Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

If he were alive today, what do you think the Dutchman would say about what became of his much loved Republican ticket? I am still laughing at Fox News and their unbiased coverage of the upcoming "innigeration"... inauguration. Talk about tipping your hand. Have you seen the video yet? The deeper I look into the life of the Dutchman the more I like him. I just learned that Julia Thomas (Schaeffer) was made postmistress in 1893. A black business woman in charge of the mail, before the turn of the century? Now that is a testimony to the settlers of Phoenix. And still, for this Ruth, there is no monument to mark her accomplishments.


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Research. I am on the road until Tuesday and will post the source for you when I return home, but remember, there are many on this site who are far more knowledgeable about the history of Phoenix than I ever will be. To your credit, you are asking all the right questions.
I have to keep this short as posting via iPhone is a painful task.

Έχετε πάει στο Φοίνιξ; Είναι όμορφο πέρα από κάθε περιγραφή.
You should consider starting your own thread dedicated to your understanding of the stones. The area you highlighted seems to be a hot spot.

If he were alive today, what do you think the Dutchman would say about what became of his much loved Republican ticket? I am still laughing at Fox News and their unbiased coverage of the upcoming "innigeration"... inauguration. Talk about tipping your hand. Have you seen the video yet? The deeper I look into the life of the Dutchman the more I like him. I just learned that Julia Thomas (Schaeffer) was made postmistress in 1893. A black business woman in charge of the mail, before the turn of the century? Now that is a testimony to the settlers of Phoenix. And still, for this Ruth, there is no monument to mark her accomplishments.


Without doing any real research, I doubt that Julia was made Postmistress of Phoenix in 1893. She did get married in that year though. I look forward into seeing your source.

Take care,


I thought that some might find this interestingPARA: Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

johnmark29020, cactusjumper,

So this morning I may be feasting on a dish of crow. I came to the conclusion that Julia was made postmistress based on two unique sources, which I consider a valid way to confirm a conclusion. However after reading cactusjumper's last post, late last night, I went back and rethought the idea. As I said, history is subjective and if it turns out that I am wrong (I am honestly not sure now), I apologize.

Here are the issues with my source.
The Arizona Weekly Citizen list Miss Julia A. Thomas on July 22, 1883. Then, on June 16, 1894 she is listed as Miss Julia Thomas. I have not confirmed that (A.) was Julia's middle initial and by 1894, she should have been listed as Mrs. Schaeffer or Mrs.Thomas (Schaeffer). Julia is also listed for "Arizona" not Phoenix.

So, if I am wrong, there were two women in the Territory name Julia Thomas... at the same time.

"Miss Julia A. Thomas has been commissioned postmistress at Arizona"
Arizona Weekly Citizen., July 22, 1893

"Whatever may be the political short comings of Postmaster General Bissel', he certainly is winning favor with the good ladies of Arizona for character and class of his postal appointments. In Casa Grande he has honored Miss Minnie Marshall with postmistresship of the place. In Arizona Miss Julia Thomas and in Florence Miss Jennie Bartleson have been duly and truly commissioned to smile gracefully and double the value of a letter as they part with it from Uncle Sam's mails to Uncle Sam's males. The fact that these ladies are young, good looking and popular will do much to make the youth of the present generation forget the low price of silver and win commendations to the postal department for its superior judgement in making such excellent appointments."
Arizona Weekly Citizen, June 16 1894.

Do you know if Albert Schaeffer is related to Co. Schaeffer?
Morrowbie Jukes

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I have serious doubts such a mistake would rise to the level of Rudyard Kipling's writings. On the other hand, it is passing strange. :wink:

No need to apologize, as I am in the same boat, more often than not. For all I know, it could very well be true.

Take care,


No problem my friend. Ive been wrong more than right myself.

did you get to look at the article i sent you bout the profile map location. I was wondering what you thoughts were

Oh. Ill resend.if you dont recieve it. Please let me know.

cactusjumper, johnmark29020,
Unless the Julia A. Thomas is a misprint, they are not the same people. Her marriage to Albert S. Schaffer is a little mystery in itself. First she is listed as Julia W. #228218 and on the same date, but with a new number #625885, Julie W. Thomas. Seems that she made a correction... :happy3:

I could use some help narrowing down her maiden name?

