Forrest Fenn s treasure

That course is all true and good to know Slikork. But as for me, I would choose a better way. A more productive way. Like, for example, wasting away in "Margaritaville" with Warren Buffett, singing I've Been Working On The Railroad.

Genius. I see your course. Here's one to make you really think: G-A-F-f-C. There's your blaze.

that count down clock, the time on it now...
000 Days : 09 Hours : 42 Minutes : 32 Seconds

wouldnt that put the time out at roughly 4am 8/15/2015
so someone is using a clock from around russia,china

that count down clock, the time on it now...
000 Days : 09 Hours : 42 Minutes : 32 Seconds

wouldnt that put the time out at roughly 4am 8/15/2015
so someone is using a clock from around russia,china

I guess it could if you knew "exactly" what the timers purpose is????

I guess it could if you knew "exactly" what the timers purpose is????

i dont think the timers purpose matters, it still runs out at about 4am EST my time
i might tune in and see what happens when the timer runs out
i was trying to back track the time, prob made a mistake, i use to have some screen
shots with date i took them, but lost them, as i think the clock has been reset a couple
of times

Well WTF!!!??? Here we go again!

Yeah nice count down clock WTF is right????????????????

To another clock to another clock to.........

Simple cypher:

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

Going to head back out in 5 hrs for another 1400 mile trip...FF's treasure going to be Mine I guess.

This is for WWWH- E-mail sent!

You said you were there on Aug 10, and on the 13th you are home and heading back? Why didn't you just stay there and hunt?


Invictus by William Ernest Henley

The Road Not Taken ny Robert Frost

Simple cypher:

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

You said you were there on Aug 10, and on the 13th you are home and heading back? Why didn't you just stay there and hunt?

He wanted to take the road more traveled

geezze, going to sell something
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of the weird wwwh

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Congratulations on your success!

I want to thank you for returning both bracelets, I received them Saturday as you already know. I would have been happy to get the one back that many people have heard me mention but getting the other one back too, has me overjoyed. As you wished, I'm sending you signed copies of my books by Fed Ex Monday or Tuesday and a little something extra for your extra thoughtfulness.

I am happy to hear you have chosen to keep the specific location of the chest a secret and have decided not to go to the media. You are probably correct, if the location was revealed, I would probably get a fine for littering/dumping the treasure in the woods with things being the way they are today. I agree, the treasure site would see so much foot traffic and media attention if revealed, it would destroy the beauty of the area in short order. I seriously doubt anybody will know the location based on the photo you posted online.

If you do post this email reply on that forum, most wouldn't believe you anyway like you said. As far as going to the media myself, I'm going to continue to go on that the treasure is still out there and hidden and as of today it is still out there 'someplace.' I will also consider your offer of buying the treasure back for a cash dollar amount as well. Thank you again for returning the bracelets and I wish you all the best.

Keep in touch, your friend.

Forrest Fenn

(number omitted as for forum rules)

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Also on the wwwh page (look and you will find it)

Zyhxlmwzi vg zw kizvhvmh – mfnvifn ivevozmwz

Also simple Cypher

As de-cyphered: Abscondar et ar praesens - numerum revelanda. Latin, I believe.......translation below.

"Hidden and at present - The number revealed"

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Also on the wwwh page (look and you will find it)

Zyhxlmwzi vg zw kizvhvmh – mfnvifn ivevozmwz

Also simple Cypher

As de-cyphered: Abscondar et ar praesens - numerum revelanda. Latin, I believe.......translation below.

"Hidden and at present - The number revealed"

Have your TRICKSTER HAT on today do you Sod Buster? As for me, I would look for a better way.
Been there done that 2. But I see where you are coming from. Shame on you Sod Buster.
Is That all you have? Well if that's all you have, let's just break out the booze and take a Booze Cruse.

OK pilgrims. Research leads me to believe that the WWWH site as a liget business entity is WONKAWASH. The site (and apparently the folks associated with it) is pure and simply SATIRE of TTOTC. Although, in my judgment, the WWWH site is a creative, brilliant SATIRE on Fenn and TTOTC. There is/was some really creative ribbing going on there.


Have your TRICKSTER HAT on today do you Sod Buster? As for me, I would look for a better way.
Been there done that 2. But I see where you are coming from. Shame on you Sod Buster.
Is That all you have? Well if that's all you have, let's just break out the booze and take a Booze Cruse.

OK pilgrims. Research leads me to believe that the WWWH site as a liget business entity is WONKAWASH. The site (and apparently the folks associated with it) is pure and simply SATIRE of TTOTC. Although, in my judgment, the WWWH site is a creative, brilliant SATIRE on Fenn and TTOTC. There is/was some really creative ribbing going on there.

Please explain to me why you accuse me of wearing a "Trickster" hat. I am not suggesting what the site may be representing, I am merely exposing an additional cypher on that site. Are you not able to find it? Search and you will see it too.

As for your Wonka vision..............well, I must say you have quite the imagination..........pilgrim.

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