DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Theres a lot of secrets around this place that were kept by one person for a long time, and if you read behind the lines you may or may not understand, just to give you an idea roger snow had hit on this a little, the group of pictures im going to post have not been seen by anyone, there were many unknown symbols found that made no sense to anyone,only speculation, these symbols were to old and have never been seen any where before, when the main area was found and the digging started the steps were not found right away,the entire dig took one person almost four months,about half way through the dig is when the steps and other things were found, when the dig was complete there was no real treasure, I was told that there were multiple booby traps and other hazards found, they talked about the flat rock which theres a photo that had a sword laying on it circled with eight crosses and besides some other carvings on the walls there was no treasure, only the things described, no one thought anyone at the time would believe what they found and since there was a lot of time spent on working on this they decided to blast the whole thing shut, and forget about it,
<img src=""/> <img src=""/>
<img src=""/> <img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
the flat rock is the last photo posted, have some:coffee2: and enjoy, np

Who was the person keeping the secrets or can you say.

The sword surrounded by crosses reminds me of articles I read about trapping a evil spirit.

NP, did you use the black marker on these photos, or were they there when you acquired them? Any idea what would be hidden underneath those marks?

Would like to see photos of the carvings.

Those pics look like a hundred old workings my partner and I explored in the 1970s all over sw New Mexico. One of my favorites had a quite large spring-fed permanent underground reservoir with an old rowboat used to get the workers to the drifts on the other side still tied to the "shore". There's lots of cool equipment left inside some of them that was too difficult to remove because of cave-ins, etc. - ore carts, ore buckets, crude winches, etc. It's not uncommon to see stuff scratched on the walls - usually something to do with identifying the various drifts, stopes and rises. Crosses were not uncommon, even though the main shrines were generally on the surface.

Even though a great majority of the old workings you'll find are from the Anglo period, nonetheless the techniques and materials used were crude and dangerous. "Death traps" were everywhere - bad shoring, mined out pillars, rickety ladders, bad air, collapsing hanging walls, falling ceilings, you name it. The stopes look a lot like your cavern. These old mines, even up to the 1960s, were way, way pre-MSHA. The state sealed off almost all the abandoned workings in the 1970s and 1980s - and continue doing so - but there are still a few you can access. I have mixed feelings about it, but, damn, those places are dangerous and it's a good thing they're no longer available to the unwary. If you decide to explore any of these things, you better know what you're doing.

alright , just a bit to the side now .

This showed up in my email

begin copy/pasted email fro,m History Channels production manager .

[h=2]Hi roger snow 55 @ancientlosttreasure,[/h] PaulaE has sent you a private message on Feb 13 , 2015 08:52PM
Hi Roger,

My name is Paula Engelking. I'm Senior Writer for American Unearthed, a History Channel/H2 show about unusual sites and artifacts. We're interested in the Templar imagery and artifacts you wrote about--the ones found in Johnson and Soledad Canyons in New Mexico.

We might want to include the Templar/New Mexico connections in our show. Please call me at -------(cell.) My manager really wants to see what you've seen. Do you have pictures you could email to me showing what you located? How did you find out about the artifacts? Did you read about it somewhere else?

I'd love to talk to you about it. You're clearly comfortable on the Internet. Do you Skype at all? If so, maybe we could do that. Sometimes it's nice to put a face to the name, especially when it's a face we might put on our TV show.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Paula Engelking
Committee Films

Ha !
Script Pimps seeking more from the " Boots on the Ground "

Sell that airtime to manufactures , who commercialize your brains to shoppie holics .

Oh yes , please please please , use my life events for your profits .


well i guess that was easy for you to decide , not sure if the email i sent you about this was helpful or not man.
Ive kinda been wondering what a few of the Tnet members that have had a little air time in Arizona lately think after their 15 min of fame?
TV productions are a bizarre thing to be involved with . i guess if someone got a huge sum of money to be on one of these shows that person might feel different , but goodness just wait till some of these folks get a fan base . more like stalkers looking for you and your treasure sites. LOL
there are some strange folks out there . i remember getting phone calls about 26 years ago after doing a week long gig on ABC from people who were just down right creepy , cause they were mad it was not them , and that show had nothing to do with treasure. i guess it was not all bad , people would come to kanab even years after and say hey we watched you on TV . i wish the Tnet members the best of luck , hope they only have good experiences with their stuff , but it makes me wonder ya know?

