Hey hvacker.....what's been up ?? The dolphin goes by many names.....Dorado, dolphin, mahi mahi, then they get broken up into size names too. Peanut = very small, schoolie=a little bigger than peanut but lots of them all the same size. Then you have heavy lifters=any bigger they will break the line lifting them in the boat. Next is gaffer=to heavy to lift in, must use the gaff or they will break the line. Then you have slammers= big fish 20+ pounds up to 80 pounds. They can also be called cows=females=rounded forehead, then there bulls=male=square forehead. And I'll bet I'm forgetting a few slang names. It dosent matter what you call them, what size they are, or what sex they are.....they all taste great and are hard to mess up cooking. Very flexible and forgiving on the grill....or fryer...or broiled...or boiled...or sauteed...or even raw as sushi. They grow extremely fast also. Very good game fish with spectacular leaps and jumps. Also easy to hook when there hungry....which is most of the time. Incredibly beautiful.