Been pondering that "Doodle" supposedly made by Waltz, is it possible the position of the Needle might be wrong. Something like a ROUGH sketch just to identify it as the Needle, and the rest of the sketch more relevant to what is in front of you?

Not thinking the paper is backwards or see through, just a kinda "and the Needle is visible here, not necessarily like this, but if you follow my directions this terrain should be in front of you."

Exactly Eric
This image you can see " when the military trail turns south " before the specific stone marker . From the Squaw box Canyon location if you look to the south , you can see this image .

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What image would that be?


This image


Don Jose de La Cholla, Me thinks more below the bottom of the picture. What's down there ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

West Boulder Canyon and Willow Spring......where Adolph Ruth camped. There is also a very large rock corral in the area.
It is also the exact area you would end up in if you followed P.C. Bicknell's directions, as well as the area of Harry LaFrance's cave of gold bars.

By a coincidence, it's also very close to the area of my fictitious treasure story, If Julia and Rhiney had made it to the top of the ridge, they may have ended up there on their first attempt to enter the mountains.....at Hog Canyon. That view of Weaver's Needle can be seen from many places on the southwest end of the range, not the least of them being the wide valley leading into the mountains from above the massacre grounds.

There are many other clues that point to that area.

Take care,



We are talking about LDM clues and not about Harry LaFrance's cave . Your picture don't match with the sketch . Waltz had draw the Weavers Needle with double peaks , just to don't confuse it with an another peak .
Your picture fit in a thread about stone tablets . BTW , Harry Lafrance's bars cave , is the first down X in the stone trail map .
Your continuous interventions confuse the searchers who are really interested to find the LDM .
The sketch is like the Perfil map . If your location was the correct , Ruth should die in this side of the mountains and not near the location which I suggest .


We are talking about LDM clues and not about Harry LaFrance's cave . Your picture don't match with the sketch . Waltz had draw the Weavers Needle with double peaks , just to don't confuse it with an another peak .
Your picture fit in a thread about stone tablets . BTW , Harry Lafrance's bars cave , is the first down X in the stone trail map .
Your continuous interventions confuse the searchers who are really interested to find the LDM .
The sketch is like the Perfil map . If your location was the correct , Ruth should die in this side of the mountains and not near the location which I suggest .


I revealed that piece of news.....years ago. You are a little late to the game.

If Waltz drew that picture it was many years after his last trip into the mountains. He was not sitting down with an easel and colored charcoal doing his best artist $#!t. It was while he was in the process of dying. I doubt the picture was all that accurate. He was drawing from dim memories......at best.

Where do you believe Ruth died? What do you base your belief on?

"Your continuous interventions confuse the searchers who are really interested to find the LDM ."

I do find it interesting that someone who has never actually been in the Superstitions would say I am confusing modern-day LDM seekers. After sixty-years of research and wearing out boot leather in the Supe's, I am only doing my best to save some time and effort for newbies, like you. Your comment about the accuracy of the alleged Waltz drawing only shows your lack of research into the legend.



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The mine has a million oz's of gold but Waltz lived and died in poverty. I see a problem here. You know what happens when we ass-u-me something.

Totally, you need to be wearing hip waders for half of the Dutchman bullshit stories

Totally, you need to be wearing hip waders for half of the Dutchman bullshit stories

Frank & Hooch,

I take it you've never heard of anyone dying in apparent poverty, with millions squirreled away somewhere.

It's not all that uncommon.

Take care,


Frank & Hooch,

I take it you've never heard of anyone dying in apparent poverty, with millions squirreled away somewhere.

It's not all that uncommon.

Take care,


I know it wasn't addressed to me Joe, but with all due respect, I think it IS that uncommon. Not that it doesn't happen, but I would hazard a guess that it's VERY uncommon, and probably was even more so back in those times.


One more time . The sketch is an adding to the clues which Walts said to Holmes . The clues say how the route is south from Second Water on Military trail . What you can't understand ? Have these clues any relation with your photo ?
The matter is who was more times than others in the Superstition ? If something don't match with your theory is wrong ?
Leave the hunters to follow the real clues . And for the hunters who don't know very well to read a map , the gap in the mountain drawing is the location of the mine .

No way Don Jose de La Cholla: Tayopa is well and running even if I am not. But it is similar to being presented with a white elephnt, One goes broke maintaining it, it needs a small fortune to progress further as a mine and most of my spare cash for some time has gone to providing for three families besided mine.Sigh. But it will blossom soon. However I am working on other parts right now.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Cubfan wrote
I know it wasn't addressed to me Joe, but with all due respect, I think it IS that uncommon. Not that it doesn't happen, but I would hazard a guess that it's VERY uncommon, and probably was even more so back in those times.

Uncommon does not mean it never happens right?

I wonder why so many people assume that if they had the situation ascribed to Waltz, then they would have dug out ALL the gold they could possibly get, and live like a king? Not everyone would do so; in fact I know several people whom are quite wealthy, and don't live any higher on the hog than I do, in fact to look at their homes you would think they are downright poverty-stricken. Waltz had a home, some chickens, and did not have to go hungry. Is it SO hard to believe that he was content with what he had?

I know it wasn't addressed to me Joe, but with all due respect, I think it IS that uncommon. Not that it doesn't happen, but I would hazard a guess that it's VERY uncommon, and probably was even more so back in those times.


When I write that it's not all that uncommon, it might infer that it's also not common. There have been a number of stories of people dying in squalor, only to find that they were wealthy.:dontknow:

While it's far from common, it does happen. Back in those days, many people did not trust banks, and would go to great lengths to hide their wealth.

Hope all is well with you and Connie. Are you looking forward to a bunch of that white stuff?

Take care,


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