fiction vs fact

even if your question was about something i have little back ground or fit the condition best known for remote veiwing it did not stop me from answering you ... i knew from the secound you ask the question what the odds were ...and as i said i have little time to consintrate on anything else these days ...that was a good Tv show oro and i do know the one you are talking about .. and i do agree . their over sight was limeted ... as of late my time has been spend trying to ebay 15 items from sellers , what a nightmare ...try haveing 15 items in the mail at the same time ...

it will be some time after may before i get any free time but i will try to read a few of those books then if i get some time to,...

i like .the books come right to my door .


Should you look for a copy of the Richard Fox book, try to find the second printing. A number of corrections were made by the author.

In 1985 an extensive "dig" of the battlefield included the use of a backhoe, a dowser named Dan Larson and a psychic from Denver. I believe Fox was part of that effort.


BB - you and Oro's discussion surrounding remote viewing is interesting. I know little about it besides what I've read (and that's not alot), but I'm openminded enough to at least accept the possibility that something like that is possible.

I guess my main question though revolves around why people who claim to have that ability don't use it for either their own benefit or the benefit of science? I assume remote viewing isn't like "switching on a tv set" where you can see everything clearly, so is it more like "visions" that come and go where some seem to make sense and others are vague and distorted?

If it's more clear than that, I have a hard time understanding why you couldn't indeed physically go and touch the Peralta Stones and clearly know who made them, where they were found and what they lead to - as far as I know a person can still see the handle the authentic stones.

I guess I look at it from this perspective - I know that if I had the ability, there would be a vast multitude of things I would want to do with it. Things I would want to try to discover and/or understand. I'd want to see the pyramids and know exactly how they made them; I'd want to visit Machu Pichu and understand what the city was used for; I'd want to go to the site of Kennedy's assasination and see if I could discover who did it, etc...

I have a feeling I must be oversimplifying how remote sensing works, but at the same time, you've mentioned at least once that all you would have to do is touch the Peralta Stones to know everything about them - why wouldn't you just go do that?

good questions ,, i dont know if they would let just anyone walk up and touch tthe stones . but its not often as claer as you would hope . some pictures do show up and often our of order much like ESP . but in some cases the veiwer can relate them to a under standfing . some time its nothing butrandom pics out of order and they may not all be from the same subject or piont in time ...i wish i could touch the stones , but i say use remote veiwing to help not hold the healm .. it can be a aid .. not always 100%most common about 50-65 % ...but its more what you do with that amont that tells you how valueable the data is or well become ...often remote veiwing is done in a controlled environment and it often takes days to get it full reading ..and then translation plays a roll in the out come ...

Greetings friends,

Cactusjumper wrote:

Should you look for a copy of the Richard Fox book, try to find the second printing. A number of corrections were made by the author.

In 1985 an extensive "dig" of the battlefield included the use of a backhoe, a dowser named Dan Larson and a psychic from Denver. I believe Fox was part of that effort.

Thank you for that tip - often a first edition is found to have some errors which get corrected in later editions, I will ask our library to try to find the second edition. (They do have the interlibrary loan service, so it should work out.) Actually I am surprised that anyone would have openly tried locating anything on the battlefield using a psychic, if for no other reason than fear of ridicule.

Cubfan64 wrote:
I guess my main question though revolves around why people who claim to have that ability don't use it for either their own benefit or the benefit of science?

That is a good question, but it does appear that at least some people who have the 'ability' or talent do use it for their own purposes, and we know that some psychics do endeavor to assist police in locating missing persons, murder suspects etc. Even though publicly many police departments do not admit to using such services, they quietly do make use of them more often than is made public.

Cubfan64 wrote:
I guess I look at it from this perspective - I know that if I had the ability, there would be a vast multitude of things I would want to do with it. Things I would want to try to discover and/or understand. I'd want to see the pyramids and know exactly how they made them; I'd want to visit Machu Pichu and understand what the city was used for; I'd want to go to the site of Kennedy's assasination and see if I could discover who did it, etc...

I see that we do think along similar lines - those historical mysteries I find fascinating and would LOVE to know the truth, whether that would "prove" it to science would not matter to me.

