Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Golden Thread
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
PLEASE don't get me wrong - our police around here are great - I am actually registered with a bunch of the dept. in the area
and have help my own towns dept a few times
it was just this situation - I think they knew they looked foolish and were trying to turn it around
had it been some guy not from around there and that didnt know the rules and laws
then they could made him look the bad guy and told him - dont let it happen again
I been hitting this spot for over 20 yrs and knew most of the rangers
and returned a $500 radio that one of the lifeguards lost - so I was in good with him
the signs are right there though - no lifeguard on duty - which remains there even when lifeguards are on duty to cover them from law suits
and as soon as you enter the gate - there is a sign that says no trespassing between dusk & dawn and another
that says no one allowed in park after sunset & before sunrise
they just never read them - this is a state park and works independant from the city
they broke the rules by not contacting the ranger station and contatcting the state troopers
Im sure some one got repremanded for doing what they did
If they knew I was wrong they would have taken me in

Police, fire & ambulance don't need permission to enter where there is a report of someone
possibly in distress. usually if they wait for permission, or backup it is due to fear.

the Person who reported you as a Floater should have been arrested & charged all costs
though for false reports. they should have asked you if you needed help first.

Back on subject :tongue3:
I've arrived on site without headphones already, & worse without batteries.

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This is thread is CRACKING ME UP!!!
Please keep it coming! :laughing9:

Early on in my detecting career, I dig my first target of the day and couldn't seem to pinpoint where the target was. I kept running handfulls of dirt across the coil and kept getting signals with every handfull.....but nothing there. Then I realized I still had my wristwatch on!

i did the same thing! :laughing7:

Back on subject :tongue3:
I've arrived on site without headphones already, & worse without batteries.

I can empathize. I've reached a place after an hour drive with everything except, (wait for it), my detector. I went looking for arrowheads instead. :)


Early on in my detecting career, I dig my first target of the day and couldn't seem to pinpoint where the target was. I kept running handfulls of dirt across the coil and kept getting signals with every handfull.....but nothing there. Then I realized I still had my wristwatch on!

Can't say I've done that but can I make a suggestion about digging gloves? Don't buy a pair with a metal snap on them to keep them closed. LOL


Just thought I'd add this one.

I was all afire to go find some treasure the other day. Packed the car with everything I figured I'd need for the day. Water, hat, sunblock, umbrella, diggers, pinpointer, pouches, etc. etc. Got in the car and started it up. Put it in gear and turned my head to see behind me when backing out of the parking lot. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my front porch. There, lying in plain view, was my AT-Pro just sitting there laughing at me and waving bye-bye. (blush!)

ok there are some good stories here thats for sure but i have one that made me feel like a real dumba-- lol.
since i am new to md like 2 weeks new i still have a pile to learn but as with all things am progressing nicely.
so i got a target located drop to my knees and cut my plug since the snow melt here the ground is kinda moist to say the least, and everytime out i end up cleaning everything major when i get home kinda like i just throw it in the mud then go about my bussiness .........sorry back to the story .
got the plug cut rolled back and jerked out the cen tec pointer to make easy work of my 2nd find of the day ( having just found a dime 5 ft away i was ready to line my pocket with another token of gods appreciation).

so i place the pointer in the hole press the button and whamo blasting signal right at the bottom center so i lay it down and use my fingers to move some loose dirt but find nothing so pick the pointer back up for another try and that time is on the right side on the bottom mmmmm i say to myself while digging there also still nothing i ended up digging about a foot deep then by some stroke of luck found the penny in a pile i removed from the hole so i picked my pointer up and thats when i seen it a small maybe 1/8 inch square peice of aluminum stuck in the mud on the side of my pointer . the penny registered at just 2-3 inches but when the beepers on it's time to dig lol.

but i felt like a moron and was glad noone was waatching .

sorry so long but i got caught up in the moment ,

Embarrasing? How bout digging a relatively small hole in the sand on a beach and then falling into it.

I have seen them flip on the light to get through traffic and back off when clear; repeating until they make it to subway apparently. :laughing7:
One day, sirens and lights blaring down the highway, the cops make their exit at the Duncan Doughnuts, wheeling in like crazy. The place was actually being robbed! :laughing7:
No doughnuts were harmed in the aprehension of the suspect. :laughing7:

I'm amazed, that while water detecting, NO ONE advised me, my bathing suit top had fallen askew! :o

I am so glad no donuts were harmed, but the police probably took the next 6 shifts examining the evidence.

I have...

-showed up to a spot with no detector
-showed up to a spot with detector in hand with dead batteries
-showed up to a spot with detector in hand, fresh batteries, and no shovel (the past 3 were all consecutive, lol)
-detected a good portion of a field with dead batteries
-detected part of a field with the detector off
-detected part of a field with a loose coil cord

Mostly because when I first started, I got a little carried away :)

I am a water hunter with dive gear but finally broke down and got a land detector. I started off by learning my machine in tot lots, I was at an Elementary School playground one friday evening all by myself when I felt the familiar push of gas. I let a huge one rip when I heard a female voice yelling at me...A little boy wanted to know what I was doing and had walked up behind me as a crop dusted him...his mom was wicked upset and thought I did it on purpose. Needless to say, I apologized and left red faced and very embarrassed. It pays to detect with one earphone on and the other off.

I was night hunting on a friends farm around 7pm right by the highway cause we were finding alot of bullets and decided too stay out late, well come to find out some motorist called the state troopers thinking we were being shady, only thing that came out of it was a more knowledgeable state trooper cause we talked to him for about 20 minutes about relic hunting. :occasion14: 8-)

I have to say, I'm at work and I just busted out laughing at this one, glad I'm working alone tonight. Sounds like something I'd do though.

Well I must say I'm part of this thread. I have been detecting for about 11 years off and on. Never in my years did I ever use a pin pointer but when I got my new detector it came with one. So the first time I'm out with this thing...I am loving it. Don't know how I did without it! Out in the thick woods finding all the junk and good targets with ease. Then it happened....solid good signal finally. Dug down and went to grab the pin pointer....GONE! Now I am freaking out. Something I never knew I liked so much now is gone. So for the next 45 minutes I try to retrace my steps in these thick woods looking for the pin pointer I lost. Swinging my detector hoping to find it. Then....very near where I needed it last, it was found. Buried deep in the hole I refilled with only the top 2 inches revealing the grave of the tool I so treasured. I have never lost it since. A very valuable asset to my arsenal now and always will be.

We were digging a site near a free way that saw civil war action. One of my first signals was deep do I started digging and digging and digging. Everyone had moved off and left me but I was not going to give up on the target. I had visions of cannon balls. At about 2 feet I hit flat metal. I enlarged the holes and am thinking ok brilliant you are digging up a man hole cover. It was round and when I finally got my fingers under it I pulled it up and over. It said "STOP" on it. It was a cast iron stop sign with raised letters haha. I still have it in the basement ,,, everyone got a real big laugh.
Every time I get a new detector I practice in my yard and I always dig up my sewer line up front in the same place at the lead flange :tongue3:

One time I found what I think was a KG colonial copper...wasn't in my finds pouch when I got to the car.

Also I found a silver rosie one time. I was laying on the couch looking at it, dropped it in my mouth, and accidentally swallowed it. I then recovered it a few days later, but I won't get into details...

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