Dowsers are Bs

"What I did yesterday! I went over to a friend's house, dowsed a bad energy line, crossing their bed, causing both to have cancer. I located the frequencies on either end of the connection line, and stomped it out of existence."

How in the hell did you diagnose this cancer causing thingy? Better yet how did you know this causes cancer. Why don't you patent this amazing ability and tools? I patented my idea and had it in 2 years. Do you ever go back and "listen" to yourself?

Unknown content is better than no known content.. obviously!

Unknown content is better than no known content.. obviously!
Dowser your are the KING (or Queen) of non sequiturs. Your follow up posts have nothing to do with the previous posts. But maybe it is me. Maybe I don't have the right frequencies or connections to understand what you are saying. But you are entertaining, so thank you for that.

Dowser your are the KING (or Queen) of non sequiturs. Your follow up posts have nothing to do with the previous posts. But maybe it is me. Maybe I don't have the right frequencies or connections to understand what you are saying. But you are entertaining, so thank you for that.
I'll take that!, it's the best comment I ever got..

Please explain. Did you find the source? How did you terminate it?

I would very much appreciate, if possible, that you would answer my questions.

What I am wondering is, was this something you "felt" or "sensed", or was it something measurable, quantifiable in some way?

You say that people can't understand you....well, then help me understand you.
I've got all the time in the world.

Unknown content is better than no known content.. obviously!
That statement makes no more sense than.... "exactly similar" on a previous post of yours. After 20 years of so-called experience / learning what treasure have you discovered.

Everything dowses, everything resonates, everything drains.. Drains are at our feet. We drain, our cars drain, our plants drain.. into the quantum drains. Connections between drains occur, we live, walk thru, sleep in connection lines and drains. Frequency patterns are formed by mother nature, most are hidden, under the soil.
If the frequency patterns that formed is a master key. It mimics every atom/element. That pattern becomes a terrible drain. Connections from all directions are made to that pattern/frequency. If you have 2 master key frequencies, close together, they connect. That is the worst connection or drains to live near. I dowsed around the bed, indicated a dangerous connection line between 2 master keys. Crossing thru their pillows to out the house both directions. We reacquired the line right outside the house. I dowsed it to 50ft away to it's end. We marked it with a flag, then we went to the other side of his house, and I reaquired the line that way. It went out about 10 ft then stopped. I stomped the ground above the bad frequency pattern, and the line went away. We went back to the other flag. I dowsed the bad frequency still active on this side. It had multiple connections to it. I stomped the ground to destroy the pattern. Not my first rodeo by far! The frequency disappeared. We went inside the house, checked his bedroom, all clear..
I know this stuff because a dangerous master key frequency pattern formed below my blueberry bush. I had been watching and dowsing it. It was dying and browning up fast. In one month. I stomped the pattern and my bush is fine now. Red winter leaves falling, instead of brown dead leaves. I posted pics about my blueberry bush problem, solved..
Glad to hear your blueberry bush is doing well !! We mostly grow blackberries down here. Put them in a bowl with some a little milk and sugar, c’est bon 👍!!!

You cured cancer?

Everything dowses, everything resonates, everything drains.. Drains are at our feet. We drain, our cars drain, our plants drain.. into the quantum drains. Connections between drains occur, we live, walk thru, sleep in connection lines and drains. Frequency patterns are formed by mother nature, most are hidden, under the soil.
If the frequency patterns that formed is a master key. It mimics every atom/element. That pattern becomes a terrible drain. Connections from all directions are made to that pattern/frequency. If you have 2 master key frequencies, close together, they connect. That is the worst connection or drains to live near. I dowsed around the bed, indicated a dangerous connection line between 2 master keys. Crossing thru their pillows to out the house both directions. We reacquired the line right outside the house. I dowsed it to 50ft away to it's end. We marked it with a flag, then we went to the other side of his house, and I reacquired the line that way. It went out about 10 ft then stopped. I stomped the ground above the bad frequency pattern, and the line went away. We went back to the other flag. I dowsed the bad frequency still active on this side. It had multiple connections to it. I stomped the ground to destroy the pattern. Not my first rodeo by far! The frequency disappeared. We went inside the house, checked his bedroom, all clear..
I know this stuff because a dangerous master key frequency pattern formed below my blueberry bush. I had been watching and dowsing it. It was dying and browning up fast. In one month. I stomped the pattern and my bush is fine now. Red winter leaves falling, instead of brown dead leaves. I posted pics about my blueberry bush problem, solved..

Thank you for the detailed reply. As I've mentioned before, you're following a path that I can't travel as it seems far beyond my understanding, but I will certainly continue reading your posts.

I get accused of selling snake oil? Why!

Because we humans tend to reject that which makes no sense to us. In your case, it's a blend of faith, spiritualism and unproven science (IMO).

I believe you are sincere in what you share, and I also believe in allowing a person the benefit of the doubt. Therefore, I ask questions to try and gain some level of understanding, and there is certainly no risk on my part for doing so.

Many of the most brilliant scientists in history were a "half bubble off plumb". When Einstein wrote his "Theory of Relativity", there was probably only a handful of people, worldwide, that could understand the concepts he put forth, and some of them thought he'd lost his marbles. He had science and mathematics to prove his theories, and unfortunately you do not.