I think that any researcher/writer (pre-internet) looking at Julia Thomas of Louisiana might come to the conclusion that she was black or mulato. It may be a mistake as T. Kollenborn suggests. Should we be looking for Juile W. Khan, Korn, Corn, or other?

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cactusjumper, johnmark29020,
Unless the Julia A. Thomas is a misprint, they are not the same people. Her marriage to Albert S. Schaffer is a little mystery in itself. First she is listed as Julia W. #228218 and on the same date, but with a new number #625885, Julie W. Thomas. Seems that she made a correction... :happy3:

I could use some help narrowing down her maiden name?

I think that any researcher/writer (pre-internet) looking at Julia Thomas of Louisiana might come to the conclusion that she was black or mulato. It may be a mistake as T. Kollenborn suggests. Should we be looking for Juile W. Khan, Korn, Corn, or other?


Dr. Glover has already done the legwork on this subject. In his book, on page 169, he writes this:

"Julia's early years are still a bit of mystery. We know that as Julia Corn she was married on 28 December 1883 at the age of 21 to Emil W. Thomas, age 27, in Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.....".

While it's always possible that he was in error, at least it gives you a place to start in any search for Julia's history.

Good luck,



Julia Thomas may have been black, part black or white. According to who you talk to.
She is listed in Hayden's black history of Arizona files along with other black businesspeople and residents.
Try the name Kaln on the 1870 or 1880 federal census for Atchafalaya and surrounding Parrish for the State of Louisiana. It shows a man and daughter daughter of the exact age of Julia Thomas born December 1862.
However this Kaln is found in earlier census as Kahn (last name spelling). Kahn is a german name and when pronounced by a german sounds like Corn. I think her maiden name was probably Kahn but that is just opinion.
A photo of her from the William Crump photo collection shows a young woman who looks white but has some african american features. The name on the back of the photo is Julia Israel. This was Julia's name when she died.


I am sorry to be so dense this morning. If they are maps without a scale, then why did you respond with "8 miles"? I am not interested in anything other than learning the scale of the maps, and if there is no scale, how can they be considered maps? If you do not know the scale or do not want to share it, please just say so.


The stone maps are reference maps, Maps that show natural and man made objects in the same geographical environment with a emphasis on location. Maps became more objected with the dawn of westren science, you transpose to much todays westren science on a science that did not exist
at the time the stone maps were made. Your lost and can't refold them back to the way they were.


Well, I was going to ignore your last post for reasons previously stated, but...

Before you get ahead of yourself, why not consider asking the people who sponsor you to invest in having the stones dated? This is possible now (I believe) to some degree of accuracy. Wouldn't one owe that to their investors... demonstrating some type of provenance? Why not be remembered as the guy who dated (and resolved) the stone map cipher? Quite honestly your ideas here have been poorly communicated and responses, when asked, peppered with cynicism and over confidence. That simply works to undermine your credibility and is a first timers mistake. I have made that one myself.

Have the stones dated. I think that you may be surprised.

Thank you! Again!

Well, I was going to ignore your last post for reasons previously stated, but...

Before you get ahead of yourself, why not consider asking the people who sponsor you to invest in having the stones dated? This is possible now (I believe) to some degree of accuracy. Wouldn't one owe that to their investors... demonstrating some type of provenance? Why not be remembered as the guy who dated (and resolved) the stone map cipher? Quite honestly your ideas here have been poorly communicated and responses, when asked, peppered with cynicism and over confidence. That simply works to undermine your credibility and is a first timers mistake. I have made that one myself.

Have the stones dated. I think that you may be surprised.

Thank you! Again!

Ahhhh, the date is on them 1847 how'd you miss that. And I'm never over confidence, You asked a simple question, and you got it, You seem to be alittle cranky maybe a night with don's donkey would relax ya.

Take Care

Wrmickel1 Sock coffee in the morning

Not cranky and a warm mule who is not afraid of snow would be a welcomed friend right now. Have a look at your last few posts. And you want to be taken seriously? Your writing is all over the map... first the stones are ancient, then as recent as 1847. Organize your thoughts and write them down so that you can remember what it is that you believe.

Eventually, to confirm your claims (whatever they may be) you will need to have the stones dated. No way around that one Mr. Magnanimous.
But you wont try because the results would kill the dream.

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