Forrest Fenn s treasure


Re: the treasure hunt in the Pacific that a California company
named Pacific Horizon Ventures, (claimed to have been formed in 2015), with the CMJ Media owner as a founding member. The California company, Pacific Horizon Ventures is a no longer active importer of Nuts. Not that kind of Nut pilgrims. The kind of Nut that are consumed as snacks.

Now I ask you pilgrims, Can it get any better than that?


Revisiting the "dust up" I had with the poster Sod Buster. Now, Sod Buster is the master of
the cypher.
Zyhxlmwzi vg zw kizvhvmh – mfnvifn ivevozmwz (decoded is
"Hidden and at present - The number revealed"). This took me to the "dust up" I had with
the poster Slikor regarding the word KAPREKAR that was in the triangle (bottom right side of the
background) on the web page. HeavyMetalThunder (HMT) had unscrambled this to A.P. Parker.
This took HMT to the BIRTHDAY published in 1935.

So then, the number revealed in my judgment
is 1935.
For what that is worth to anybody. Fenn did mention a 1935 Plymouth Tudor as being
his first automobile, and Fenn's birthday is in the month of August.

Que sera, sera Slick Rock. Sweet dreams. How are those KAPREKAR numbers working out for ya? I'll keep the light on for YOU,the Joker HeavyMetalHunter and Sod Buster.

The 3 Amigos

Don't the 3 Amigos just love it when it all comes together ? Dream fellows.



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....whatsinitspockets and Chad end it.

Gee chad my 5 year old could make that get up on his computer as well. Good for a laugh tho!! :tongue3:

Gentlemen, please end it now.....

Just curious TH shouldn't these guys that do get caught in a complete lie be banned forever?

True story, the "cache" is out there, if anyone is interested, look at a TOPO map-
no desert, but the Sangre De Cristo Mt. Range leading into Colorado. Note he says NORTH of Santa Fe.
I live in Colorado and believe from the signs that it's located in Southern Colorado.

So then. Being that the triangle/KAPREKAR thing on the WWWH site turned into such a debacle here, let me address that debacle.. I think that the poster HeavyMetalThunder MAY have unscrambled a word that did not need unscrambling and I made a typo and typed A.P Parker rather than the correct spelling of the author's name A.K. Parker.

So then, the number revealed on the WWWH site was, in my judgment, 180. The sum of the 3 angles in any triangle is 180 degrees. The KAPREKAR was included possibly to send the searcher off on a wild Barnacle Goose Chase or to A.K. Parker. ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS.

I suspect the 180 to have been a suggestion to the pilgrim to turn around and go back to where
the pilgrim began her/his search. Also possibly do some more informed constructive thinking. The
idea that more research, less dreaming of material riches, new and old, and less sightseeing may
help some few solve the poem map.

Lastly, I ask you pilgrims, what are the odds (that by pure chance) KAPREKAR would be rearranged
so as to produce the name of a writer who wrote in 1935 about a birthday and the year would tie to
a 1935 Plymouth that Fenn posted about ~ 8/07/2015? stacked deck or serendipity? Only The Shadow knows.

WWWH site has nothing to do with FF. so chase away but IMHO it's a dead end.

Gentlemen, please end it now.....

TH, please take this objectively.

This thread has been effectively trashed and thrashed. I dont think this is in the best interests of treasure net, its members, and fenn searchers.

I am suggesting this thread be closed.

Tthen allow for three tangent threads to interested parties...

1. A thread True fenn searchers and people interested in this.

2. A thread for those that want to discuss the fraudulent site as Mr. Fenn has explicity denied any involvement to that site. And yes I can prove it, or better yet, anyone can email Mr. Fenn for validation of this.

3. A thread for all those that just wish to piss in the cherios of those enjoying the chase.

Quite honestly, I havent found any other thread regarding treasure hunting where there has been so much venom and idiocy directed toward fellow members, anywhere here.

To be honest, this being allowed is a detriment to the site and should be course corrected. I just dont understand why it is so allowed here.

M2c -Mark

Hold out for close to spot prices on that precolumbian gold!

They are not even "precolumbian", lmao. They are gold plated pieces of eight replicas this genius bought. News flash! Pieces of eight = ag. Lesson here Crispy is that you don't usually know what you don't know. Keep trying though because it's kinda entertaining, like watching a comedy show.

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