Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


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Apr 9, 2012
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I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


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I am a water hunter with dive gear but finally broke down and got a land detector. I started off by learning my machine in tot lots, I was at an Elementary School playground one friday evening all by myself when I felt the familiar push of gas. I let a huge one rip when I heard a female voice yelling at me...A little boy wanted to know what I was doing and had walked up behind me as a crop dusted him...his mom was wicked upset and thought I did it on purpose. Needless to say, I apologized and left red faced and very embarrassed. It pays to detect with one earphone on and the other off.
Now that is as funny as it gets.

I was deep in the woods at an old cellar hole when nature called and ripped off my boxers for tp. Took care of business and back swinging I went. A couple holes later..of course..riiipp. I didn't sweat it til i realized I had to get gas on the way home..no credit card..into the store I went.

Showing off and bragging about my new toy, FAIL.

Boy! You didn't need to say anymore than showing off and bragging! I knew what was coming. LOL
We ALWAYS seem to do that to ourselves when we start thinking we're "all that". ;) LOL

Since I've been swinging a MD for over 30 years, I've experienced right many of these hilarious situations . . .forgot the detector, forgot the batteries, forgot the shovel, lost the digger, buried the digger, had the police called, dug the water line, lost the digger again, detected with the machine off, dug the OTHER water line, moved the SUV with the detector propped-up on the side, did I mention had the police called, driven home with useless iron items on the bumper, walked up on a field of marijuana, wrapped up with ticks, chiggers, bitten by mosquitoes, scared off by snakes, dug yet ANOTHER water line, etc. but it was ALL worth it!

Thanks to all who posted these great stories; it made my night!


Well. since we're sharing. I was out detecting tonight and I had a pretty deep signal and at the bottom I found a piece of metal peeking out. when I rubbed the dirt off It looked like tarnished silver so I very carefully dug around it and elongated the hole so I could get it out without damaging it. I had to laugh at myself when it turned out to be some kind of ordinary metal strip and I placed my lesche digger in the hole and took a picture to share all my hard work for naught with my brother. After taking the picture I carefully filled in the hole and went off to search for better finds. I got a signal and knelt down to dig it and reached for my digger and it wasnt in my pouch. I searched all around me and got up and went back to where I was last and didnt see it. I stood there in puzzlement for a few moments and thought "Surely Not". Yep, I had buried my Lesche tool at the bottom of the last hole. Luckily I had my new found piece of "silver' to dig it out with. :D

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LMAO! That is the funniest metal detecting story I have ever heard. Thanks for sharing and making me laugh today.

I love wearing cargo pants with big side open pockes for easy access to put my finds. Well I used to but now I do it a little different, why, well because one sunny dry day I had found a nice clean unfired (dropped) mini and dropped it into my pocket. Then I found another target, a pewter button this time and another unfired mini laying on the surface right next to my hole. A third target and holly cow another mini on the surface. Thats 3 minis so far. My luck was running good. Then another target came along and since the ground was dry and compact I needed to jump up into the air and onto my shovel and as I did this I notice a mini flying up in the air arching back down to the ground next to my feet. Yes you guessed it, I only had one mini. So now I keep a pill bottle to put my goodies in and it has yet to fly out of my pocket.

There's been a few moments in my life when I question it all... the first one that comes to my mind is the time I was out in Scranton Pa. at my Grandmothers house near an old dump, and noticed a mannequin laying on the ground. After awhile it got the better of my curiosity and I walked up to it. I was looking at it, and it was as white as a ghost and then I noticed the eyes.... you guessed it... it was a murdered woman.... ran to the house as fast as me and my friend could run. As soon as we entered the house my Aunt Mary said "what's the matter with you two, you look like you just saw a ghost or something" for a few minutes we kept saying "you tell em" , and "no, you tell em" to each other.... finally my Uncle George says "tell us what?"... I said "we think we found a dead body"..... everybody laughed for a while, then my other Uncle said lets go for a walk anyway.....got in the news for it, got to go to the trial later that year! I've also had a solid dime signal go off on my Ace 250... went to dig, and ended up getting stung soooo many times I've ended up in the emergency room! HH!

OMG! This thread was awesome! I didn't realize there was an ongoing thread of stories like this one. I read all 5 pages! Laughed right out loud at most of them! I haven't had this much fun since I found my first gold ring! LOL This is a great thread!

I have a lot of embarrassments over the years! One that comes to mind is when I was hunting with a buddy in some very cold water. It was the middle of Jamuary! But I had a nice wet suit and it really felt like summer to me. Anyway, mother nature called and I didn't feel like going all the way into shore. So I moved to a little shallower water and just unzipped to preapare. I was feeling so warm I plain forgot how cold the water was! It splashed in my suit and my buddy came running over to see why I had let out this blood curdleing scream!!!

I couldnt admit what really happened so I just stuttered out that my suit sprung a leak! LOL

Love all the stories! Thanks for sharing.