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The Golden Spiral is even found in the DNA of humans
in fact
most living beings .

The Universe is laid out in spirals , each expanding at 1.688 on into infinity .

Beat that with a ruler , heh heh

hmmm, thanks treasminder2, very interesting. its got me thinking now:icon_scratch:,that maybe at some of the sites iam working,where i have found the infinity symbol, that it means to use the fibonacci method to get to the strike zone.:lightbulb:=:3barsgold:

alright , just a bit to the side now .

This showed up in my email

begin copy/pasted email fro,m History Channels production manager .

Hi roger snow 55 @ancientlosttreasure,

PaulaE has sent you a private message on Feb 13 , 2015 08:52PM
Hi Roger,

My name is Paula Engelking. I'm Senior Writer for American Unearthed, a History Channel/H2 show about unusual sites and artifacts. We're interested in the Templar imagery and artifacts you wrote about--the ones found in Johnson and Soledad Canyons in New Mexico.

We might want to include the Templar/New Mexico connections in our show. Please call me at -------(cell.) My manager really wants to see what you've seen. Do you have pictures you could email to me showing what you located? How did you find out about the artifacts? Did you read about it somewhere else?

I'd love to talk to you about it. You're clearly comfortable on the Internet. Do you Skype at all? If so, maybe we could do that. Sometimes it's nice to put a face to the name, especially when it's a face we might put on our TV show.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Paula Engelking
Committee Films

Gee, thats strange:icon_scratch:. Why would they want to talk to a guy that some say is supposed to be nuts???? :laughing7: :icon_thumleft:

slides in the dark shadows to listen

Gee, thats strange:icon_scratch:. Why would they want to talk to a guy that some say is supposed to be nuts???? :laughing7: :icon_thumleft:

Actually , The manager of the program sent emails that covered that question .

As nuts as people say another may be , the email stated it succinct : Roger , your information on the Knights Templar
sparked my interest , because it explained some items that came up in my investigations with other material
that had wide gaps , those gaps closed with your information "

I am very interested in speaking with you .

Nutz ?

compare the Nutz
A man in his own country comes to pick up the Corpse of His Child , that had been burned to death
at the school ,,,
by an Army of Invasion that attacked his country unprovoked .

The man Takes up arms against the invaders , fights them to the Death .

is he a Rebel ?

is he the bad guy ?

Place yourself in his shoes , would you fight an Invasion Force that just killed your child
while he/she was attending class at school ?

if so , would you like to be referred to as an Insurgent ,,, or a Freedom fighter ?

Insurgent ? if so , you're Nutz .

Freedom Fighter ?

if so , then you're sane ?

The Man in my above example , is an Iraqi Citizen , fighting for His Homeland , on his soil , against
an Army of Invasion , that Attacked his Country unprovoked.

Why then is he referred to as a Terrorist by You ?

are you Nutz ( speaking to all of you here reading )

Crazy is just another state of mind , and for the fact that most U.S. Citizens are Brainwashed

to believe they are the be all end all of the World ,,,

and as well believe their main stream media

They have a State of Mind that is clearly Crazy when dealing with reality and Truth .

Actually , The manager of the program sent emails that covered that question .

As nuts as people say another may be , the email stated it succinct : Roger , your information on the Knights Templar
sparked my interest , because it explained some items that came up in my investigations with other material
that had wide gaps , those gaps closed with your information "

I am very interested in speaking with you .

Nutz ?

compare the Nutz
A man in his own country comes to pick up the Corpse of His Child , that had been burned to death
at the school ,,,
by an Army of Invasion that attacked his country unprovoked .

The man Takes up arms against the invaders , fights them to the Death .

is he a Rebel ?

is he the bad guy ?

Place yourself in his shoes , would you fight an Invasion Force that just killed your child
while he/she was attending class at school ?

if so , would you like to be referred to as an Insurgent ,,, or a Freedom fighter ?

Insurgent ? if so , you're Nutz .

Freedom Fighter ?

if so , then you're sane ?

The Man in my above example , is an Iraqi Citizen , fighting for His Homeland , on his soil , against
an Army of Invasion , that Attacked his Country unprovoked.

