DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Many years ago, and after reading ''100 tons of Gold'' and a few treasure mag's I assumed the stuff in victorio peak was put there by victorio and his predacesor's,
from many raids on the Jornado, and the butterfield line, wells fargo and the stuff that Carllotta was trying to smuggle to Galvaston, that was suppossed to be pilfered
around Castle gap Texas, now the bars that Fiege found I always assumed were put there by Patton's closest commrads, if Patton himself had anything to do with it
he would be stashing back financing for world war III, I believe Fieges gold was pure Nazi gold, it always bothered me that Noss could never find another entrance to the peak
but Fiege just saw a hole and climbed in to where the bars were.
Now the thought of Knights Templar was always there as I started investigating them and the Knights of the golden circle back in the 70's when my treasure hunting, and
history buff buddys didnt have a clue who I was talking about, but the thought of very ancient people putting it there was only introduced to me after I started coming to

The Organ's
Who Knows? most of what I have read about this range is in the way of rich deposits of minerals.
But this would be a possibility for La Rue, or El Chato, and there are ancient signs there also.

G'd afternoon B Scott, no thought on the Mexican clandestine mines using it for a staging point for eventual transport to Rome>????? This would explain the bulk of the deposits, Victorio could not have begun to deposit that much, and it would have bankruptedTe stage co's Nor could Larue or Chato., there was just tooo much.

Carlotta jewels is a interesing point, Since Max had close tie wih the Vatican, perhaps they decided to help by giving him the information as to the location. They had just about given up on recovery of their Gold & Silver due to conditions in the Uniited States, but it was still a secret location..

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G'd afternoon B Scott, no thought on the Mexican clandestine mines using it for a staging point for eventual transport to Rome>????? This would explain the bulk of the deposits, Victorio could not have begun to deposit that much, and it would have bankruptedTe stage co's Nor could Laue or Chato., there was just tooo much.

Carlotta jewels is a interesing point, Since Max had close tie wih the Vatican, perhaps they decided to help by giving him the information as to the location. They had just about given up on recovery of their Gold & Silver due to conditions in the Uniited States, but it was still a secret location..

Just an OPINION but I think this is the most likely source of the Vic peak treasure. Remember, one version told of ex-Rebel soldiers stealing it and hiding it "in an old mine shaft" which perhaps is the very cave found by Doc Noss. If there is a treasure in the Caballos, my bet would be on padre LaRue as the source, even though traditionally this is located in the Organ mountains. Many have searched in the Organ mountains without finding the La Rue treasure or mine(s), perhaps they have been searching the wrong mountain range? Stranger things have happened.

Please do continue, sorry for the OPINION post.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Honest Samuel,

The last I heard anything that I would be willing to get behind would have been in the 1970s. Fred Drolte and his crew (so the story goes) had been drilling pilot holes trying to bore into some of the tunnels. At one point, the bit dropped off the end of the shaft into a void. Drolte shooed off all his workers, then later paid them all very handsomely. Two of the brothers that worked for him supposedly got paid a small fortune. True or not? Quien Sabe?


Not sure if people are aware of this or not, but that shaft has been extensively explored and its even lined with a metal sleeve down to a great depth. Nothing was found as far as I know.

yes one of the Tesero De Alma video's shows them lowering a dude down the sleeve with a winch truck, and torch and cutting windows
at certain intervals where they believe the chambers, and tunnles are supposed to be, he found one chamber and it had
bottles and cans from the 40's, if I remember he even found a ''plastic'' hard hat, whenever he would cut a window and it
was solid rock behind it they would cut core samples, those core's looked pretty interesting.

Don Jose,
Yep you would have to figure that if there was a road '' El Camino Real'' going north and south from Mexico city to Toas Pueblo
there should have been a intersecting road going east and west the most logical and easiest traveling would be the current path of I-10
Las Cruces Deming Silver city and onward, lots of eye's on this route everyone in the country would know if you were transporting muletrains of bullion
the old hwy 9,El Paso, Columbus , Lordsburg had the same problem compounded by more bandits and indians, now to go around the western end of the Black Range and roughly follow
the route of todays hwy 27 would make sense, NP's map shows several route's through the Black Range, possible but this would have been rough travel
but you would be traveling very much on the sly, and fording the Rio Grande would surely be done at Las Palomas, and then Palomas gap into the Caballo's.
The southern end of the Caballo's is at the Hatch, Rincon area and was a major ford back in the day, but this was the headquarters of the huge Detroit ranch
it was known as the Colorado ford, then between the Caballo's and the Fray Cristobals where TorC is today was all marsh caused by the hot mineral springs
the Rio Grande changed course readily here I dont think people forded the river here unless circumstances demanded it.

