Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


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Apr 9, 2012
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I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


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This is so embarrassing I shouldn't even tell the story.
I was hunting the local High School when I got the urge. Hit me like a ton of bricks. Like it's not gonna wait. It's coming out and you better do something about it.
So I see a patch of 6 foot tall bushes. I had no choice in the matter. I waddle over there in severe pain trying my best to make it. I finally get in there and I find my spot. I know I'm going to be ok now when all of a sudden I'm attacked by wasps!! LMAO.. I took off running...
Needless to say I had to go home after that.. lol Oh man.. I wasn't alone either. I was hunting with two other people. They had front row seats.
Yep, I've done something embarrassing. =)

cti4sw said:
I have...

-showed up to a spot with no detector
-showed up to a spot with detector in hand with dead batteries
-showed up to a spot with detector in hand, fresh batteries, and no shovel (the past 3 were all consecutive, lol)
-detected a good portion of a field with dead batteries
-detected part of a field with the detector off
-detected part of a field with a loose coil cord

Mostly because when I first started, I got a little carried away :)

Right there with ya on these! I think it's because your so excited about getting there brain dead sets in! Lol

Scottso said:
many cpos abuse their power,I see them speeding all the time. I saw on speeding and eating a subway sandwich.

He must not of been going that fast if u know it was a subway sandwich :)

Lol, this is the best!

Wow, I have one that tops you all, but that's the one a don't talk about. I just keep it to my self. And that's where it will stay. lol HH

One time I was hunting in a large park and ran across another target. I stuck the probe into the ground and knelt down to cut a plug when I realized I had dropped my plastic that I use to lay my dirt in. I retraced my steps to my last target recovery and after a good 10 minutes I finally found it. I headed back to where I left the probe (and my next target) and couldn't find it! I don't know if someone came along and grabbed it or what but I never did find it. I had to go to the truck and get my backup probe.

Hey Wadifind you really brought out the stories - these are some really funny stories. I was digging the other day - got a decent sighal - dug my plug - checked my plug no signal - checked my hole no signal - checked and checked - nothing. It was a nice pendant dated 1901 very thin and flat - it had stuck to my shovel and when I removed the plug and stuck my shovel in the ground about 3 feet away so as not to interfere with my dedector it rubbed off on the grouond by the shovel - My son came by and found it and kept it. Rookie mistake for sure - always check your shovel

One time I was hunting in a large park and ran across another target. I stuck the probe into the ground and knelt down to cut a plug when I realized I had dropped my plastic that I use to lay my dirt in. I retraced my steps to my last target recovery and after a good 10 minutes I finally found it. I headed back to where I left the probe (and my next target) and couldn't find it! I don't know if someone came along and grabbed it or what but I never did find it. I had to go to the truck and get my backup probe.
Wow cudamark - that was a tought one for sho rite there

Recent posts reminded me of one.

I was hunting this lovely campground once, was finding coin after coin but had to concentrate on the ground and sound to pick around the trash. So, there I am, focused, concentrating, listening, with my head down and banged right into some sort of wood wall. I cursed, then before I looked up, I heard a scream above my earphones. I stepped back and looked just as a wave of water splashed all over me! I had banged into an outdoor, wooden camp shower stall and the VERY pretty lady inside was none too pleased!!! (Of course I averted my eyes!!!! For shame!! Just as soon as I could get them screwed back in their sockets. ;) )

One of my most pleasant......errr um...I mean embarassing moments! ;) LOL :laughing9:


Done the same thing ... find my same find falling out of my goodie pouch!... I like the dirt flying up into your face... tastes good though!! LOL :hello2:

If the moderators don't mind, I think that popping this thread back up to the top every now and again gives a bit of flavor to this hobby. If nothing else, it helps the ones who make mistakes know they aren't alone in their embarrassing moments. :)

I did another one the other day. I was hunting this private field that I got exclusive rights to hunt. It's very clearly marked no trespassing or trespassers will be shot. Something like that. ;)