Why then is he referred to as a Terrorist by You ?

are you Nutz ( speaking to all of you here reading )

Crazy is just another state of mind , and for the fact that most U.S. Citizens are Brainwashed

to believe they are the be all end all of the World ,,,

and as well believe their main stream media

They have a State of Mind that is clearly Crazy when dealing with reality and Truth .

They have been doing it for years. The english come to the new world and claim it in the name of the queen.
When those who were already living here. Took a stand against the invaders. They were labeled blood thirsty savages.
The dog is old and doesnt know any new tricks.

while we await Not Peraltas presentation to continue

I'll address the smear campaign directed at me in other forums and where it was
coming from , as well as the Motive behind it

ONFP was headed up by Jerry Cheatum Right ?

what religious affiliation was JerrY ? Mormon

Analytical mind ask : What is the Temple in Salt Lake city doing involved in VP ?

Members of ONFP ( The Family , ) none of which are Mormon .

Oren Swearigen involved in claim jumping sites of my Dads and his friends ( 1300 steps is one site )

Oren is Mormon

Dave Zander , friend of both cast aspersions that I sent threats his way through a PM at a Forum
he is a Mormon

I posted my password to my account in the thread where he made the accusation , so all members
could enter my account and read all my PM's

result , the member read Dave Zanders PM's to me , claiming if he ever saw me again , he'd beat the " S " out of me .

BUSTED Dave ( nightwing handle on the other forum )

At that other forum , PMs are sent to members claiming I am Nutz

Owner of the forum is behind it ( Shawn Davies )
Shawn is a Member of the Mormon church .

Not peralta or Casca post in this forum , stating they contacted Whyte Eagle ( Shawn Davies ) owner of the
other forum trying to contact me
Shawn Davies told him I was banned for threatening members through PM
Evidence above what I state about opening uop my account for all members
to read the mail and expose that I did nothing of the sortr
and they find the opposite , that I was receiving threats through PM's ,

Shawn again is what ? a Mormon

Noe that Not Peralta apoligizes in this forium for posting my dads material
Note I tell him on Page #98 of this thread to release it to the public , no harm no foul ,
no problem

Note I have stated that a relative exposed to me that My Brother sold my dads material to the
Mormon Church in SLC ,
This statement from that Mormon Member of my family is confirmed by my brother who sold
the material.

On the Valise was this note from my Dad : In the event of my Death , this is for Roger ( Me , Treasminder 2 )

Jerry Cheatum was in possession of stolen Property , My Fathers material which was lable by my Father to be my
property at his death .

How did Jerry use this Material of Mine , he claimed it was all Doc Noss' Material at the Senate/Congressional
hearings for a permit to enter whitesands and excavate the peak .

Sen. Oren Hatch is the mail Pol behind the drive to get the permit .

Oren Hatch is what ?

A Mormon from SLC ( jeesh , Mormon Mafia type colusion ? )

The Critical Mind does not take statements about a person as fact
am I Crazy ?

According to the ONFP and the Mormons involved in Claim Jumping The Victorio Peak People
( Terry Delonas et al )

and claim Jumping my dads sites and mine as well as Dads friends ( Note statement from Claude's Son ) in this
forum thread .

after the ONFP were kicked off the Peak

1994 I was Kidnapped ( and Not by intel agents of the U.S.A. ) but by Members of the Mormon Chuch attached to
Jerry Cheatum .
I wrote an email about the event
it was sent by Oren Swearigen to Jerry Cheatum , he Jerry Cheatum Flipped his wig ( Busted again Jerry )

Jerry Cheatum suffers a Stroke within days and dies a couple days later

am I Crazy ?

for 15 years I have posted inside material freely on the net .

faced the persecution , aspersions and claims that I am Crazy , I openly posted material
not available to the common open source and the public , with valid provenance and results for some seekers .

am I crazy ?

again , ask yourself why the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City is involved with Victorio Peak
and other Treasure sites ?

None pof the Noss family were Mormons
My Father nor me , nor any of his Group are Mormons , why is a Mormon : Oren Swearingen
pestering My Dad for Treasure Information and locations ?

it gets deeper
much to reveal there is friends .

