Fish pics ( everybody )

250 pound average on those bruisers.

Not every trip is like that one, but we usually catch a boatload. Click 3 times. Scan_20190727 (3).webp

How bout some Calimari?Scan_20190727 (4).webp Click thrice again...sorry.

At the helm of the Polaris Supreme out of San Diego, Ca.Scan_20190727 (5).webp Three times is the magic number apparently.

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Do you use a squid jig or are they by catch ?

We use big huge glow in the dark squid jigs. We fish for the squid at night and use them for bait for the giant tuna during the day. We rig them up to a fishing kite and "skip" them along the surface away from the boat. The tuna will come completely out of the water to get them. A 250 pounder looks like a Volkswagen leaping out of the water! They will do the same thing for a Flying Fish too.

Ah....yes we use the same technique in florida for sailfish, tuna, Mahi, kingfish etc. Its awsome to watch the bite happen on the kite.

It only took 27days for one to hit,it didn't fight for it's size till it neared shore..FREAK OUT TIME.:laughing7:

GOD Bless


Edit: With deepest regret I will no longer be promoting this organization. Certain issues have arisen, which I was under the impression were going to be corrected. They were not. Other unethical practices have been revealed and I cannot and will not jeopardize my integrity and values. I pray for the sake of these veterans/families, that the "organization" takes the proper steps to rectify the situation for future events.

Been trying to figure out something to say WD I'm at a loss for words.....god bless all those heros who enjoy the event....perhaps there will be some last minute changes and you can continue your work.....I know you guys were proud to be involved and will miss it.

It only took 27days for one to hit,it didn't fight for it's size till it neared shore..FREAK OUT TIME.:laughing7:
View attachment 1737524

GOD Bless


Way to stick with it chris......patience pays !!! I missed a shot of a big ole fat black squirrel for you yesterday. He was playing peek a boo with me and did not want his picture taken !!

Way to stick with it chris......patience pays !!! I missed a shot of a big ole fat black squirrel for you yesterday. He was playing peek a boo with me and did not want his picture taken !!

I haven't seen Darky in three months.

Been trying to figure out something to say WD I'm at a loss for words.....god bless all those heros who enjoy the event....perhaps there will be some last minute changes and you can continue your work.....I know you guys were proud to be involved and will miss it.
Bart posts and so it is.... a meeting just got set up for this weekend to try and sort through this mess! Prayers needed.

Prayers sent and fingers crossed....hope it works out.

IMG_0482.webp brother in law and cousins got on the cover of Florida sportsman......what an honor !! Beautiful shot too. Nice mid size sword fish with captain nick stanzyk. Islamorada beer co. Fishing team....wooo hoo !!

That’s pretty cool, Bart. I hope you all got plenty of copies. Kudos to your family!

That's really cool great post my friend

Well....its been way to long since I posted any fish pics. Have not been out in months, and have just been working on the boats upgrading some equipment. I did get to race in the mac race in the great lakes earlier in the summer. It was an epic race and we were first to incredible accomplishment !! Here we are crossing the line almost a full hour before the competion. I've also been treasure hunting on the 1733 fleet salvage camp sites. I managed a banner while ive been free from fishing every day. Heres a pic of my 2 treasure coins found this sept. 20190915_114552.webp so I'll prepare for the fall fishing and hopefully start posting some more pics. Good luck and happy hunting every one !!

This guy was taken on the Sep. 21st. fish and game allowed us 2 days this year. IMG_3576.webp
46.5 in. A couple others were caught but were to small to keep.

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This guy was taken on the Sep. 21st. fish and game allowed us 2 days this year. View attachment 1758390
40.5 in. A couple others were caught but were to small to keep.

They are a no-no out this way,if you hook one you're not supposed to take them out of the water and if you can't remove your hook..cut the line. Sure is a dinosaur looking creature!

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