Fun post glad to see it back up.
I have cut targets in half. Flipped them 30 feet from the hole. Watched my detector float down a creek. Checked every handful of dirt and had my pointer buzz every time and realized I had a watch on under my sleeve. Ripped my pants to shreds. Spent all day hunting my own equipment I set down. Now I have a lanyard and almost everything tied to me.
Maybe we could do a post of our rigs we carry and help each other keep it together. :tongue3: Anyone thinks they are perfect in the hobby is dreaming

I just noticed this in "Todays Finds". We probably should move it over to General discussion area so it does not keep riding the top of Todays Finds…ehh??

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Heck no! This is a great find! For me anyway. LOL I cant hunt now so this was a great change to find in this forum. I get jealous enough seeing all the things people find anyway. This made for some great reading and it being here would give it a large enough audience to keep pulling wondeful stories. I vote for it to stay a nice find, in todays finds, let someone else find it like I did!

Went MDing with a good friend of mine. He's not really into the hobby but I'm tryin to get some of my buddies into it. Well anyways, he decided to take some of his moms jewelry, and he planted rings, earrings, and like 2 necklaces. Out of like 7 pieces of jewelry, 4 were gold. Every 20-30 mins he'd throw another piece in front of me, not knowing at all he was doing that. It was dark and I didn't see lol. When we finished up I was so freaking happy. Was ready to post all the finds, impress my pops, and I was just really excited. Sure enough when we get to my house, he shows me a picture on his phone of all the jewelry I just found, but he was holding in his hand at his moms house. THAT REALLY SUCKED!!! Lol he still laughs at me till this day. BUT! Apparently he lost 2 pieces of gold. 2 little 14k hoop earrings. So the jokes on him !! Haha :D

Went MDing with a good friend of mine. He's not really into the hobby but I'm tryin to get some of my buddies into it. Well anyways, he decided to take some of his moms jewelry, and he planted rings, earrings, and like 2 necklaces. Out of like 7 pieces of jewelry, 4 were gold. Every 20-30 mins he'd throw another piece in front of me, not knowing at all he was doing that. It was dark and I didn't see lol. When we finished up I was so freaking happy. Was ready to post all the finds, impress my pops, and I was just really excited. Sure enough when we get to my house, he shows me a picture on his phone of all the jewelry I just found, but he was holding in his hand at his moms house. THAT REALLY SUCKED!!! Lol he still laughs at me till this day. BUT! Apparently he lost 2 pieces of gold. 2 little 14k hoop earrings. So the jokes on him !! Haha :D

Getting played with in the field is just not funny to me. Got enough to do just trying to find something. But, at least he had to suffer the embarrassment of losing his pieces. :)


I recently had the soles of my shoes disintegrate and fall completely off while I was detecting. I left a trail of little shoe pieces all the way back to the car.

Well I got my Whites XLT and was all geeked up. This was several years ago. So I tell my step-son I'm coming up to MI. and I'm bringing my new MD. He says GREAT! He lives in a 1880 era home in town. I can't wait to get their. My wife and I loaded up car at 3:00 am and hit the road. We arrive at 1 pm and I go in and have a beer and am winding down from trip. At 3:00 pm he comes home from work and says lets unload your car and get started dude. I'm ready NOW..... so we go out to car and start unloading and no MD. Now I'm really pissed at first... and then I'm wondering where is it? My step-son is like "I really wanted to MD this lawn".... "I left work early to do it". I knew nobody would be at my home till after 8:00 pm so I had to wait to call. At 8:15 my cell rings. My oldest son wants to know why my MD and the tools are on the deck outside? First I was highly embarrassed and then relieved.

I use a screw driver with a wood handle for a probe, this is my second one, lost my first. I was hunting at a tot-lot/park, having a good day. After about 30 min. I got a good signal in the grass requiring the probe, I reach for it no probe. Can't be far I just had it. I go back to the places I was before, no probe. I'm circling around and back around, it can't just disappear! Finally I decide I'll just use the digger, as I look down to pull it out I see a familiar wood handle sticking in the ground right next to my foot! Yep my probe! After all that circling and searching I was standing right next to it! Felt like a fool.

I know this wasn't done while detecting, but it WAS done while looking in Red Book at coins so close enough, I suppose, lol. I use an IPad 99% of the time. Anyone familiar with them know you just double tap to enlarge pics. Twice today I caught myself on the verge of double tapping pics in the Red Book to enlarge details!

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I know this wasn't done while detecting, but it WAS done while looking in Red Book at coins so close enough, I suppose, lol. I use an IPad 99% of the time. Anyone familiar with them know you just double tap to enlarge pics. Twice today I caught myself on the verge of double tapping pics in the Red Book to enlarge details! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Ha that's pretty funny. Crazy how much we depend on and grow accustomed to the use of those devices.

Tried to explain to a panicky neighborhood person I was NOT looking for radiation!

Also, I'm sure I mentioned awhile back about falling in a hole I had just dug in the sand.

Tried to explain to a panicky neighborhood person I was NOT looking for radiation! Also, I'm sure I mentioned awhile back about falling in a hole I had just dug in the sand.

"Looking for radiation" that's hilarious! Person was probably scared that his or her kid wasn't gonna be able to play outside or something.

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