Before I presented the Evidence that the Stone Dolmens in Rennes Le Chatau , were exact copies of the same
found in Soledad Canyon and Johnson Canyon ,,,,

the Knights Templar connection between the two sites on opposite continents , where these ancient pre Knights
Templar Stone monuments are set ,,,
set in stone

the same Monuments are found at Byblos and Tyre , Ancient Phonicia ofr King Hiram

odd , no one but myself knew it and revealed it .

am I Crazy ?

Contact from one film Corp asking me for production of film with my information , is he Crazy too ?

maybe he read in another forum a more complete chronology of the KT then I post here or anywhere else
I'd say that's true , he did .

Is he Crazy too
am I Crazy ?

I know for a fact that Treasure Legends drove Jerry Cheatum and Oren Swearingen Crazy .

Need more dots to connect ?

are you Crazy ? heh heh

yeah , it gets deep .

Side thingie, the Knights Templar would not bother to ship dore' bars to the Caballos

Relax Rog and drink your coffee. So yer nuts, I agree. it seems to me that I have heard a vague reference to my sanity at times also, oh well :coffee2::coffee2:

while we await Not Peraltas presentation to continue

I'll address the smear campaign directed at me in other forums and where it was
coming from , as well as the Motive behind it

ONFP was headed up by Jerry Cheatum Right ?

what religious affiliation was JerrY ? Mormon

Analytical mind ask : What is the Temple in Salt Lake city doing involved in VP ?

Members of ONFP ( The Family , ) none of which are Mormon .

Oren Swearigen involved in claim jumping sites of my Dads and his friends ( 1300 steps is one site )

Oren is Mormon

Dave Zander , friend of both cast aspersions that I sent threats his way through a PM at a Forum
he is a Mormon

I posted my password to my account in the thread where he made the accusation , so all members
could enter my account and read all my PM's

result , the member read Dave Zanders PM's to me , claiming if he ever saw me again , he'd beat the " S " out of me .

BUSTED Dave ( nightwing handle on the other forum )

At that other forum , PMs are sent to members claiming I am Nutz

Owner of the forum is behind it ( Shawn Davies )
Shawn is a Member of the Mormon church .

Not peralta or Casca post in this forum , stating they contacted Whyte Eagle ( Shawn Davies ) owner of the
other forum trying to contact me
Shawn Davies told him I was banned for threatening members through PM
Evidence above what I state about opening uop my account for all members
to read the mail and expose that I did nothing of the sortr
and they find the opposite , that I was receiving threats through PM's ,

Shawn again is what ? a Mormon

Noe that Not Peralta apoligizes in this forium for posting my dads material
Note I tell him on Page #98 of this thread to release it to the public , no harm no foul ,
no problem

Note I have stated that a relative exposed to me that My Brother sold my dads material to the
Mormon Church in SLC ,
This statement from that Mormon Member of my family is confirmed by my brother who sold
the material.

On the Valise was this note from my Dad : In the event of my Death , this is for Roger ( Me , Treasminder 2 )

Jerry Cheatum was in possession of stolen Property , My Fathers material which was lable by my Father to be my
property at his death .

How did Jerry use this Material of Mine , he claimed it was all Doc Noss' Material at the Senate/Congressional
hearings for a permit to enter whitesands and excavate the peak .

Sen. Oren Hatch is the mail Pol behind the drive to get the permit .

Oren Hatch is what ?

A Mormon from SLC ( jeesh , Mormon Mafia type colusion ? )

The Critical Mind does not take statements about a person as fact
am I Crazy ?

According to the ONFP and the Mormons involved in Claim Jumping The Victorio Peak People
( Terry Delonas et al )

and claim Jumping my dads sites and mine as well as Dads friends ( Note statement from Claude's Son ) in this
forum thread .

after the ONFP were kicked off the Peak

1994 I was Kidnapped ( and Not by intel agents of the U.S.A. ) but by Members of the Mormon Chuch attached to
Jerry Cheatum .
I wrote an email about the event
it was sent by Oren Swearigen to Jerry Cheatum , he Jerry Cheatum Flipped his wig ( Busted again Jerry )

Jerry Cheatum suffers a Stroke within days and dies a couple days later

am I Crazy ?

for 15 years I have posted inside material freely on the net .

faced the persecution , aspersions and claims that I am Crazy , I openly posted material
not available to the common open source and the public , with valid provenance and results for some seekers .

am I crazy ?

again , ask yourself why the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City is involved with Victorio Peak
and other Treasure sites ?

