Ladies & Gentlemen: first let me clarify, I frankly feel safer in Mexico in general, than in many parts of the US. For example, "IF" the occasion arises, I am able to defend myself, while in the US, I have to worry more about the legal complications than the actual crime itself. In the US, in many cases, it appears that the criminal has more rights than I do..
I have slept in many places in Mexico, many times alongside of the road, or in a rest area, I would NEVER sleep in an untended rest area in the US.
As for the brush, I understand that it is getting extremely dangerous in many US national parks, forests, etc due to the growers, and simple criminal assaults.
Frankly, if one stays out of the contested drug areas, the possibility of being a victim is about the same as the US.
Mexico not full of weird "Badges? Badges? We don need no stinkin badges" types.
I personally, am not a masochist looking for someone to punish me by assaulting or killing me for supposed crimes in past or present lives,
Corruption? Mordida? Oh yes, for certain, but not as sophisticated as in the US, nor as large. Here it is a form of paying your fine more directly and now, rather than after a lengthy court proceedings at the tax payers expense.
Viva Mexico ! Land of far more freedom than the well controlled US. He he he
Don Jose de La Mancha