Blindbowman wrote:
good questions ,, i dont know if they would let just anyone walk up and touch tthe stones . but its not often as claer as you would hope . some pictures do show up and often our of order much like ESP . but in some cases the veiwer can relate them to a under standfing . some time its nothing butrandom pics out of order and they may not all be from the same subject or piont in time ...i wish i could touch the stones , but i say use remote veiwing to help not hold the healm .. it can be a aid .. not always 100%most common about 50-65 % ...but its more what you do with that amont that tells you how valueable the data is or well become ...often remote veiwing is done in a controlled environment and it often takes days to get it full reading ..and then translation plays a roll in the out come ...

Your statements sound very much like statements made by professional psychics - that the imagery or sounds etc that are sensed are often highly symbolic and can easily be mis-interpreted. I would find that aspect very frustrating and probably takes much practice to 'get it right'.

For those of us un-blessed with any kind of remote viewing abilities, our treasure hunting is limited to what we can see or touch or locate with some kind of electronic instrument. Either way appears to be good clean fun though. I apologize for "hijacking" the thread with un-related subjects, just got me interested with the possibility of getting an answer to a question that just isn't in the history books.

Good luck and good hunting to you friends - I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


i got to say one thing else oro when i was trying to lock on to the money and the gun . i got a veiw pics of a few handfulls of silver coins ,mostly silver dollars it was more then 3-4 it was more like a few dozen coins , for some reason there are with the gun not so much the paper money . i did nt think it played to big of a part in the cache but ...and for some reason they feel out of place ....

i guess it means nothing untill the cache is found ... good luck ...

Greetings Blindbowman,

It seems you have misunderstood my meaning from the start - I was not interested in any kind of treasure having to do with the Custer battlefield, as it would be highly illegal to even attempt to retrieve it, plus Montana is a bit of a drive from where I now live. My question was of historical importance only. I get the impression that treasure has a sort of "pull" on your remote viewing, that seems to overpower any other information that might be possible to retrieve. I would NOT want to encourage anyone to attempt to find a treasure on the Little Bighorn National Battlefield, as they will find themselves under arrest pretty quickly and lose their equipment in the bargain. I certainly have NO intention of going to Montana to risk being arrested, for any kind of treasure that might be buried there.

I do appreciate your attempts to help locate your described treasure, if the place were NOT a national monument it would be tempting even though I highly doubt that paper money would survive for over a century completely un-protected. However, even if it were not a national monument, and legal to search, and I were lucky enough to find such a treasure, it would not answer that simple basic question posted earlier. I hope you will recall that I made no request for any kind of information about any kind of treasure related to that place, I wished to know what could be seen from a certain point, on a certain date in history, at a certain time, and looking in a particular direction - not where to look for buried treasures there. The way I posted the question was in the same form (except the decimal degrees) as that used by the military in their experiments in remote viewing - they give the subjects a set of coordinates and ask what they see, looking in a particular direction. It seems a fair way of "testing" this phenomenon, as if too much infomation is given out in the question, the person being tested might be able to call upon memory of what they read or saw on television etc and this would adversely affect the test by skewing the result. I personally would not care, in fact I could tell you all kinds of particulars about the exact spot which you could find but which would then be seen by a skeptic as having spoiled the test. Just by naming the site actually spoils it for the purposes of skeptical inquiry. I would still be interested in what you might perceive, even though we have already spoiled the 'test' by giving out too much details - for it is a question that has haunted me for many years. As I mentioned earlier, I have visited the battlefield several times, had Mrs Oro stand at Weir point while I tried to see her from last stand hill, and vice versa etc but even that does not answer the question for the conditions are not identical to what was happening on June 25th 1876 at 1:45-2 PM. Only a time machine or a remote viewer could have any chance of answering that question.

Not everything is related to treasure mi amigo, sometimes a question is just a question. Perhaps a bit of that Superstitions mountains "curse" has affected even you?



Just my opinion, looking at what you are writing, but I would guess that you got just what you asked for. It seemed to be a test of Powers, and bowman seems to have given you the answer he believed you wanted. That may be as good as it gets.

"It is not a pass or fail test"

The first question that comes to mind is: What if it were?

