Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Golden Thread
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
I was out in the hills of S. Korea. Had all my equipment. But, the site was loaded with weeds. So, laid down the detector, got out the scythe, and proceeded to cut the cord from the head of my detector to the box.....with the first swing. Then, this happened to my friend. We were hunting in a high mountain site, at the time of year when there are some delicious wild greens (that the Koreans and I pick). We are there, detecting, when a Korean lady comes onto the site. She watches a little time, then my friend wants to be friendly, so he shows her the coins we had found and gives her one. BTW, he is married, and a very religious person. Well, the Korean lady - we can tell - is a little slow. So, she tries to become "friends" with my friend. He almost ran down the hill, once he figured out what was happening. All had a good laugh out of that.

Hello WHADIFIND. Never found a find twice, but I did lose my phone one time and found it before I knew it was lost. Also, while digging a particularly large hole I buried my Pro-Pointer. Have fun!


I once accidentally brushed my teeth with the same brush I use to clean my coins.

Does realizing I was showing some butt crack to cars passing by while I was detecting my neighbor's yard Friday count? :laughing7:

I was out in the hills of S. Korea. Had all my equipment. But, the site was loaded with weeds. So, laid down the detector, got out the scythe, and proceeded to cut the cord from the head of my detector to the box.....with the first swing. Then, this happened to my friend. We were hunting in a high mountain site, at the time of year when there are some delicious wild greens (that the Koreans and I pick). We are there, detecting, when a Korean lady comes onto the site. She watches a little time, then my friend wants to be friendly, so he shows her the coins we had found and gives her one. BTW, he is married, and a very religious person. Well, the Korean lady - we can tell - is a little slow. So, she tries to become "friends" with my friend. He almost ran down the hill, once he figured out what was happening. All had a good laugh out of that.

LOL..."Buy me juicy?" :tongue3:

This is great stuff...glad it made it back to the top! :thumbsup:

The most embarrassing thing that happen to me, I was out in a large park and a dog came running down the field and ran right to me I was sitting on the ground taking a rest, I said hello puppy he gave me a kiss on the face and then he peed all over me, I knew it was time to call it a day. :dontknow:

Does realizing I was showing some butt crack to cars passing by while I was detecting my neighbor's yard Friday count? :laughing7:

Only if it was unintentional. :laughing9: :)


The most embarrassing thing that happen to me, I was out in a large park and a dog came running down the field and ran right to me I was sitting on the ground taking a rest, I said hello puppy he gave me a kiss on the face and then he peed all over me, I knew it was time to call it a day. :dontknow:

<whew>...When I opened this thread all I initially saw was "gave me a kiss on the face and then he peed all over me"...as you can imagine I was relieved to see the part about it being a dog! Could've been a much worse "embarrassing" story! ::)

Just remembered one of my most embarrassing hunts.

A very good friend invited me up to his place to hunt a field that he had permission. He'd gone on and on about how wonderful this place must've been before it got hunted out. He said he'd gotten in at the end of the finds and they pretty well dried up shortly after he got there. But, it was a beautiful old farmhouse and relics still showed from time to time. Civil war bullets, buttons, gun parts, etc.

My friend is no slouch when it comes to this hobby. He has some high tech toys and he knows his stuff! My old Groundhog paled in comparison. Still, it sounded like a nice way to spend some time with an old friend.

When I got there he showed me some of his almost professional grid work. Some he even had posts in the ground with tape and everything. He said he was playing archeologist that day. Anyway, we started our hunting, (I stayed outside his markers of course). :)

He told me not to bother in the spot I was in as I was checking something that I thought I heard. I told him it sounded good. He said he'd done a full on grid along the house. Nothing there but nails. He showed me on his machine how my signal, although not completely iron, was probably a nail. I said there's one way to find out. We dug and about 10 inches down, one of the prettiest old large cents I ever found.

Now, I know it's too late to make the long story short, but that wasn't the only find of the day. We were both laughing at the end but I could tell my friend was very ashamed that I found all that, where he'd swore was played out. I was extremely embarrassed. Had fun though! ;)

Just goes to show ya, LEARN your machine!!! :)


I was once alone out in the deep woods metal detecting near a hill top when through my earphones I heard a crashing of brush. At first not knowing where it was coming from I swung my detector up to port arms in a defensive move while quickly shuffling around trying to figure out what was going on. The answer was about 8 white tails bounding through the brush away from me. The deer must have been bedded down and i spooked them. Not sure what kind of damage I could have done with the detector but I wasn't going down without a fight. :boots:

No one was around to see this but God's creatures, but I was still embarrassed.

Just remembered one of my most embarrassing hunts.

A very good friend invited me up to his place to hunt a field that he had permission. He'd gone on and on about how wonderful this place must've been before it got hunted out. He said he'd gotten in at the end of the finds and they pretty well dried up shortly after he got there. But, it was a beautiful old farmhouse and relics still showed from time to time. Civil war bullets, buttons, gun parts, etc.

My friend is no slouch when it comes to this hobby. He has some high tech toys and he knows his stuff! My old Groundhog paled in comparison. Still, it sounded like a nice way to spend some time with an old friend.

