Sorry for getting off topic here but the Pit mine is not and never was the Lost Dutchman, clue-matching or no. Consider this, that Waltz stated there was enough gold left showing in his mine (when he left it) to make millionaires of twenty men; with gold then at $20.67 per ounce meaning a million ounces of gold were still showing. No one, certainly not the lucky and successful persons who found and mined the rich vein in the Pit mine, has ever brought out a million ounces of gold from any mine in the Superstition mountains. Most, and more probably all of that million ounces showing is still in the mine.

A side thingie here but a great deal of the clues associated with the Lost Dutchman, really are linked to a different mine and origin, which does not mean they are false. Referring here to the Ludy brothers mine, aka Peraltas. Hard to sort out the wheat from the chaff obviously, but well worth the sorting.

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We don't know the Dutchman made that statement or what was removed from the pit.

Coffee X fellow flat foot? As for your statement, that is true of any thing supposedly coming from him. In fact we don't even know if there 'was' a mine, but under the assumption that there was, we have to start from somewhere.

Don Jose de La Mancha

We don't know the Dutchman made that statement or what was removed from the pit.


You and Don Jose are on the money here. There is an assumption of truth in all LDM clues. The farther we get from Julia and Rhiney, the less truth (IMHO) we get. As Don Jose has stated, "we have to start from somewhere." As best evidence, I believe the Bark Notes is probably as good as it gets.:dontknow:

Take care,


The mine has a million oz's of gold but Waltz lived and died in poverty. I see a problem here. You know what happens when we ass-u-me something.

The mine has a million oz's of gold but Waltz lived and died in poverty. I see a problem here. You know what happens when we ass-u-me something.

Why did not die in poverty, in my opinion. He had $4800 worth of gold when he died. That's equal to about $384,000 right now. His house was paid for, and he traded for his meals. If i have that much money when I'm in my 80's, and I have no bills to pay, I'll be doing fine.

What you have to ask yourself, is why dIdnt Waltz claim the mine and live like a wealthy person. It's my opinion that there are two reasons. One, he felt guilty about his partner dying. Two, the Reavis land fraud scheme was going on during this time. Everyone on town was paying Reavis money. I don't blame Waltz for not making his find public, he would have more than likely had to pay Reavis money from his mine.


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The mine has a million oz's of gold but Waltz lived and died in poverty. I see a problem here. You know what happens when we ass-u-me something.


I don't know that Waltz thought he was living in poverty. Never heard of anyone who seemed dirt poor and died with a million or so squirreled away?

You have to remember that Waltz had a higher calling........He was, after all, a gatekeeper for OZ or OD as they are calling it now.:laughing7:

Take care,


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Correct. So we can eliminate the 20 million ounces statement. It's clearly a tall tail. Unless Waltz had a survey done on the mine. Sure he did!

Correct. So we can eliminate the 20 million ounces statement. It's clearly a tall tail. Unless Waltz had a survey done on the mine. Sure he did!


For me, it's never been important how much gold was left in Waltz's mine, assuming there ever was a LDM. Over the years, I have become convinced that he found someone's cache or had created one of his own. He could have easily kept some of the best ore from the three mines that he was part owner in. Along those lines, his primary "bank" could very well have been the Pit Mine.

Take care,


Unless your dyslexic.

I was hoping this thread might give us some better insight on what "clues" may be relevant, wash the mud off the rock perhaps, not an easy task when dealing with the Dutchman.

I was responding to a post on your thread. If you are unhappy with that post direct your displeasure to that person. Not I. I may very well be dyslexic. What type sex is that?


No offense meant, just having coffee and your statement made me think about how much a pain in the arse it is to figure out the Dutchman stuff, Post away.

From what I heard you can only get that kind of sex in the Philippines, I'd go into detail but I'm already in the doghouse.

No offense taken. I was just wondering if it was the Holly Stone sex ritual they do at the rendezvous in the crematorium.

I suspect those long wood walking sticks they all hobble about with has something to do with it though. Just look for those walking with a limp the morning after.

G'morning flat foot err sgt., cof:coffee2::coffee2:fee? You posted The mine has a million oz's of gold but Waltz lived and died in poverty
Hm, Ya wanna repeat on the Tayopa story?:dontknow:

Don Jose de La Mancha

G'morning flat foot err sgt., cof:coffee2::coffee2:fee? You posted The mine has a million oz's of gold but Waltz lived and died in poverty
Hm, Ya wanna repeat on the Tayopa story?:dontknow:

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

I see a world of difference between your story and the LDM legend. Waltz did not have to deal with the Mexican government. I believe he thought he was living a pretty good life, and had set enough ore aside to provide for himself in his old age. Only thing he didn't have was someone (family) to take care of him. Looks like he was working on that deficiency.

Take care,


Somero ole buddy, you posted --> 'you can only get that kind of sex in the Philippines'.

PM me, PM me, PM me, am interested in any addition to Have-a-lot Allen's book on Human, female sexual behavior in the United States.

Unfortunately he left out mules, and the Philippines. sniff.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Cholla lover, I agree with you, while the Tayopa deposit has literally xxxx, I do not, in fact I have to scrounge coffee off of you and sgt. sniffff

Don Jose de La Mancha

I have a phrase that has been stuck in my head for years and I don't know if it is a legitimate clue or not.

"Through the eye of the Needle"

I don't remember if there was more to it or not, but I remember an old friend telling me while he was explaining his thoughts on the Dutchman. Unfortunately, like Rhiney, I did not listen very well since I was not really interested at the time :tard:

Anyone have thoughts on it?


It is part of the Bible:

[I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”]

Take care,


"Go and sell all your possessions and give to the poor"

I had thought of that, maybe a little more thought on it. :icon_scratch:

When my friend was telling me this, it was in regards to a landmark I thought, The Needle. Maybe another reference to "A narrow place"

Thanks Joe


There is a hole in the top of Miner's Needle which goes all the way through. As I recall, it looks in a northwesterly direction if you are looking into the range. A number of people have speculated that if you look through it, it points to an important clue or even mine or cache. Offhand, that's all I can remember at this time.

Good luck,


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