Take care,


Greetings mi amigo Cactusjumper,

It seems that our friend Blindbowman misunderstood my meaning from the start, perhaps thinking it was some kind of trick question. Blindbowman has made many posts that sure sounded as if he were doing something that gave him some kind of insight, or maybe flashes of insight? Anyway when he said we could "test him like a lab rat" it occurred to me that perhaps he could answer that question for me, which cannot be answered by conventional means since no one survived to tell. I thought that if I gave out too much information in the question, it might "color" his result, even unconsciously, from our human minds we are sometimes given information that was stored up in our experiences (as in reading, watching TV etc) but it seems he thought I was trying to either trick him or pry out some info on a treasure.

Oroblanco wrote:
"It is not a pass or fail test"

Cactusjumper wrote:
The first question that comes to mind is: What if it were?

If it were a pass-fail test, it would appear that Blindbowman missed the mark some distance. The mention of a long-barreled six gun is in the right time frame of course and is the correct type of weapon for US Cavalry to be armed with - however if looking from last stand hill to the SE in the direction of Weir point, one were to perceive stacks of bills and the long-barreled six gun, then the perception must needs be quite wrong - for we have only a limited range as to what should be visible:

A hill with some scrub growth on it, nothing else notable OR

Perhaps a cloud of dust being kicked up at and near that hill, OR

Horsemen, obviously non-Indian, arriving at the hill and forming a line, probably kicking up dust, also perhaps the flag or pennant of D troop, OR

The hill is not clear in sight at all, just a hazy view that no good detail can be made out in.

There should not be any kind of treasure visible from last stand hill looking at Weir point on that date in history - unless the person doing the remote viewing is not looking exactly at the hill but looking for some kind of treasure anywhere in the area.

The problem is that what Blindbowman has reported as sensing is not confirmable nor disprovable, since it is illegal to do any kind of digging around there, and even if we were to find his treasure or find there was no treasure, it missed the question entirely.

So here is how I would have to "score" it, if it were a pass-fail:

Perceiving the correct time period...most probably correct

Perceiving the correct general region (assuming it is related to the only known treasure tale related to the site)...probably correct

Perceiving the exact location...definitely incorrect

Perceiving the view in question...definitely incorrect

For some reason treasure has 'colored' the perception of Blindbowman, at least in this case. If that happens with his remote viewing often, it might be skewing his perceptions into error.

If I had the ability to 'remote view' I would certainly want to test myself a number of times, and to practice it often enough to keep 'sharp' and not become biased in perception or in interpretations.

I do wish we could have been present for the rendezvous, and are hoping we can make it for next year. I hope you and everyone had a great time and exchanged plenty of tales/info.


know that was right on the money . put me at that location and give me a few days and we would be counting what was left of that cache , 50 /50 odds i could find sign of it if it was there .... thats why i am going back to the supersititions ... we unlocked enough to know something is there , what ...thats a matter of time and hard work and being at the location with time to codnition to that environment . you just cant rush these sense , in fact thats one of the worst things you could do is very hard to remote veiw he way we tryed here . most often you have a level of trust with the guide and that takes time and codintioning

he feeds you a set of data and you would have a few days to ove see and gain insight and then ask questions , then you would be given a 3 day span to relate and focus , and to recover what you could after that the data is not seen again . unless its re ran months later ...those are guide lines never change for the veiwer or the guide ...

if you want to do something that really test your skills try ordering 15 items from ebay in a week and have them all get back to you as soon as possable .. what fn nightmare ....

almost all equipment on expedition 3 well be new and it takes a lot more planning then you would all think spend even 10 days out there with no contact with the out side world is a under takeing that takes a lot of planing and hard work . then try the same thing for 20 days ... its harder then you think .to put togather a expediton of this size in conditions of nature that test you and the equipment daylly , food ,water , eqipment , batteries , safity , climbing gear ,and you have that for each person on the expedition.... we have two full days of packing in before we can even start the research ..

my office has become a wherehouse for equipment .....LOL

we are trying to narrow our search to 9 sites ..let me know how that goes

this reminds me of something my father once stated . " we dont get old ! we get histroical "


Perhaps you are correct in your assessment of bowman's answers. One thing you left out was: Understanding/perceiving the simple question he was asked....definitely incorrect.

Considering the "voices" that must be crying out from that site and that time, you would think the power of the place would overwhelm the minutiae of bowman's "reading".