When I got there he showed me some of his almost professional grid work. Some he even had posts in the ground with tape and everything. He said he was playing archeologist that day. Anyway, we started our hunting, (I stayed outside his markers of course). :)

He told me not to bother in the spot I was in as I was checking something that I thought I heard. I told him it sounded good. He said he'd done a full on grid along the house. Nothing there but nails. He showed me on his machine how my signal, although not completely iron, was probably a nail. I said there's one way to find out. We dug and about 10 inches down, one of the prettiest old large cents I ever found.

Now, I know it's too late to make the long story short, but that wasn't the only find of the day. We were both laughing at the end but I could tell my friend was very ashamed that I found all that, where he'd swore was played out. I was extremely embarrassed. Had fun though! ;)

Just goes to show ya, LEARN your machine!!! :)


Sounds more like it should've been your friend who was embarrassed ;)

A couple of years ago during the "great Texas drought of 2011" my son and I were detecting an old house site and I got a good strong signal. As I spent minutes hacking away at the ground like an insane person, I finally plunged my lesche tool down and gave the concrete-like dirt a flip and it went flying. I checked the hole...nothing. I scanned all around the hole....nothing. I spent a 5 minutes looking for that darn target that was no longer anywhere to be found!

About that time, my son meandered over closer to me and was a good 30 feet away, when I hear him say. "Hey dad I found a Merc just laying on top the ground!"

WoW! these are some great stories. I can relate with most all of them, the others scare me. LOL

I would like to nominate the following as a candidate for this thread. ;)

NOT STOLEN! I called the guys house I hunted last weekend & I left it there! I'm an idiot but a relieved idiot! I just thought he would have let me know but he's been out of town! YAy!!!

Like most of you I've had MANY "moments". While growing up I had the privilege of being able to deer hunt private land with 100's of acres of woods, marsh and fields in southwest MI. My buddy and I had built many nice deer stands all over the acreage. I shot professional archery and taught many classes at a club called Starlight Archery in Kalamazoo MI. I made many friends while teaching. Well I invited 6people to come down to my large home and we'll all go archery deer hunting opening day together. So everyone shows up the night before. We fixed a large wildlife supper and I was checking everyone's equipment out for the big hunt next morning while watching some hunting videos and going over maps of the area and checking radios. We're all having a blast and tipping some beers. Everyone's equipment was ready and I said well let's get it all packed now so we can leave after breakfast fast. So we loaded up the 2 cars and hit the sack. Up early, ate and hit the road for 15 minute drive to location. We're there plenty early and unloading equipment. Everybody has theirs except ME and I'm so embarrassed as being the "leader of the pack". Everyone is laughing and I just can't believe it!!!!! I said go and I'll radio in when I get back from getting mine. So I drive home... get equipment... and head back to my buddies. And I just know I'll NEVER live it down. Half mile or less from parking area an 8 pt. buck runs out in front of me and... yep I hit it or better yet it hits me... right in drivers door... we looked right at each other. It's now daybreak. I pull over, get out and look for deer. No deer but some blood. So I sit there for another 10 minutes waiting for light. I got bow out and went to look for deer. Deer was lying close in a cut bean field. I chased this deer all over this bean field for another 1.5 hrs. trying to get close enough for a kill shot. Finally got deer, tagged it, field dressed and got it back to car. Pulled into planned parking spot and called my friends on radio. They were ragging and teasing me something furious. I just sat in car and said nothing about 8 pt. At the pre-planned hour everyone headed back to cars with all teasing me while coming out. The look on their faces was priceless. While I was TOTALLY embarrassed I did get the last laugh (that morning).

few time scuba diving, didnt have my detector tethered, current takes it and with low visibility you swim around for a half hour totally panicked and mad that is gone forever. another time my girlfriend lost the digger in the water, we looked for a good 20 minutes walking in circles cuz she wasnt sure where she last had it. haha shes lucky shes hot, we finally held hands and did a grid pattern over a huge chunk of the beach and tripped on it

Ever get caught talking to yourself? I usually start muttering to myself whenever I can't find the target right away. Nothing worse than looking up during your "conversation" with yourself and seeing a woman (and her dog) eyeballing you! She avoids me like the plague now! LOL!

2 UUUMMMM moments.
as I dropped down to dig the signal a good high tone and rip there went the ass seam of my pants in a busy public location.
went to a local park and after a few hours I was dirty, this lady says my your knees are dirty and w/o thinking I said well Ihave spent alot
of time on them today. she laughed and walked away.
bent over once to dig and a young woman walked by and said CRACK KILLS:icon_scratch:

Showing off and bragging about my new toy, my wife's family accompanied us to the outer keys of Ft. Myers coast. Not understanding much of the hobby, I explained the logistics of pulltabs/nickels and gold targets. I couldn't wait to ditch them so I could go on my way. After a few hours of scrounging trash, and some clad, I felt defeated as I met them on the beach. The 4 year old wont leave me alone and wanted to help me, so I relented and scanned the area adjacent to us. After a few minutes the in-laws started hooten and hollerin that my detector must be junk, or I suck, cuz the nickel they planted in front of me.....I totally missed. I played it off that I was still learning my new machine, but the damage had been done. FAIL.

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