Scott,everything you said is true, but you are forgetting one thing, they had lots of values and The Jesuits were known for being very generous, bribery was rampart then.

Those bars in the deposits had to pass through the areas you described, which they did sucesfully,obviously.

The only known source for them,, in such a quantity, was from the Mexican mines. some legitiment, most not.

Thay probably operated openly, which many times is quite successful in allaying the suspicions of the lay.

THEY DID IT !!!! :laughing7::laughing7::dontknow: :coffee2::coffee2:

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Don Jose,
Whats with the new avatar, is that Randy Travis?

Don Jose,
Whats with the new avatar, is that Randy Travis?

Its Jose's Military ID from when he rode with Poncho Villa and Paula Deen!


I'm like the NSA, I know everything! HAHAHA

Amigo's, :coffee2: Is it possible the Vatican actually have sent the Jesuit Order all over the world to follow in the foot steps of the Knight Templars and their hidden Treasures, and along the way make their own fabulous discoveries of treasures. np:cat:

Amigo's, :coffee2: Is it possible the Vatican actually have sent the Jesuit Order all over the world to follow in the foot steps of the Knight Templars and their hidden Treasures, and along the way make their own fabulous discoveries of treasures. np:cat:

Well that seems logical except the Templars did not go to India, China, the Philippines etc all of which had large Jesuit forces sent to them. Not to say there may not have been some attempt to retrace some Templar steps somewhere, but surely not everywhere.

Please do continue.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Well that seems logical except the Templars did not go to India, China, the Philippines etc all of which had large Jesuit forces sent to them. Not to say there may not have been some attempt to retrace some Templar steps somewhere, but surely not everywhere.

Please do continue.

:coffee2: :coffee2:
Oro, Amigo:coffee2:In the early 1300's the Templars had already been traveling the oceans, In 1312 when Pope Clement had disbanded the Templars from pressure of the King of France Who wanted all of the Templars treasures, the Templars loaded up all their treasures and wealth into their ships and went to Portugal, when they were settled there they changed their name to the Military order of Christ, or, the Order of Christ,If they had not been sailing the trade routes how did they know were Portugal was. the trade routes had been used for hundreds of years up to that point and Portugal was one of the main stops, that alone is a gap of 200 years before the Jesuits were an order, then in the late 1400's the Portuguese lead the way for the age of discovery,which followed all of the ancient trade routes, that was also before the Jesuits became an order, yes I think the Jesuits and France later were hot on the trail of the Templars treasures and their enterprises, theres no reason not to think that the Templars and the Jesuits were sailing up the rio grande and the Colorado rivers to many of their storage places. the Jesuits while following in the Templars footsteps had many great discoveries of their own and when locating some Templar storage places with great riches ,more than likely used the same storage places for their riches because of shipping convenience ,but never made it back,np:cat:

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Every once in a while, I like to play Devil's Advocate with myself. Let's say for a moment that the Jesuits didn't deposit that wealth (forget about Rio de Janeiro), and they were just chasing Templar Treasure. That would explain why, after the Jesuit Order was restored in 1814, they didn't recover all their wealth at that point.

Just that the 70,000,000 in gold Spanish Dollars found in Rio in the cellars of the old Jesuit Colegio, was also found with a lead box containing a receipt by a Father Anton DeSartes, the head of the Jesuit College at Rio for 20,000,000 Spanish Gold Dollars to be paid to King John I of Portugal as a tribute. It never got paid.


T or C area had many mysteries to a novice like myself. I have walked tesoro de alma and made aware of tunnels. The mountain contains holed that used to hold statues that could be seen from the Rio grande. There is gold in the Caballos. Which means horse if I am correct. Makes me think of the stone tablets. What about Noss and his rancher friend. ... But VP would be a better route north as it holds water and protection. Also work areas line this road North, it seems gold and silver was not worked on site but transported to a central area. You also will find cities of stone where miners, slaves, and animals could camp when not in the mines. Am I on tract, or have I breathed too much bad air from cursed holes.

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