On the other hand, my own powers tell me you and Beth would have had a great time at the Rendezvous.
That message flashed across my consciousness around the time I was reading your post. Never a good idea to underestimate the power of the mind. :)

Take care,


HI JOE: you said-->

" am surprised that someone who can "remote view" and has the powers that bowman has claimed, is unable to see into the heart of pun intended

How can you see into a dark / black place?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: fiction vs fact (yet another long-winded reply - including rant alert)

Greetings friends,

Blindbowman wrote:
know that was right on the money . put me at that location and give me a few days and we would be counting what was left of that cache

Hello mi amigo Blindbowman,
You seem to be quite confident in your assessment of what you perceived of a 'cache' in the Little Bighorn National Battlefield - however do NOT waste your time going there to find out for certain whether it was right or wrong, your efforts would be wasted since it is ILLEGAL to do any digging there. Your focus on that cache, instead of the question related to those poor soldiers in those desperate moments of fighting, may be an indication that your "aim" might be a bit off? Perhaps if time would allow you, it might be useful for you to re-examine the information you have received concerning the treasure(s) in the Superstitions, keeping in mind that the treasure itself might be causing some 'blur' of perception or interpretation?

Blindbowman also wrote:
almost all equipment on expedition 3 well be new and it takes a lot more planning then you would all think spend even 10 days out there with no contact with the out side world is a under takeing that takes a lot of planing and hard work . then try the same thing for 20 days ... its harder then you think

I agree, trying to outfit and plan a trip is an annoying and frustrating task. Beth and I have gone for months at a time, spending summers in Alaska and Yukon territory, and often winters in Arizona, California or Nevada, with shorter 'trips' into most of the western states (except Washington state, though I plan to change that before I cross the river Styx :o ;D :D ;)) and extended camping does take some extra planning on your part. Trying to allow enough tobacco (for smokers) or coffee (for java addicts like me) sugar, salt, spices, cooking oil, etc and not end up with a diet of nothing but beans or rice for day after day is a chore in itself. Having no contact with the "outside world" is not so bad however, in fact you may come to LOVE it as Mrs Oro and I do - just think, NO phone to be ringing, NO constant rackets of people, NO TV to be blaring away so much blather, just the sweet sounds of nature and the beauty of God's creation. As long as you are reasonably careful, you really have little to worry about. This does mean that you have to have your utilities shut off and drain your water pipes, tell the Post Office to hold (or forward) your mail or have a trusted relative or friend retrieve it for you and hold it, to pay your mortgage and any other bills ahead for the number of months you plan to be gone, etc. Well worth the effort though - you might not see people long enough that you actually will want to see them! (hee hee! ;D)

A side note, but I do recommend testing out ALL NEW equipment before taking it into the field where you will be depending on it! Many an Elk hunter has had a spoiled hunt because he had gotten a new scope that got 'banged' on the trip west and did not discover it until he missed his once-in-a-lifetime bull :-[ for example, and I have had enough experiences of NEW equipment that just would not work, and did not find out until I had packed that equipment through mountains and forest for miles. A few of them were "deposited" on the spot too! ::) :-[ :-\ (WHOOPS have to admit that was littering! Sorry about that! :o ::) :-[ :'()

On the down side, most all high-tech equipment you can count on to FAIL for you, and most likely at the worst possible moment, resulting in loss of photos, loss of GPS data, etc so I hope you will not be relying heavily on the most high-tech "toys" and can get by without it, or your trip could be spoiled by something as silly as dead batteries! Don't forget to figure in such things as being able to hand-wash your clothes, enough soap and shampoo, and any medications you need to have on a regular basis.

{begin rant}
Sorry for going on with this, but I want to "rant" a bit here on the cussed $^%& "first aid kits" you find for sale in stores and in catalogs. Some are well-rounded for minor cuts, bruises, and burns, a few have some things for insect stings and even venomous snake bites - however a few things I have NEVER found in any (commercial) first aid kit, and these are little things that can really spoil a trip FAST! Here are a few little items I recommend adding to any "commercial" type of first aid kit:

