Yep Crow, I certainly needed that coffee. Gracias.
AS I mentioned, "the second time". When I first filed on the Tayopa property, I also needed a licensed Surveyor report as to location etc within a specific period.. After having it surveyed, I patiently kept waiting for a filing report acceptance from my surveyor showing time and date of it being filed in the agency, the surveyor's responsibility..
When It became too close to cut off time, I finally called him on the telephone. He assured me that everything was ok, yet ??
When only 4 days rolled around with no legal data stating that the filing had been accepted, I again called him and finally asked do we have enough time to get that data to Chihuahuha? He appeared startled, and then said "Sheehs, I had forgotten that it had to be filed in Chihuahua, I had only thought of Hermosillo" - he lived in Hermosillo.
Chihuahuha is in another state, in those days over a two day drive. For me to go to Hermosillo and then to Chihuahuha in the time remaining was almost an impossibility. So I told him to send them by a courier - a super, special delivery, service by the Mexican Post office, generally an overnight process, and Very Expensive.
It now was Wed, and the cutoff date was on Friday, it had to be there by Friday closing time. This he did, but even so I Iost several good fingernails, then finally when I coulcln't stand it any more, I had my wife call the agency in Chihuahua on Friday about closing time. The Head of the agency answered and was very courteous.
When she explained to him our problem, he said "just a minute, some packages etc. were just delivered, but I normally do not open them until Monday". Shortly he came back on the telephone and said "Yes,you papers are here, I will stamp them received on Friday and will revise them on Monday.
So due to the extra courtesy of the Mining Agent, the Tayopa title was assured by only 5 - 10 minutes before closing time..
That was playing fate too close, so I had another cuppa of Crow's coffee to calm myself down.
As a matter of fact, this pattern occurred several time in the Tayopa search . It seems that Tayopa was / is ordained to be involved with me - a Reincarnated Jesuit?

Don Jose de La Mancha
p.s. The archives were sent to Chihuahua, but never again open for the public, in fact they are still stored in the basement of a rented building, still in their original card board boxes. unopened.