Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Not cranky and a warm mule who is not afraid of snow would be a welcomed friend right now. Have a look at your last few posts. And you want to be taken seriously? Your writing is all over the map... first the stones are ancient, then as recent as 1847. Organize your thoughts and write them down so that you can remember what it is that you believe.

Eventually, to confirm your claims (whatever they may be) you will need to have the stones dated. No way around that one Mr. Magnanimous.
But you wont try because the results would kill the dream.


You remember those words, I'm not gonna kill the dreams' I'm liveing the dream! Not stuck in a book or some new wave science project, Boots on the ground Baby! The date of the maps mean nothing, the symbols on them do. Soon Mr. Magnanimous will put a bump in that mule for-ya and do you like cream in your sock coffee.



Well, you have me laughing tonight which deserves thanks. Do yourself and your child a service and write down, to the best of your ability, what it is that you think you have uncovered. Are you able to do that? It is no easy task. It is difficult to have a conversation with you because it is unclear as to what you actually believe. Also, why must you pick on mules?

Do you mind if I ask why it is that you post on this forum?


Well, you have me laughing tonight which deserves thanks. Do yourself and your child a service and write down, to the best of your ability, what it is that you think you have uncovered. Are you able to do that? It is no easy task. It is difficult to have a conversation with you because it is unclear as to what you actually believe. Also, why must you pick on mules?

Do you mind if I ask why it is that you post on this forum?


To help add entertainment to the fourm, most need to learn how to laugh around these site's, They get so wrapped up in there quest they forget to take time and maybe laugh a little. But mostly I like mules because they are alittle taller then a donkey (longer legs)

Now to the best of my ability, I never ass-u-me! If its not there I move on, So here's what I've found, 4 pit mines' one well carved mine shaft carved as nice as a stone cutter would do, no slop! As if they put as much care in carving the mine as the silver they removed'(essayed $310.19 to the ton) 4 smelters near by carved in solid rock the only way to gain enough heat to melt gold or silver. Thats the horse map 3 of the smelters are filled with sand. As if they were filled in to hide something.(cached) Now I'm working on the witch map' proves to be the hardest to get a lead on' Thats where I'm at' no theory's don't believe in that, well carved markers and monuments, no streching simple marks in stone's as a solid lead and no google earth garbage!

So there's what I believe, What I see' feel'touch and taste. I took my boots off for a second there Hal, But I'll have them on real soon 3 weeks on feb 4th to march 1st I'll be stocking them there hills called the Superstitions!

Till then stay safe and take care



As I told the late Jim Hatt, I have serious doubts that any effort will ever be put forward to date the Stone Maps. Those who are making money from them, or attracting people to see them, would not risk an unkind truth.

Take care,


But from the beginning (Julia's Expedition) its always been about drawing attention and generating income. Dating the stones might mean little in the end. Even if they tested modern, it is not impossible to believe that they lead to something incredible. In fact, I am betting they do. I think that Bob Ward came the closest to describing what the stones should be called, but without understanding the true meaning of what he was calling them.

Fair enough. Be safe and take great photographs!

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But from the beginning (Julia's Expedition) its always been about drawing attention and generating income. Dating the stones might mean little in the end. Even if they tested modern, it is not impossible to believe that they lead to something incredible. In fact, I am betting they do. I think that Bob Ward came the closest to describing what the stones should be called, but without understanding the true meaning of what he was calling them.

Fair enough. Be safe and take great photographs!

Bob Ward:dontknow: You might as well hitch your wagon to wrm. I have read all of his imaginations and know it's past time to put him on ignore. I pegged him over on DUSA some time ago.......and nothing has changed.

Take care,


I am only saying that Ward used the correct name in describing what the stone should be called. As I said, I don't think that he understood the actual meaning of what it was that he was calling them.


If you have decoded the " Horse " map who is the reason to decode the " Whitch " map ? If you have found the " Horse " looking for "well carved markers and monuments " , that means how you have found the Peralta's mine .
Can you tell us the meanings ( words and sings ) of the " Horse " map ?
Others who can to decode maps , use Google Earth only to ensure their investigation . The horse " grazing ' near to Peralta's mine . Take a look of " google earth garbage! "

a rampant horse's head with mouth open.webp


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If you have decoded the " Horse " map who is the reason to decode the " Whitch " map ? If you have found the " Horse " looking for "well carved markers and monuments " , that means how you have found the Peralta's mine .
Can you tell us the meanings ( words and sings ) of the " Horse " map ?
Others who can to decode maps , use Google Earth only to ensure their investigation . The horse " grazing ' near to Peralta's mine . Take a look of " google earth garbage! "

View attachment 731251



Face and animial reconition, (Like ink blot test), That sum"s up your google earth investigation.
They use the ink blots to test one's sainess. Now I'm not saying your insain but if you want me to see a great horse in your pic your CRAZY!