Anyway, I had just finished digging and was moving on to another spot. I found one just a few feet away and knelt down to dig. Even though I was wearing headphones I heard this odd beeping somewhere in the background. I recognized it right away. I got up and muttered to myself, "Oh FINE! Now I gotta go play policeman because some boob has decided that because I was hunting the field it gave them carte blanche to just waltz in and start digging. >:( . I looked around and saw nobody. ??? Then, I followed the beeps and there was my Pro-pointer, laying on the ground at the last hole. Just a crying it's lil heart out! LOL :)


Hey Whadifind - I agree on popping it back up on top every now and then - I was detcting behind an old early 1800's church last July in 100 degree heat right out in the sun in the middle of the day - got a sweet signal very deep - dug down - deeper - finally I struck what appeared to be a chest about 18" deep - thought for sure I had found the "treasure chest" - Had to stop and rest several times being right out in the hot sun - almost ready to pass out - as I was taking a break I looked back toward the old church building when I noticed a pipe coming out of the building that lead straight to the upgraded sewer system right out to the septic tank I had just dug up - yes sir I had justdug up a 1000 gallon keg of $@%! I have been so embarassed about it that it took me this long to tell on my self.

I think they need to make this a topic that you can go to every day and post on or read ! This is some good stuff to read, It will make you laugh even if you are having a bad day. IF you think they need to make this a topic please like this post and maby they will make it a topic. place the topic right under todays finds so we can go to this every day and we can and hopefully learn from of these post's and get a good laugh. I HOPE THIS MAKE'S A FULL TIME TOPIC!!!!!!!!! If you want this to happen please help make this a hot topic with lots of likes OR post more of your events.

was plowing through some brush to get to the field next to it. Detector in one hand,shovel in the other,and one of those darned
long rose-bush branches swings up and a thorn goes right into my nose, and I mean really digs in there. I was moving and that
only locked it on my nose to the point of bleeding, and both hands were full so I was literally hooked. It seems sometimes these
long rosebush branches are out to get you. I'm always getting tangled up in them.

Yup! Digging around and found what I thought was a gold coin and dug up a prophylactic in a coin sized holer ... bummer...What The heck!!!

Should I be embarrassed when, after getting very tired and frustrated at one particular digging. You know the kind, a hole where you've been digging and scraping for freakin ever and still no target? Well, finally, finally, finally! I saw it in the hole and slammed my knife into the ground to pick it up. Slicing completely through my headphone cord? :(


Each spring one beach hunt involves a 40 yard hill. The lake residents are used to the entertainment by now.
To climb hill to leave,wheel chair is pushed backwards hopping on only leg with worn out knee. Detector across arm rests and a time out or two before hill is crested. One year after topping hill and crossing athletic field i went to dig a target but no digging tool. Yep,down on lake shore well past bottom of hill.
Last year part way up hill i heard a chattering noise as headphone cord wrapped in spokes till it broke.

Had a rather interesting one happen last night. I went out in the yard after dark, to test a theory. After I was thru digging and manipulating things around I went to fill the rather deep hole I'd dug. AND, there, from the bottom of the hole, after I shifted a bit of soil, a light almost blinded me! IT CAME UP FROM THE HOLE!!!! I fell back and then realized, I had knocked my pro-pointer in and it landed upside down. When I put my knife near, it screamed and shot a beam of light right in my eye!!! LOL

Good thing it wasn't a laser tracking light!!! LOL Good thing I was home too. I had to change my shorts. :)


A couple of years hunted this Medieval heraldic ring .... after taking the picture I keep in my pocket .... and not return never see :sad10: , is lost somewhere in the vineyards . :dontknow: and I even can not recover on subsequent visits to the same field where ... I have hunt some medieval rings best, but I always remember him ....

08 December 2010k.webp

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Hit one of my most trusted and cherished sites early one morning. I was blaring to go. Parked the car, got my knee pads on, hooked my lesche up, etc. Took the detector out of the car & walked about half a mile to a certain section in this particular park.

I was off & hunting for 3, maybe 4 hours and was wiped. Mosied on back to the car to call it a day. When I reached my ride, I almost had a heart-attack...

Seems I was SO excited to detect that morning, I left my car door open after taking out my detector. NOT open as in unlocked, open as in the door was FULLY ajar while I was prancing around in the grass playing Indiana Jones.

Glad I was hunting in the "good part of town" that day!

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