I have copied and pasted and am already breaking the rules about only one clue at a time. The following is from a psychic reading done in 1944. Just trying to help.
Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine!
TEXT OF READING 3638-1 M 39 February 1, 1944
1. GC: You will have before you [3638] present in this room, and his enquiring mind, together with the gold mine discovered by Pedro Peralta and later worked by Jacob Walz know as "The Dutchman," in Pinal County, in the central portion of the State of Arizona. There you will find a high peak known as "La Sombrera" or "Weavers Needle". In Needle Canyon, a canyon running north from the base of the peak, you will find a large Saquaro cactus, marked, or that has been marked by four stones stuck into the trunk. From this marker, you will tell us exactly how far and in which direction to go to find the gold mine now known as "The Dutchman," describing in detail all landmarks from this marker leading directly to the mine. You will then answer the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [3638], present in this room; and those conditions that exist as legends and those as realities pertaining to the lost mine or Dutchman Mine.
3. In undertaking directions for locations of this from the present conditions, many things should be taken into consideration - as to whether descriptions would apply to those periods when this was put in the way of being hidden and/or those that would apply to the present day surroundings.
4. For time in its essence - while it is one, in space there has been made a great variation by the activities of the elements and the characters that have been in these areas.
5. For these are held as sacred grounds by groups who have, from period to period, changed the very face of the earth or the surroundings, for the very purpose of being misleading to those who might attempt to discover or to desecrate (to certain groups) those lands.
6. As we find, if we would locate this - from the present outlook:
7. We would go from the cactus marked here, in Canyon, some 5, 10, 20, 30, 37 1/2 yards to the north by west - north by west - to a place where, on the side of the hills, there is a white rock - almost pure white - almost as a triangle on top.
8. Turn from here - for you can't get over some of the ground going directly to the east - turn almost directly to the east, and just where there is crossing of the deep gulch, we will find the entrance to the Dutch Mine. This has been covered over, though to begin at the lower portion of the gulch we would find only about six feet before we would reach pay dirt in gold