The horse you should be looking for is well carved and has a spanish cover over its nose to protect the horses nose in battle and from flies, I think there called fly covers today but I'm not sure on that.

The horse map is defined on the trail map by the two triangles, (Fire & Water) it takes you threw the smelters on to a well defined marker of the horse from santa fe MINE! The witch map seems to be the hardest to decode because it contains more deception along the way or tricks in the trail. That souds like I've heard that before somewhere, Don't know for sure but I feel the LDM will be in this area, Best chance anyway, And no joe its not in High dro clif can yon



First : You didn't write the meanings of the " Horse " map .
And the other :
" if you want me to see a great horse in your pic your CRAZY! " . I want to show you only the real Peralta's horse .
If you looking for a great horse who " is well carved and has a spanish cover over its nose to protect the horses nose in battle and from flies " , maybe you looking for a statue carved of Michelangelo ,and the Superstition Mountains is not the place where you can find it .

To my opinion , the "Horse " map don't have a direct relation with the " Trail " map . Every map have other meanings . Follow the trail , and the other marks ( triangles , etc. ) are only ground outlines which help to understand better the map . I could tell you where the trail starts and the distance between the " lugares " , but I have understood how you already know .


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First : You didn't write the meanings of the " Horse " map .
And the other :
" if you want me to see a great horse in your pic your CRAZY! " . I want to show you only the real Peralta's horse .
If you looking for a great horse who " is well carved and has a spanish cover over its nose to protect the horses nose in battle and from flies " , maybe you looking for a statue carved of Michelangelo ,and the Superstition Mountains is not the place were you can find it .

To my opinion , the "Horse " map don't have a direct relation with the " Trail " map . Every map have other meanings . Follow the trail , and the other marks ( triangles , etc. ) are only ground outlines which help to understand better the map . I could tell you were the trail starts and the distance between the " lugares " , but I have understood how you already know .



Well you must mean Michelangelo was in the superstitions then' cause I'm holding a picture of the horse right now takeing last year feb, 14 2012 And essay report from a 10 pound sample I removed from the mine. Then tell me what the daggar or knife is pointing at and I'll believe you know were start is. Just one word' no more. Keep it on the low/low



You wrote " I'm holding a picture of the horse right now takeing last year feb, 14 2012 "

Can you post the picture ?



You wrote " I'm holding a picture of the horse right now takeing last year feb, 14 2012 "

Can you post the picture ?



Not at this time, I'm gonna try to finish up this location in feb. Then I'll post my results for all to see and let you all be the judge and jury all in one! I will prove to the world I'm the best in the hunt or my name is not BB, "Ohh type O" I mean Wrmickel1/Babymick1/Wayne Rex Mickelson
And I'm not over confindent, I'm just always right, So the wife has been saying for years anyway.

Take Care Wrmickel1


"And essay report from a 10 pound sample I removed from the mine"

How bout posting a copy of this report ?
A few good photos of this rich mine might help folks believe that your boots have hit the ground out there.
Even a couple of yourself out amongst the cactus might help, ya know.

I've posted some of these photos before, with little worry about interlopers, mostly because it's that difficult to get to.
And fairly distant from where just about everyone else has looked or is currently looking.
But it's one place where no "assay report" is necessary to get my enthusiasm charged up.
And a pick is not really necessary either.

A short drift in the back of a low cave


Mineralization within the cave


Hydrothermal veins


The bluff above


The view across the arroyo, where I made my best find so far
And enough to keep me coming back for as long as I am able.


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A short distance up the arroyo this can be seen.
Looks like someone liked horses....but it's not the one on the Horse Stone.


This view from the archivio entrance has both a jaguar or mountain lion and the horsehead in sight.


This one is of a "turtle" just a bit further up.
The turtle's head points to the bluff above.



Whats with the rocks stacked up in the archivio segretto photo they seem to be odd and out of place, I'd check that out!
But know I'll post nothing till the time is right.


Just a windbreak for a fire. There were a few bits of charcoal mixed in with the dirt, just to the left of it.
Lots of stones piled up for the same reason out there in the mountains.
Didn't think you would.

A short distance up the arroyo this can be seen.
Looks like someone liked horses....but it's not the one on the Horse Stone.

This view from the archivio entrance has both a jaguar or mountain lion and the horsehead in sight.

This one is of a "turtle" just a bit further up.
The turtle's head points to the bluff above.

Im was wondering why you said its not the horse from the map. Would you mind educating a newbie. Great pics,looks like it took some skill and hard work.


Is not bad to have a great impression for your self , but watch becouse sometimes you may be disappointed .
Now for your work , I will wait patiently .
Good luck wrmickel1( The First )


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