G'd morning Ladies & guys. Coffee?? Oro is specifically invited.
Fleas, fleas, that reminds me of another time that I was an unwiling host.
I left Urique early in the morning intending to return to Alamos. Now Urique is at the bottom of the southern extension of the Barranca de Cobre, so it was maybe 4,000 or more feet to the rim.
My mule and i climbed all day on what was a "Trail"

- in climbing and descending, I always dismount to favor my mule, it pays off - and finally reached the summit about sun down, so I started looking for a suitable camp site for the night, when off in the distance I saw a lonely ranch, so with thoughts of spending a 'nice warm night' I headed for it.
As I approached it I noticed that the Apple blossoms on a few trees planted near the ranch were starting to become covered with frost, yep, it was cold, however, with a nice warm mule under you, it normally isn't too noticeable.
Anyway as I approached the farmhouse, as usual, I announced my presence and shortly a typical mt wife of indeterminate age came to the door.and greeted me. I explained what I wanted and asked if I could spend the night under a roof and buy some "pastura" for my mule.
She was very hesitant for awhile so I started to leave, intending to find a near by campsite before it became dark. She then agreed and then told me that her husband was way on business and would retrun in the Morning - mind you, I had been on the trail for a few months, had a scragly beard, wearing a .357 magnum pistol, Hat kinda dropping from the recent 4 days of rain,.clothes still muddy, etc., I hadn't had time o clean up at Urique. I must have been a pretty sight, especially for a woman alone in the sierras.
She then agreed that I could spend the night in the kitchen, Paradise, a nice warm room with hot coffee when I wished.
She then left, but shorly, I heard a padalock go "click" upon checking I found that she had locked me in the kitchen--oh well with a huge stack of uncured goat skins for a bed and plenty of fresh mt tortillas, i was looking forward to a memorable night ---It tunned to be more thn I had bsrgained for.
As soon as I laid down on the pile of goat skins I could feel lil things landing on my face. Shortly I found mysef scratching everywhere, the lil thinges were fleas frm the goat skins. soo I got no sleep that night from scratcihing, it was almost indescribable
The next morning she unlocked the door and I saw why she had locked me in the kitchen, behind her were two very good looking teen aged daughters
She had taken a serious chance on a stranger, because Trail courtesy in those days had demanded it.
Such was the life on the trail in those days, today

Don Jose de La Mancha