Tylenol (acetaminophen) - extra strength, for most types of pains
Aspirin (excellent emergency medicine for heart attacks and stroke, and for pain as well)
Toothache gel such as Orajel NOT one of the liquids that can leak
Rolaids or Tums for quick help for acid indigestion (that really tasty HOT chili might have unpleasant side effects!)
Pepcid AC for long-term acid stomach trouble
Benadryl or equivalent, an antihistamine that helps with the symptoms of allergies and minor colds, as well as an emergency aid in case of snake bite or an allergic reaction to insect stings
Imodium tablets or other anti-diarrhoea medicine such as Pepto-bismol
Fiber laxative or other laxative, in case of constipation
A small plastic bottle of hydrogen peroxide for antiseptic
A small plastic bottle of rubbing alcohol, also antiseptic
A single edge razor blade, for draining blisters or emergency surgery
A good pair of tweezers for extracting thorns, stingers etc

I am sure there are other things that could be added to the list (I have more in my own kit) but these simple meds could be a godsend - just imagine how it could be, for a person to be miles from a road and come down with a sudden case of diarrhoea! :o :-[ It only takes a few doses of each medicine on the list, but when you need them they are as good as gold. {/rant}

Cactusjumper wrote:

Perhaps you are correct in your assessment of bowman's answers. One thing you left out was: Understanding/perceiving the simple question he was asked....definitely incorrect.

Considering the "voices" that must be crying out from that site and that time, you would think the power of the place would overwhelm the minutiae of bowman's "reading".

On the other hand, my own powers tell me you and Beth would have had a great time at the Rendezvous.
That message flashed across my consciousness around the time I was reading your post. Never a good idea to underestimate the power of the mind.

HOLA mi amigo Joe,

I am giving Blindbowman the benefit of the doubt in mis-understanding the question, as he apparently got the mistaken impression that it was some kind of a "trick" question or trap to fool him into making a mistake. He is also quite busy with his preparations for his next expedition into the Superstitions, so perhaps that was a factor as well. However I do note that he is still entranced by the cache of money he sensed, rather than on that terrible battle and the many souls there who never got to tell their tale. This fact might be an indicator there could be possible error(s) or flaw(s) in his perception of the 'remote view' or in his interpretation of what he is sensing; and if it were myself, I would want to re-examine the data and information perceived by remote viewing with an eye to correcting any possible distortion or "drift" away from the intended focus/target. I have suggested this to our friend as well - it costs nothing and at worst might find some error(s) that could be possibly corrected by a bit more remote viewing. However I am NO expert in this field, just stating my opinion of what I would do if I were able to remote view and got the result he had in this little experiment.

Your own psychic power is astonishing Joe, I would bet that you can even tell that I am smiling as I write this! ;D Since Mrs Oro and I failed to make it to this rendezvous, I believe I now owe you the first cup of coffee - perhaps a sample of the infamous Mrs Oroblanco's Sock Coffee! :o;D :D ;) Do you take cream and sugar? ;D Thank you for the thoughts buddy, glad to hear that you had a great time. I hope the rendezvous will continue for the generations that will follow us.


HOLA mi amigo Real de Tayopa!

Real de Tayopa wrote:
HI JOE: you said-->

" am surprised that someone who can "remote view" and has the powers that bowman has claimed, is unable to see into the heart of pun intended

How can you see into a dark / black place?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hmm, Jose' it seems that you have that ability! :o Perhaps you know me better than I realized.... :o

"What evil lurks in the hearts and minds of men,...the shadow knows." (intro from old radio show The Shadow)



"I am giving Blindbowman the benefit of the doubt in mis-understanding the question, as he apparently got the mistaken impression that it was some kind of a "trick" question or trap to fool him into making a mistake."

So you believe it's possible for someone with the power to "see" things in the past and future, to "read"
the history surrounding objects...just by touching them, and at the same time to be unable to tell the difference between a sincere question and a "trap"?

On any expedition into the Superstitions, one of the most important pieces of equipment I can think of, is a satellite phone. Not mandatory to have it on, just have it.

I have planned trips into those mountains for seven people two times and for three four and five any number of times. Each night we had gourmet dinners, biscuits w/Italian sausage gravy along with scrambled eggs and hash browns for breakfast.....Strawberry shortcake with real whip cream. Steaks with broccoli & cheese sauce, along with triple baked potatoes for our last night in the mountains. There was garlic toast each night for dinner, along with salads. Each man had his own tent, chair and personal equipment. I had tables, ice, drinking water, shades, lights, stoves, metal detectors......etc.

