fiction vs fact

JOE: $ 5:00 US interest you? CASH !

And to think of all of those meals of two or three old dried tortillas and cup of mixed cow pee, mud, and critter laden water. sigh ORO, we just aren't living right.

Don Jose de La Mancha

The words of CactusJumper are as music in my ears. The best of meals I remember while hunting the Arizona Mountains consisted of a can of pork and beans, fruit cocktail and a piece of jerky. An old army surplus cot to keep the rattlers out of my pants, a straw hat for shade and a .45 to keep me warm and fuzzy; this has been my experience at best traveling lite in covering a lot of ground quick. I once rode a Kawasaki 100cc Enduro, 480 miles of highway at 50 miles an hour and lived on nothing but beef jerky and water for 4 days in the desert. It really was the sort of purification experience I was hoping for. The bike's engine blew and belched out a compression ring on the way back, but it still got me home; Amen

i once spit in a bears eye , he was stuffed but that dont matter ...

I know where there is a stuffed bear that is so mean that nobody would dare spite at it. There's a diner stop some ways west of Wendover, Utah that has one standing on it's haunches. BIG!

let me tell you a little story about a black bear . we were picking blueberries and me and my older brother vic were on top of a big rock i look down and there is a 400 lbs black bear eating blueberries about 15 ft from us , i reach over and tap vic on the shuolder and he say leave me only i am trying to pick . i tap his shuolder again and this time he looks at me an say what do you that so importain . i pionted at the bear and loo back to see vic face . vic was no where in sight . i would say i have never seen anyone run so fast in my life but he was out of sight before i couldturn my head to see the look on his face ....i walked away slowly and never saw the bear again ...when o got back to camp vic was setting in the truck and would not get out ...

i guess he did not like bears .

i told my dad what happen and he lol for 10 mintues . i ask him why and he said once long ago time ago when my dad took vic trout fishing a small black bear came up to them before they could react my father hit the bear in the face with a fish pool and my brother ran like the wind with the small bear chaseing him across a feild vic got to the car just in time and my father was lol the whole time watching vic run across that feild with a baby bear chaseing him ..

i guess vic just wanted a head start the secound time lol ..

Greetings friends,

Blindbowman wrote:
i once spit in a bears eye , he was stuffed but that dont matter ...

:D :D :D :D ;D ;) (HEE HEE haw haw)Thanks bud I needed that laugh!

Real de Tayopa wrote:
JOE: $ 5:00 US interest you? CASH !

:D :D :D :D ;D ;D You guys are too much! (HO HO hee hee) Dang it now I think I peed a little... :o :( ::) :-[ ;D

Real de Tayopa also wrote:
And to think of all of those meals of two or three old dried tortillas and cup of mixed cow pee, mud, and critter laden water. sigh ORO, we just aren't living right.
Ain't that the painful truth - especially that part about "critter laden water" when you can see it and they are still kicking on the way down - yee-UCK. Oh well, it must have been safe - I am still a-livin' and at least the critters were alive and not DEAD. *yuck-OH* :P

Blindbowman mi amigo I am NOT saying that you have not found the LDM, how would I know that? All I was expressing was that perhaps it would be useful for you to try re-visiting the sites via remote viewing, and compare your impressions in the new attempt versus your first impressions. Sometimes things can be more clear when re-examined. Your upcoming expedition will be limited in time correct? So it stands to figure that it would not hurt to re-check your information using the same methods as before, in effort to confirm your first impressions, maybe pick up new impressions, and even filter out anything that is definitely bogus. Of course this would have to be done as time allows. I noticed that you were able to pick up more detail on that Little Bighorn cache, so perhaps another viewing of the Superstitions would also be productive? It is just an idea.

I can't say that I ever spit in the eye of a bear, but I nearly peed on one I accidently walked up on in thick willows on the Seward peninsula some years ago - will that count? ;D :D ;) Unfortunately, it might have been more "macho" if I could have gotten the zipper down FIRST but... :o :( ::) :-[ :D ;D

Thanks for the LOLs my friends, your excellent sense of humor was a great surprise today.


your lucky your ziper wasnt down that bear could have been thinking ft longs i could see you at the ER telling them that bear wont need to eat for a week telling everyone how long it used to be, who going to tell the truth the bear he is still lookingh for food and if they do catch the bear and recover your tool you can always say thats not yours , your was longer .....lololololol

:D :D ;D ;) Oh well at least it was a FEMALE Alaskan Brown Bear (with cubbies) or my reputation might have been utterly ruined! ;D :D ;)



Since you seem to know your way around a compass and mapping, I have a question for
you. What would the declination have been for magnetic north in the years 1767, 1847
and what is it today? Not a trick question and also how would I know if you are correct
if you submit an answer?


Agave said:

Since you seem to know your way around a compass and mapping, I have a question for
you. What would the declination have been for magnetic north in the years 1767, 1847
and what is it today? Not a trick question and also how would I know if you are correct
if you submit an answer?


each map from about the early 1400's to today have what is called a map scale . in most cases the magnetic declination is found with the map scale,
a map scale gives relative messurements in relatship to the scale of the area being maped , it can and often with topo maps has elevation as well as mile mesurements . it may post revissions and corrections as well .., it should also post where the map was made and by who and list a date when the map was made .. this could be i the term of publishing date but note the declination is often in modern maps dated for a good reason .. as i stated the declination dose change from year to year , not all the time . as the earths magnatic feilds change in unpatternd ways at times ..

for your frist question that is easy to answer , go to your search eng and type in the area and year you want a map to show and find a map from the year you want . in most cases you can find the same date, if not, you may make a sound guess by related declination from years before and after the traget date ... ..

here is a declination from the beartooth 1997 ,note the magnetic declination is given in degrees of messurement . 12.5 degrees in this cases ..the reason they do this is the declination for say utah is not the same as the superstitions on that same date ..and it can change given magnetic distrubness in a given area ... in some heavy mineral areas it can be alomost impossable to get a good magnetic reading ...some good navigation speacialist would lock their compass in area like this . the idea was to lock the needle in place and keep the last sound magnetic reading and go as far as you could untill a good reading was relocated ...often they would have two compasses with them at any given time . one to lock out at given distence to the other in this way they could check the magnetic readings to each other and know if these feilds were changeing the magnetic readings ..


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