None pof the Noss family were Mormons
My Father nor me , nor any of his Group are Mormons , why is a Mormon : Oren Swearingen
pestering My Dad for Treasure Information and locations ?

it gets deeper
much to reveal there is friends .

Before I presented the Evidence that the Stone Dolmens in Rennes Le Chatau , were exact copies of the same
found in Soledad Canyon and Johnson Canyon ,,,,

the Knights Templar connection between the two sites on opposite continents , where these ancient pre Knights
Templar Stone monuments are set ,,,
set in stone

the same Monuments are found at Byblos and Tyre , Ancient Phonicia ofr King Hiram

odd , no one but myself knew it and revealed it .

am I Crazy ?

Contact from one film Corp asking me for production of film with my information , is he Crazy too ?

maybe he read in another forum a more complete chronology of the KT then I post here or anywhere else
I'd say that's true , he did .

Is he Crazy too
am I Crazy ?

I know for a fact that Treasure Legends drove Jerry Cheatum and Oren Swearingen Crazy .

Need more dots to connect ?

are you Crazy ? heh heh

yeah , it gets deep .

Wait until I show how the mines in vp, cabollo,and arizona are connected.
Then they will say were both crazy.


they are connected . Casa Grande in Arizona" was built by the Knights Templar about 1240's

On two. Of the maps np released. There is a symbol thats also on many of the ldm maps. There is one that looks just like a area im working in az. The other is a trail map. Based on the same symbol I believe that the trail next to the word apachie is my location in az.

They say peralta gave waltzs his most productive mine. I think peralta owned mines from mexico to california.
All one big grant.

<img src=""/>

John , in yellow I outlined a symbol , what looks like a simple curved line .
That curved line conveys " DIG " here .

The squiggled line leading down and around from that , shows the route of the tunnel
that is below the ground , Find that Stone Heart , that is set next to the sealed tunnel , find the
buried or sealed tunnel entrance to dig into .

I swear to you , that is what that curved symbol means .

they used that to represent the head of a Pick for digging , they leave the handle off
the symbol , so as not to confuse it with a symbol they used with a line connected to a curve .

I posted a sat image of the location of a Stone Heart near Tortugas Rocks off Soledad Canyon Rd , near
the Soledad Canyon Hiking trail entrance .

If I was down there , I would probably stick my pick in the ground at that Heart .

The map is supposed by some , to show the Caballos .

Look at a Sat Map of the Organs , it matches .
The bump that people think is an Island , is probably a Peak ( a lone peak to the west of the Organs is called " A " Mnt )

The mountain above the word apache is a rock with two points. I saw it on maps leading to the ldm first. Then on this map.
I believe its a way point.
The other map np posted looks just like my area in az. A tall mountain across the canyon from a short plateau. The rock is standing on that plateau or s. Cima.

The map showing the tall mountain with a cave near the top and stairs inside. Matches my area. cave included. I want to go back and see if I can find those stairs.

We should be able to use my area to back trac the trail through the cabollo all the way to tayopa.
How man treasure sites are on private land.
To prove such a large operation puts to rest the old thought that mexican were stupid.

They say peralta gave waltzs his most productive mine. Well this would fit into that very well.

I think we have the means to rewrite the history of the south west.
There is a cave I want to explore in az. It fits the ldm story. You can see the two pointed rock from the cave. But you cant see the cave from the rock.

I keep the reason why secret until my next trip.

Anyway one large operation that stretches from mexico to california. That way different that a bunch of little operation.
People keep asking why was all the gold cached and left.
I think the massacres that happened in az. Happened all over the entire operation. One large attack in at least three states at the same time.
No one came back for the gold,because most were dead. The others to afraid
Thata my opinion. Its subject to change as more info come to light.
Also there is a large heart standing behind the two pointed rock. So I will to try and find the tunnel.
Infact your map shows the mountain across from the two pointed rock.
There is a canon between them and the rock sits on a plateau.
I dont have the skill to do this alone.
Im going to need help. Someone who can read topos to start.

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