It does take talent/intelligence, but it's not that big of a deal. As the Feldman's can tell you, I did it for a number of years. I would not have a problem setting that kind of camp up for twenty + men. It does however, require spending a bit of money. :) I am still available.....for a price. :o


HOLA Cactusjumper,

Cactusjumper wrote:
So you believe it's possible for someone with the power to "see" things in the past and future, to "read"
the history surrounding objects...just by touching them, and at the same time to be unable to tell the difference between a sincere question and a "trap"?

I would say that it is POSSIBLE, but as yet not proven absolutely. If the US military had not done some serious experimenting into remote viewing and concluded that it works, I would be much more on the fence. However their results were not that ALL remote viewing is 100% accurate either - and this echoes what 'professional' psychics have reported. If it were 100% accurate, the remote viewer would be capable of simply detecting the upcoming lottery numbers and win them all the time. The perceived symbols and impressions are easily mis-interpreted by the viewer. If our friend Blindbowman had not posted such statements that clearly indicated he felt this was some kind of a trick or trap, perhaps I would not be so willing to grant the benefit of the doubt.

As human beings our abilities in perception are imperfect - whether in remote viewing or in simply seeing with the naked eye; it is easy to look in the wrong place, or miss something that would be obvious to someone else and so on. The fact that Blindbowman seemed to "miss" the site and the fact that it was just a straightforward question and not a trick certainly does not prove that he has the ability to remote view (or "spirit walk" or what ever term one prefers) and would make me at least less confident in his information on what lies hidden in the Superstitions, but it also does not prove (to me anyway) that he cannot obtain any information in this manner.

He at least seems to be having fun with it, isn't hurting anyone, it costs nothing and may lead him to his next expedition into the Supers so in that sense it is "good" in my opinion even if the info he has obtained by remote viewing is utterly wrong! I have sure gone out tramping and digging holes based on information obtained from much more "conventional" sources that proved to be UTTERLY wrong, which does not mean that such conventional sources like books, archives, letters etc are all wrong. So who knows, perhaps Blindbowman will find something fantastic?

Cactusjumper wrote:
Steaks with broccoli & cheese sauce, along with triple baked potatoes

DANG Cactusjumper your menus in the field are better than mine at HOME! You must have better finances for your expeditions than any I ever had - so...

Cactusjumper also wrote:
I am still available.....for a price.

If I could afford it (doubtful without winning the aforementioned lottery) I would sure be calling on YOU! ;D :D



Hi all,and congrats on another successful rendezvous.I wish that I could have attended,but October is usually a difficult time to get away.Been out of touch for the past few months as well,due to an seemingly endless to-do list,so it appears that I've got some catching up ahead of me on this forum as well.
I spent a little time at the battlefield on the Little Bighorn back in 1972/73 as well as the Badlands/Wounded Knee and Sand Creek at the time when just about every monument's surface was marked by the letters AIM.Aside from the tension that could be felt by all,due to the conflicts of that time,there was indeed an odd sensual or emotional reaction experienced by many visitors to these places,both native and non-native.
I would never consider myself spiritual or claravoiyant,but I will swear that I have felt the hair on the back of my neck rise many times in places of historical conflict,but never as strongly as I experienced at those particular sites.I have since often wondered if somehow,the earth itself doesn't act as a recording mechanism and can play back to our senses (when we are on the correct frequency)the emotional and perhaps even visual events of a certain location that had witnessed such human suffering and death.

somehiker wrote:
there was indeed an odd sensual or emotional reaction experienced by many visitors to these places,both native and non-native.

Greetings somehiker,

Isn't that strange in itself? Many Civil War and Revolutionary war battlegrounds have similar reactions upon a surprising number of visitors. (Gettysburg in particular, for some reason.) "Massacre" type battles seem to have a stronger impression. I suppose it could be dismissed as subconscious suggestion by the skeptics, but in my opinion something is there.


Good morning my old friend,

I have heard it said by others that sometimes the reason a mine is lost is because a wayward spirit is there,
the spirit will in affect change a person's perception of an area enough that when the mine is found, the finder will never find it again because the area will never look as it did when there was an outside influence...

Many times that influence is strong enough that even a camera is forgotten.

I am not the author of this thought but not as sceptic as most either.


no .....................i am as crazy as bed rock ... but i have solved the stones and the map...

ya i may just see 60% worthless junk in my remote veiwing . but its that 40% thats 20 % confussion and 20% fact ...that makes it worth every secound ....

20 % more then most have found ....

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