the blindbowman
Bronze Member
- #21
Thread Owner
so what did exspect ......and you wonder why i react to the out side world the way i do .....
take care ...
take care ...
why would you give me a fake lon & lat ....45.565ºN 107.428ºW
so what did exspect ......and you wonder why i react to the out side world the way i do .....
Oroblanco said:Greetings Blindbowman,
Blindbowman wrote:why would you give me a fake lon & lat ....45.565ºN 107.428ºW
It is not a "fake" set of coordinates, it is decimal degrees as used on many topo map servers and some GPS toys. If you would prefer the traditional here it is:
45 degrees, 34 minutes 13 seconds N
107 decrees, 25 minutes, 28 seconds W
If you would rather not take this "test" (really only out of curiosity, no treasure involved) I will understand.
Blindbowman also wrote:so what did exspect ......and you wonder why i react to the out side world the way i do .....
Not sure what you expected, perhaps I should have explained that the lat-long was in decimal degrees or put in both systems to make it more clear. Sometimes I do wonder about you mi amigo, but in a good way - I hope all is well with you and yours. Take it easy and I hope you have a great day.
the blindbowman said:besides if you think i stated any thing about you ,your dreaming , i dont have the time right now to play any bull#@!$%#@! games . and i have no idea if you knew clay or not ,nor do i care at this piont in time ...and if you are trying to confont me you are makeing a big missteak ...but as i stated i just dont have the time right now . get the hell over it and say who said that and we can confront them ...i think you are over reacting but thats only my opioion ...
photos of a snow owl taken in the rain at night , with our new photo sys
Cubfan64 said:the blindbowman said:besides if you think i stated any thing about you ,your dreaming , i dont have the time right now to play any bull#@!$%#@! games . and i have no idea if you knew clay or not ,nor do i care at this piont in time ...and if you are trying to confont me you are makeing a big missteak ...but as i stated i just dont have the time right now . get the hell over it and say who said that and we can confront them ...i think you are over reacting but thats only my opioion ...
photos of a snow owl taken in the rain at night , with our new photo sys
Whoever CJ is referring to you, I'm sure it's not you BB - CJ doesn't read your posts anymore. Dunno why you felt as though he was attacking you. As far as calling someone out by name on a forum - that's rarely a good idea and I doubt CJ will do that. I think his post was meant to be a message directly to whoever disparaged him - if you weren't the person responsible for it, it's not meant for you.
up here we got our own rules and no one brakes them or we brake them ...
i agree CJ should keep that to his self unless he beleives its going to do any good here on the web .. as far as i know i have never heard anyone talk bad about CJ ... or clay worst ...i got to say someone did say something about clay worst to me and i wont repeat that here ...
Oro you are right the paper money cache is southeast at about 141-143 degrees ,look for a large tree on the south west slope of a north west by south east redge .. the downward side .. they camp to getout of the wind and hid it near by only to be confounted before it could be recoverd .... something else about 2- or 3 cannons , i know very little about the vent if i had more back ground i could lock on the event better .. most often any contact with any object of a event can help ,....your lon an lat is confussion to me , i cant get a fix on its remote veiwing .. its somewhere near 4 miles to the southeast ....of the battle field it self ...thats why no one has found it yet .. look southeast or give me more to focus on ....air photos of the area 5 miles south back to the battle field it self .. and a few pics of the battle event should help far as the cannons , they dont make sence to me , as far as i knew the battle had no cannons in the event .. i dont know what that is about ....oro if this is a new site you want to look into give me some back ground and i will try to refocus ...for a full veiwing ...any thing to help you ...dude , i get the feeling you want to look for this cache ...the night it happend the wind was comeing out of the northeast . not normal for that area . but never the less, if you wait tell you have the same northeast wind blowing to the southwest you will be able to find the location easyer, its closer to the southern end of the redge line , look for the still air .. a deathly com area , dont freak out when the deer run . you will under stand when you find the right location ....their guide was part indain and he pick the spot for the same reason . its where the deer bed down in those conditions ... he knew it and so do you now.....
as for Clay worst <snip>who said that Cj...
if i reply or not you have already made up your mind and anything i would say would mean nothing at this piont, good luck
so the point was that it would not prove anything to a skeptic reading our posts, not me personally.a skeptic could then dismiss anything you might say
i never stated the cannons had anything to do with the battle it self . i saw them whn i was veiwing the monet it self . i have no idea why they show up . but in some way they relate to the money not the battle
and note the hole could have very well been in a tree , if the indain had to stand on his horse and the horse was of normal hight then it is not likely to have been a cliff at all as most cliff lean away as the rise up and if not it would have to be a over hanging cliff at a lower hight ..wich is not often the normal ...the other thing i see , dose not make sence from what you stated . the money i saw was in stacks not lose bills ,it was more like a pay roll then the left over battle feild bills ...some one is not telling what they know
look for a over hanging tree branch , it was a full size older tree at the time of the battle . there most like would still be some kind of sign of the tree still left ...
the indains may have been able to see the battle feild but i dont beleive the people on the battle feild could have seen them when they hide the money ...if they hide the money
i keep seeing something diffrent then what you say happend ...its like a pay roll . and it still is there ...the tree is down laying and the hole is about 10 from the bottom of the trunk ....the tree is trun to the side where the lower branch lays to the southwest and the is almost under the tree at this piont ..there is still sign of it being there ...theother thing that dose not make sence is i see a long barrle hand gun six shotter with the money ...why would they put this with the money . for what reason ...
thats not a tough question at all the fact is that is not what i see . do we know if the indains knew what they knew about the dust column , my piont being indains are not blind ... if they knew the soldiers related to this effect they may have used that to trick them in to beleiveing no one was coming ....,was is it they . " watch and learn ..."
i total you i know very little about this battle and with little to focus on make it hard to focus on one object or event . the connons could be from one event and the tree from another the payroll could be the same pay roll or another . but i see it in stacks about 1" thick ...., i would say it not more then $3-4000 worth but there is little way to know other then the judgement of the event vs a sound guess in line with what i see
i can not trust anything you are saying because of the idea of it being a test .. and that is waste of my skills and its good that i focused on this much ...something about what you ask dose not make sence to me .. i dont know what it is but i feel you have not been forth comeing . or have tryed to missled me , that dose not help in any way ...
once we feel we are being missled or fear of being tricked it is almost impossable to get a clear reading . read some about remote veiwing and you well get a better idea of how it works and why
i call them long barriels and i perfer the signal six overmost fire arms ..i have owned one before thats why i stated that it looks vry close to my old gun ...mine was a black power navy six with a 10" barriel ...
just a focusing guess on my part ..doing a reading is a matter of how good the input and the out come reflects the input it dose not shock me i gt very little of your goal .. but thats why i dont waste my time very often playing these misleding games and thats why the miltery found out they had no place in remote veiwing ...they develope into a mistrust and that is hard to over come . but baby feed the real person with the skill and they can see beyond what is known very easy ...
there are many diffrent types of this gift and some are better then others to each person ...
i have very little time right now , i have a lot of work going on and i have very little time to focus on my work let alone being tested and the out come of your test proves very little ..
its cool i just dont have the time to play right now .....latter