Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Im was wondering why you said its not the horse from the map. Would you mind educating a newbie. Great pics,looks like it took some skill and hard work.


It's only a head....with no body....and facing the wrong way.
And nothing in the area matches what is on any of the stones.
Unlike the real horse which was copied onto the H/P Stone, complete from head to tail.
That horse has almost every detail, as does the priest, in all the right places as shown on the stones.
Including the markings around them. Also in the right places.
Except for one feature on the horse, and one on the priest.
And darned if that what's missing on each, isn't basically at the same place on both.
There's some real history out there. And some day you're gonna be able to read it all.
But not till I know and understand all of it myself.



Is not bad to have a great impression for your self , but watch becouse sometimes you may be disappointed .
Now for your work , I will wait patiently .
Good luck wrmickel1( The First )



The rest of us have been waiting about 2 1/2 years already, since Mick first showed up on DUSA with his Google Earth talk.
Since then it's been all talk ( without the G/E,though) with no show at all. But lots of excuses as to why he can't share any photos of his wonderful discoveries.
But we've heard it all before....over and over again.
Don't get me wrong. Cause we know for some Google Earth is the only way they can join in the adventure.
And that's ok, so long as they understand how easy it is to get it all wrong without seeing it for real.
And hold off on filing a claim until they can....BUT
Most of the folks who HAVE spent time out there can tell when what they're walking on ain't solid rock.
Just by what a fella says.


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I am sorry if I was little hard .
In my opinion , doesn't matter what's the way to find ( or do ) something , the matter is the result .


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Marius: The rest of us have been waiting about 2 1/2 years already, since Mick first showed up on DUSA with his Google Earth talk.Since then it's been all talk ( without the G/E,though) with no show at all. But lots of excuses as to why he can't share any photos of his wonderful discoveries.But we've heard it all before....over and over again.Don't get me wrong. Cause we know for some Google Earth is the only way they can join in the adventure.And that's ok, so long as they understand how easy it is to get it all wrong without seeing it for real.And hold off on filing a claim until they can....BUTMost of the folks who HAVE spent time out there can tell when what they're walking on ain't solid rock.Just by what a fella says.Regards:SH.
SOMEHIKEROUCH! You old sidewinder that hurt! Yeah you,ve posted pictures, in one you were packing heat. Is that un Canadian! (Citizens arrest Citizens arrest ) I hope that there snow is pileing Up on ya! And that cheap imported plastic shovel, WAIT your on that side of the boarder! That domestic plastic shovel gets worn out, but good this season. And I hope your Baffin boots get holes in them, but I,m sure that won't happen, there pretty darn good boots. Well if you need to barrow pistol or a nuke to defend your Country, let me know, We seem to have a surplus of stuff like that."Oh, Good one by the way"See ya on the trail my canadian friend!Wrmickel1 (The first)


PS, I will be fileing murder charges on you! " YOUR POSTS ARE KILLING ME "

Wrmickel1 ( THE FIRST )

Well O number one, from what I know about N.Dakota, there's 'snow way you're doin any less diggin than have I lately.
It's a different kinda heat we all need up here, 'specially this time of year. And it's not a dry heat, or even a dry cold for that matter, like it is down there.
A couple of weeks ago we had less snow and it was a couple of degrees warmer than Phoenix . If I was there, I probably woulda wished I was here instead.
I could probably get all worked up talkin about pistols and nukes, but it does drive the lefties nuts when the only ones who use handguns ta kill each other and innocent bystanders up here are the gangbangers that vote for them . But they've done a pretty good job of keeping them outa the hands of those like me that don't, just like they're trying to do down there now. Never looked into gettin my own nuke, but I don't think they'll let me sight her in down at the indoor range anyway. No sense dreamin, cause they made this all a nuke-free zone years ago, so that them Russians and Chinese couldn't point them at us no more . I figgure that law also says we can't borrow no nukes, especially if they're black or got pistol grips on them, from you guys either, but thanks for the offer.


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All i with say is. Leave that alone. If it is trully linked to that level of corruption i fear for you! LEAVE IT ALONE. Just ask Bill Cooper. oops im sorry...hes dead. I mean that in the nicest possible way friend.


