtesy.

Currently the new poster SlickNikle has another thread (grandaddy-all-treasure-puzzles) where he is taking on all comers regarding his decoding of Fenn's poem map. Be advised that, if physical size were used as a medaphor for size of intellect, SlickNickle is a 400 pound gorilla. A word to the wise is advised.


Currently the new poster SlickNikle has another thread (grandaddy-all-treasure-puzzles) where he is taking on all comers regarding his decoding of Fenn's poem map. Be advised that, if physical size were used as a medaphor for size of intellect, SlickNickle is a 400 pound gorilla. A word to the wise is advised.


Rumor out there is he has a side kick as well...

meant to post a link to an article about the Brown ranch and
the hunt from 2011, i didnt read this until mid 2012, wish i
had of though, all is good i think the kids had a good time looking

Home On the Range - New Mexico Magazine

Oh, by the way. Where warm waters halt changed on Aug 22nd.

FF said he has nothing to do with that site.

Happy birthday Forrest-
(it appears to me that the page was a simple countdown clock to his birthday, he turned 85 on August 22nd)

Not that it means anything, but the website changed prior to the 22nd (the 15th, I believe). The cyphers were solved shortly after that. Here is the solve for the one on the left that you alluded to.

so i am mobile and waiting for a train out of denver. we recently hiked to the blaze and found the end of the trail. the last point of reference led us to the focal point in the puzzle. it was a single rock we thought held the treasure chest on top. we climbed the rocks around the blaze to get a better look, and even though the chest wasnt there we saw the layout of the area and it matched the markings of the madrugada estrella map. it turns out the areas we chose for the hunt held the answer to another trove altogether. the star map lined up in every way. we also travelled to vermillion falls as forrest said the chest may be wet. there is a ton of information and we are editing the video and slideshow information to show the layout of the other locations found and i will update the info as available for the members here. word to the wise if you plan to go looking here the bridge is out so foot traffic only and it is a nasty hike in before you even get to the turnoff to the uphill. another 3 miles from there. once in the blaze cut through the mountains the entire area is scortched black with so many rocks to hide behind. its incredible there. someone took a set of old bones from a deer carcass and strung them in the tree. forrest said to leave his bones and take the chest but we only saw the bones so we hiked further in. the rock at the end is the only object in the middle of the blaze and it was nowhere to be found. we even found a wooden platform box and it had a tire on top with a salt lick feeder. nothing under the box with tire. nothing under the rocks around it. not even a single snake seen along the way. on the hike out we took it easy and made it back to the car by 9pm and dropped half dead from heat exhaustion and then made our way back to the hotel. the next day we went to the falls and also took a tour through the outback of browns park to scope out the valley beneatht the horse and saddle map area. nothing there from forrest for a sign so we made it back to the hotel by 5pm for dinner. i am leaving denver tonight.

It now appears that Fenn may have changed his mind about the suicide thing when the cancer went into remission, but never bothered to change the content of his poem map in any material way. I wonder why? Maybe because he never secreted a physical chest filled with "treasure" as some
choose to believe Fenn did. Or Fenn secreted the chest where he planned to "end it all" if he could
not beat the cancer and now it is gone.

BTDT, CRISPIN- you might comment on this and shed some light on it.

I did run it by Fenn.


Excerpt (me posting) to another forum:

What ever happened to the adage of,

"If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is"

What's so hard to believe that there never was a treasure! After I studied the texts, interviews and podcast of Mr. Fenn, I came to my conclusions in June of this year, 2 weeks after my initial encounter with TC, that "it's too good to be true" PERIOD
I also proved my theory by crafting a well written letter to Mr Fenn, with a sob story, that actual described the place that FF wrote the poem about. It was for one simple reason and one reason only. To see what his response would be. It was lengthy and precise with a believable story that encompassed TC and my concerns for protecting the area ladedadeda.

To be someone's "huckleberry" is an old adage that was used to state that "my huckleberry is just a little better then your persimmon" meaning I'm just a smidgen better then "you" at the moment then what your trying to do.
This was used extensively through and in the novels of a character, authored by my Missourian home boy, Mark Twain in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
With some careful thought, I decided to use my Missouri wit against the millionaire Texan.
I addressed the letter first greeting as simply (Forrest,) then later on, twice, I purposely spelled his name "FINN" ( shame on me for taunting and upsetting an old man, sorry Lord, please forgive me)

He replied!
FF "You'r not even close. MY NAME IS SPELLED FENN"

I thought, WOW I gave him this long solve, "but not complete as yet", with a sad story and he would reply on the "one""thing that shouldn't have made a hill of beans when answering 1000's of emails.
I knew then that I hit a nerve! I don't think he quite likes to be referred to a fictitious character. I will let the accredited Psychologist take it from here. END EXCERPT.

