Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

OK, I can't hold it in anymore.

I could believe a small, primitive, crystal set, that picks up stray radio transmissions (even the possibility that there were any radio transmissions back then). Or maybe a crystal that gives off a little shock, or even sparks, due to their various levels of piezoelectric effect.

But an amethyst or black rock that carries on a conversation with you?

And it can be safely presumed that if some spirit-being wanted to talk to you, he could certainly do it without the aid of any material object. I mean, if a spirit-being could make a rock vibrate with sound waves, why not just vibrate your ear drums? Or the air in your vicinity? Come on.

There are a lot of reports about all this on here. That these reports are seemingly from several different sources would tend to put a few hash marks under the credibility column, still does not tip any scales for me, without a lot more explanation about how these stones are supposed to function.

After all it is the functioning of these stones, that is the reason that so many people are after them, isn't it? Or is the talking spirits thing just a diversion, and there is really some other reason?

It just doesn't sound rational that a whole lot of people, are doing a whole lot of scrambling around, just over a "talking rock."

Otherwise, it's a good story.


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

EE THr - it wouldn't be the first time a book has been written about the Superstitions or lost mines that was sorta "out there." :)

I'm embarassed to say I have a few of them in my collection! hehe

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

EE & Paul,

Couldn't agree with you more.


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

"If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own."

---Scoop Nisker, Newscaster, Radio KSAN, San Francisco, ~'70s.


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

EE THr said:
..... After all it is the functioning of these stones, that is the reason that so many people are after them, isn't it? Or is the talking spirits thing just a diversion, and there is really some other reason?....

Universal Human Reality 101:
Motivation A) It's About The Money (for the rational players)
Motivation B) It's About Attention (for the irrational players)

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

good morning EE: Well let's get a bit wild here, after all-----!!!!. snicker

A) Amethyst = quartz with inclusions = piezo electric potential = electrical charge = subjecting the Blue rock to an Oral, sound pressure stimulation / modulation = piezo electric modulated generation = possible broad band electro magnetic transmission. A piece of the same blue quartz, with the same characterics, but separated, in full basic harmonic mode = being stimulated by the minute piezo electric, modulated current from the first piece of Blue quartz, vibrates slightly producing sound waves in the receptive range of humans = a form of potential electromagnetic communication ????

After all, there are many reports of a strange feeling in the area no? This could be because of natural earth movements stimulating the Blue Quartz in the area into producing the peizo Electric potential which many humans could be sensitive to. Nature's radio.

Ok, Ok I shut up. he he he but, It could happen this way. Where is my coffee ?? :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


Yeah, I was kind of alluding to that as one of many, however unlikely, possibilities.

The thing is, that even if any one of these unusual scientific scenarios were true, there is still the matter of: "Of what use would it be?"

It it were some kind of natural or even man made walkie-talkie, it might have been really cool back then, but it would just be a historical curiosity nowdays. So even as such, why all the fuss? Unless it turned out to be an alien, or Atlantian, Nokia or something like that. It might, especially if man-made, have some "wow factor," but so did the Bagdad Batteries, however nobody made any dough off them, I don't think.

A large piezoelectric crystal deposit, in some really unusual formation, might produce a strange feeling, though. Maybe. Some people have reported a strange feeling just before a lightning strike close by. I think they said their hairs stood on end---that kind of thing, like static does. Or it could be resonating at a peculiar frequency which produces an odd response in people. Or even different parts of a deposit could be different frequencies, creating a strange feeling with the combination.

If whatever it is, is creating EMF radiation strong enough to affect a person like that though, it would surely show up with a spectrum analyser, and could be located with some kind of receiver.

But still, where is the money in that?

So, I'm still thinking it's in the story, too.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


Yes, the story about the rocks or rock talking is in this thread, there are five pages to it, you know.

Now, exactly who actually believes what, is mentioned in in a few places, but in some cases is a bit blurry. I mean, just because someone claims to believe something, doesn't mean they really do.

So, you're saying that the people who are said to have recently been, or currently are, scrambling around for it, don't want it for it's supposed powers, but they just want to sell it to those who do. Do I have that part right?


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

ya there is a big mark sales in talking rocks . they almost as good as pet rocks .. and look how many of those sold ...lol you can sell anything if you can find the right buyer ... :coffee2:

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

jeff good to see ya in the topics ....i was begaining to think you were myth.... :hello:

the legend of jeff film at 11:00 :thumbsup:

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Did a weekend stint in a fire tower (ultimate lightning rod) way back.Perched high over a big chunk of precambrian granite north of White Rriver,Ont.
Big thunderstorm rolled in and I can assure you that your statement--- "Some people have reported a strange feeling just before a lightning strike close by. I think they said their hairs stood on end---that kind of thing, like static does."---is correct.
Even the short curly ones. :o


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

When I was here a few days ago there was a message posted here by Emory Taylor addressing Springfield's comments. But it seems the moderators have removed it. It also appears EE THr is addressing a message Emory Taylor posted here but which has also been removed by the moderators. Why are the moderators removing Emory Taylor’s messages. This does not seem fair. The moderators appear to be bias. It appears the moderators are allowing only messages belittling the story. Somehow this does not seem right. There are no more messages posted by Emory Taylor. Maybe the moderators have banned him now like they did DE. I guess DE was right. At this forum it is a matter of being friends with one of the moderators.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


Well, ETs post #401 is still here on this page, above, so I don't know who removed the one of his which I replied to. I don't see anything from Springfield to him, on this page anyway.

Maybe he deleted it himself? After he read the previous pages, which I pointed out to him?


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

I think you will find that the moderators on this site are amongst the least obtrusive you can find.
I have never seen them deleting a post without giving a reason.
However - as you know - anyone who posts are free to delete their own posts ...

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


I agree......but they recently deleted one of my posts where I told someone what I thought of them, and they didn't say squat to me. I think they realized I was smart enough to figure it out for myself. I noticed his insulting post was also gone.

They are good folks, IMHO.

Take care,


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

i think the Mods do a great job here .. when we can focus on the topic and not presonal items the topics expain . and some new details come out in the long run .. its hard to define what is on topic at times . as long as the members are not insaulting each other the topics can drift somewhat to let new data develope yet we should all under stand the tpoic and try to make sure the replies will in time relate to the topics developement..


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Rosslyn Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail by Wallace-Murphy and Hopkins. Page 93. "The Knights Templar who sought the Holy Grail ...were also involved in a very real search for holy treasure; and William St. Clair of Roslin's shield carried an engrailled black cross on silver, clearly denoting him as a Grail Knight ..." This is why each member of Holy Stones Inc. was given a black cross. To symbolize the Grail quest which they weere (are) on. On the same page, 93, it says "The entire corpus of Grail literature is a coded guide to a form of initiation. The reality behind the Grail quest was hidden by an allegorical description of a search for a religious relic, which was a disguise for an individual, inner adventure in spiritual experience." It also says "Why should any devout Christian set out in search of the Holy Grail, when in every chaple he had immediate access to the most holy things of all? For in the act of communion, he or she could partake of the body and blood ofthe Loard Jesus himself."

Ok, there you have it. If God is God then theno need for a ritual using wine as Jesus' blood, and bread as Jesus' body. If God is God there is no need for such a ritual. Equally there is no need for a Grail ritual of communion using a black and purple stone in a sex ritual. If one asks why use a black and purple stone to commune with God or High Spirits, then one can equally ask why use wine and bread. Obviously there is value to Christians, so equally there is value to the Grail Knights,

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request


I think your logical analysis of the illogical, is a good one.

The next question would be---what do these Grail Knights believe the stone(s) will do for them?


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