Just what level of corruption are you talking about ?
Myself, I would think if they were good at it, they wouldn't have "lost" their bank statements .
Seems like they even forgot where they left their maps .
Cooper died from paranoia .


I found first part of this thread very interesting and entertaining. There was a piece of information posted by the person that started this topic that I was looking for. Joe caught it also. We both were told something but for different reasons. We both knew what and in general where but not exactly where. We know now. There is a lesson here for us all. Do not make the mistake of dismissing someone posting just because they seem a little out there. They can stumble on something that is tied with a different issue. That information is posted and the person does not have a clue. This topic has more than one issue. Two that have a background that attracted my attention. I learned long ago working as a Police Detective that people do not tell the whole truth but give up information that helps a case without bring aware of it. When the investigator had some bits and pieces this additional information light at bulb at times and pulls things together. There are those that know I have a special piece of detecting equipment. I have Ismael Jones personal Minelab 2000 that he designed for seeking big deep targets. Ismael is a friend and he invented most of the mods for Minelab units being used in Australia. The units are used for detecting big deep targets. Special attention was applied to this unit and is one of a kind. I use it at times with a 25" hand made nugget finder coil. Only a few of the early fiberglass units were made. Together it makes for a powerful, portable unit. Because I have this unit I was told something. I offered my assistance. That was the last I heard on the issue. I do make a point of not going to others sites unless with them and at their request for my assistance.

G'morning Sgt, Being an X fed myself, I do understand what you are saying.

As for never going to a site that another has shown or told you about without them, is a basic no no in my book. It has cost me a few treasures, but my reputation is far cleaner then mi undies, which I change daily - unless on the trail.

Hmm once there was a period of a couple of months with only drinking water --- however that is another story.

Last point, I don't know about you, but my enthusiasm tapers off the deeper that I dig, after 3 - 4 ft I start thinking more rationally and more longingly of stitting in whatever shade is available - unless I have an excellent basis.

Thumb rule, the deeper that a hole is dug, the harder it is to hide.

Don Jose de La Mancha (now you know why Sancho is along)

Don Jose lets say you worked on locating a spot and asked me to go over it with my unit. I get a hit on a target. You want to come back later to work on it. You just needed to know if there was a target. I'm not going behind your back to dig it up. Or broadcast its location. If you said check out a certain general area something might be there. Ok I might go there. I'm active in the Arizona prospecting community and treasurer of the Gold Prospecting Assoc. of Phoenix. Friends take me to their secret gold prospecting spots all the time. I don't return to those spots with out them knowing about it. A unwritten law within the group. Nothing lower than a person going back and cleaning out your spot.
Digging deep holes is not fun. Though not unusual nugget shooting. 4 foot holes are dug all the time. That's why you need a pulse induction detector like a Minelab. A friend located what he thinks is a Templar site in Canada. Did a History Chanel show on the dig. He was using flawed equipment that can pick up ground mineralization and tell you it's a target. They dug and found nothing on a spot the unit said treasure. It was hot rocks. Nothing like looking like a ass on national TV.
What it all comes down to is its your spot. Your target. You dig the 6 foot hole. Wait a minute !
Wayne how was it I dug the deep hole?

Well enough of that

The whole holy stone thing smells. Crawford scam picked up on by others who could not find other Burns or Crawford reported stashes. So just go with what you have. The photos of the gem stone clusters show what looks like low quality stuff. We're the clusters found in Crawfords wall re buried then dug up shortly after. Look everyone we found a treasure. At any rate I'm also a Graduate Gemologist and would love to test them. What about the holy stone rings that it was said Jones and Thomas used in their sex rituals. Now that sounds like fun.

For those who believe in Calalus, the holy stone story should be right up your alley. The only thing missing from the Calalus tale is "sex rituals".:icon_thumright:

Joe Ribaudo

For those who believe in Calalus, the holy stone story should be right up your alley. The only thing missing from the Calalus tale is "sex rituals".:icon_thumright:

Joe Ribaudo

Does that mean you haven't seen the pictures of them lead butt plugs.
And the lead whips ?
You are so naive Joe !!

I'll betcha none of them go hangliding

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