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It someone was challenging me and spelling my name wrong I would have replied same way...

BTDT, CRISPIN- you might comment on this and shed some light on it.

I did run it by Fenn.


Excerpt (me posting) to another forum:

What ever happened to the adage of,

"If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is"

What's so hard to believe that there never was a treasure! After I studied the texts, interviews and podcast of Mr. Fenn, I came to my conclusions in June of this year, 2 weeks after my initial encounter with TC, that "it's too good to be true" PERIOD
I also proved my theory by crafting a well written letter to Mr Fenn, with a sob story, that actual described the place that FF wrote the poem about. It was for one simple reason and one reason only. To see what his response would be. It was lengthy and precise with a believable story that encompassed TC and my concerns for protecting the area ladedadeda.

To be someone's "huckleberry" is an old adage that was used to state that "my huckleberry is just a little better then your persimmon" meaning I'm just a smidgen better then "you" at the moment then what your trying to do.
This was used extensively through and in the novels of a character, authored by my Missourian home boy, Mark Twain in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
With some careful thought, I decided to use my Missouri wit against the millionaire Texan.
I addressed the letter first greeting as simply (Forrest,) then later on, twice, I purposely spelled his name "FINN" ( shame on me for taunting and upsetting an old man, sorry Lord, please forgive me)

He replied!
FF "You'r not even close. MY NAME IS SPELLED FENN"

I thought, WOW I gave him this long solve, "but not complete as yet", with a sad story and he would reply on the "one""thing that shouldn't have made a hill of beans when answering 1000's of emails.
I knew then that I hit a nerve! I don't think he quite likes to be referred to a fictitious character. I will let the accredited Psychologist take it from here. END EXCERPT.

I appreciate the confidence Slick. But this is the wrong thread for that discussion. It would upset too many people who don't want to read it on this thread...and rightly so. I appeared to upset enough people on your thread when it was appropriate.

It someone was challenging me and spelling my name wrong I would have replied same way...

I think the difference is that FF challenged the world and invited this type of thing. You are a stand up, honest man, I seriously doubt you would hide millions of dollars in riches. I know you have a lot more people and a lot more causes that you care about instead of stashing it anyway in the woods. So....FF sets up the rules of challenging the world. How can he possibly think it is unfair when someone pushes back a little?

I still would have responded the same way to slicks comments on the other forum..

It is well to recall that in the "Shining City on the Hill" people are put to death based
on evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Many informed lesser decisions in life are made on the preponderance of the evidence. I surmise it all depends upon just how critical it is to an individual for the f. Fenn treasure to actually exist . Apparently for some,
the reality of A PHYSICAL FENN TREASURE is more important than life itself. Proof to a proven
fact and nothing less. Some folks still believe the sun actually rises in the east. Que sera, sera.

Now that I have been admonish by TH and my sidekick, and rightfully so,

How does one go about knowing that they are on the right track with TC when writing Mr. Fenn?

I chose to use probability and numbers.

I was well aware that Mr. Fenn was replying to fellow seekers, but the numbers didn't add up.

Mr. Fenn has been uplifted to the likeness of Superman and a supercomputer. He has scaled canyon walls and has gone to the bowels of the earth at age 80. FF has the ability to read each and every one of his 1000 daily emails, every day, and has a better return rate on answers then Santa Claus.

What is the probability that I can get FF to return my email?
A simple control is put in place to ensure a speedy reply. First, the subject line. At a glance, Mr. Fenn would know I'm in the correct location.
SUBJECT: Eye and horse head Folsom Falls.
It got his attention!
Misspelling of his name? This was the control to prove a different point, and not for discussion on this thread.

Both controls were met and satisfied by his more than timely return in 4 hours!

I was able to satisfy my hypothesis and prove my two theories in one simple email.

When looking at the members, what is the probability, that I would be able to prove my hypothesis amongst 1000's of emails?

With the controls set in place, it's then simply a matter of true or false against the 1000's.

I received my answers! And quickly!

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