I learned at a young age that being different was neither bad, nor wrong, but it does tend to put a target on your back, and it just comes with the territory. You can either persevere in spite of it, or not. Your choice.

Okay, I'll try again!
The thing that was killing my blueberry bush was a fractal geometric shape, created by mother nature. It was a frequency shape! It was a number in form! I don't know what number, but I know how to find it. Not important, because there is multiple numbers that do the same thing, that number did. They are in Hz, kHz, Mhz, ECT. Many numbers represent everything. I myself have discovered at least 20 numbers, that will do what hurt my blueberry bush. Drain it's energy into the hole it created. Terrible master key numbers, mimic everything, connect to everything. Big drains..
I think it is important to learn, that I know a few 3 digit numbers that will do what that invisible pattern did to my bush. If I sent a 3 digit number to your phone, it would automatically become active. You would start loosing Chi faster. They are selling these devices, called Schumann resonance generators. These are frequency generators. They are set at Schumann #. All Schumann numbers are master key, like 7.83 Hz for the fundamental. Your supposed to sleep next to them, while they drain our life source from us. People feel something, so they think it's good, but what they feel is death! I reported this and said I could prove it. They wrote back, not enough info drop it .
They are using frequencies to set off pager explosives, in other countries. Do we use frequencies? I know frequencies! I can kill people with a 3 digit number. Don't buy my snake oil, but be aware..
I'm probably going out on a limb here with this thought.

You just stated:

"I can kill people with a 3 digit number"

There's probably a few agencies that would be really interested in obtaining your services.
Just saying....

I've already started running my own tests. I figure out a frequency for cinnamon, and if I put it into my phone, being a computer, it turns on. Our phones are drains, and we are connected to them 24/7. Our phones know who they belong to. Battery dead not off, disconnects. Our phone is a matrix connection, like water is. A frequency in our phone, becomes a new matrix frequency in our body.. A cinnamon frequency number in us, might keep flies away, if I had flies. But some countries have lots of flies.. Many ideas I have.. I can dowse everything's frequency number, matrix or not..
To disrupt all phone drains. Leave it on 2 inch Styrofoam. Your phone can't find you!! Towers still know when it's on. It's not the same connection I'm talking about.
What if I sat on a 4" piece of Styrofoam.
Wouldn't it work the same?
The wife won't be able to find me then.

I didn't diagnose cancer, they have cancer! One is on kemo.. I didn't cure cancer, I removed a bad energy line..
dowser: "I went over to a friend's house, dowsed a bad energy line, crossing their bed, causing both to have cancer."

How did you come to know that's what caused their cancer? You diagnosed this cancer causing thingy and stated that you removed it. How did you know it causes cancer.

What if I sat on a 4" piece of Styrofoam.
Wouldn't it work the same?
The wife won't be able to find me then.
Try that and let me know if it works....!

Still waiting for you to show some treasure you have found using your methods.

If you want to see a treasure just Google it.
I don't care what you dig up -- treasure or not. I just would like to see anything verifiable you've found with your methods. But I guess I have to wait for next year.

I suspect I'm not the only person on this board who has studied quantum physics, magnetism, and the electromagnetic frequency spectrum. Your posts throw around a lot of jargon that doesn't make any sense in any of those fields, IMO.

On the other hand, if your goal is to stir people up and get them to comment on things that aren't even supposed to make any sense, you're doing brilliantly.

Everything dowses, everything resonates, everything drains.. Drains are at our feet. We drain, our cars drain, our plants drain.. into the quantum drains. Connections between drains occur, we live, walk thru, sleep in connection lines and drains. Frequency patterns are formed by mother nature, most are hidden, under the soil.
If the frequency patterns that formed is a master key. It mimics every atom/element. That pattern becomes a terrible drain. Connections from all directions are made to that pattern/frequency. If you have 2 master key frequencies, close together, they connect. That is the worst connection or drains to live near. I dowsed around the bed, indicated a dangerous connection line between 2 master keys. Crossing thru their pillows to out the house both directions. We reacquired the line right outside the house. I dowsed it to 50ft away to it's end. We marked it with a flag, then we went to the other side of his house, and I reaquired the line that way. It went out about 10 ft then stopped. I stomped the ground above the bad frequency pattern, and the line went away. We went back to the other flag. I dowsed the bad frequency still active on this side. It had multiple connections to it. I stomped the ground to destroy the pattern. Not my first rodeo by far! The frequency disappeared. We went inside the house, checked his bedroom, all clear..
I know this stuff because a dangerous master key frequency pattern formed below my blueberry bush. I had been watching and dowsing it. It was dying and browning up fast. In one month. I stomped the pattern and my bush is fine now. Red winter leaves falling, instead of brown dead leaves. I posted pics about my blueberry bush problem, solved..
Im if fertilizer pegs would work as well on a blueberry bush as a lot of the fruit trees.

Santa Claus taught me, and the Yeti, how to use dowsing for finding unicorns. Tried playing leapfrog with it. Ouch!
Good, you can supply their content!

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