DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Ready for El Chato West End Pass : " Paseo endura Tascoti "

This shot is it , note the trees in this pass ( and one has more trees than the other , where the Sun Sets )

If you get here , There is a very old tree with a Heart Carved on it at eye level .

north of that , will be seen a fallen tree ,
on the north side of that Fallen Tree ,,,
you will find a shallow dig site .
Treasure come out of it ?


I want everything you are willing to share. And I will not post any photos here publically, only by PM.

I probably have met him in there

I have no objections Matt .

There at Tortugas Rocks , ( before you enter Soledad Canyon Hiking , parking lot ) where all the petroglyphs are .

There is a small rocky hill closer to the road .

There is a Heart Shaped Marker Stone set on the lower south end of that hill

on the Northside of the Hill ( private property ) is a Flame Stone Marker set on end .

a top this small peak
you will see where Clarence McDonnel and Harvey Snow tried to dig into the top of
this little peak .

wait a minute
I'll take us there .

my post #1479 again

Note that this area had a year round spring ( now Chimney Rock Tank , an earthen Dam built by ranchers )

It had visibility for miles , so if a Raiding party came , El Chatos people could spot them and run .

It had shade , Game for food would come to the spring .

Here , I believe is where the caches were shallow enough for a Modern Detector to pick them up .

I found Ore that had probably dropped out of an arrista or saddle bag here .

huge boulder

with a Turtle on top , stone set in the mimic of a Turtle

East side Map rock visible in this shot
I believe I have it right , hard to tell from this small screened notebook I use .

Tail of Turtle is pointing you into the canyon .

Best Placer Gold Panning I ever did was in the canyon .

near this Turtle , someone set a 1957 Pontiac Chieftain 2 door hardtop there .

it had to be done with a chopper , no way it drove up there .
the gunnery range points at it , so maybe a target ?


its amazing that in a treasure hunters life time how much can be seen and collected, I truly hope that the things I share can truly benefit someone, the unknown is really a spiritual experience that should be exercised ,and proven by someone with the right information and knowledge. now lets have some :coffee2:np

I learn from most people I interact with on T-net. I also seek to help others learn what I have. I am compiling every landmark from a variety of treasure legends into my master Google Earth map, from the LAD, to Victorio Peak, The Caballos, the Organs, The Narrows near the Malpais, everything I can get my hands on. And someday when I feel its as close to complete as I can make it, I will post a .kmz file online and give it all back!

For me treasure hunting isn't about greed, what you can make up to believe, promoting an agenda, or self centeredness. Its about the journey, the history you learn, the places you experience, and how you conduct yourself while engaged in the craft. And also the friends you make along that path...

I hope I can get this to post because it's kinda interesting. I've posted the Chickasaw-Choctaw legend about the white dog and the sacred pole before on the Victorio Peak forum.

Here is some additional information about the same legend from the Chronicles of Oklahoma.

Chronicles of Oklahoma

There are two parts of this story that interest me, the part about the tall and light skinned tribesmen and the number of years it took to make the journey, 43 years.

On page 23 of the next link is the name of the historian who wrote about the journey of 43 years. His name is Gideon Lincecum.

Gideon Lincecum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will notice that his bio mentions that he moved to a Confederate colony in Mexico and that a historian named Patricia Galloway said that his narrative is not reliable. She also made the comment, elsewhere, that he was a con man. He must have written something that she thought was not honest.

In my post, I also mentioned that I like to look at latitudes when looking for old trails and trading locations. The mound mentioned in the white dog legend is called Nanih Waiyah and is at latitude 32deg 55' 17". Victorio Peak is at 32deg 55' 24". The port of Acre in Israel, which is an ancient town and a stronghold of the Templars during the Crusades, is at 32deg 55' 19". All three have latitudes that are very close.

If you go to Google Earth and run a distance line from Victorio Peak to the mound of Nanih Waiyah you get 1,027 miles. The number 24 can be used to determine either time or distance, if you divide 1,027miles by 24, you get 42.79 or rounded up to 43 which is the number of years the migration lasted. The question to me is, was 43 years a part of the Chickasaw legend or was it something Lincecum added himself to fit in with the legend and give direction and distance to Victorio Peak and whatever might be there?

Springfield wrote about stories like this in his book New Mexico Confidential and how they could be used to pass on a coded message.

So how would the Noss story fit in. In the research I have done in my own area, far from New Mexico, I found a story, from two different old guys, that gave a location of a gold cache and the fact that it had been moved. The location was a coded landmark name and was probably not the real cache site. Maybe the Noss story from the 1930s was notification that anything of value had been moved to a different location. Who knows?

Could all be coincidence... take it or leave it.

The experience Matt , had all the elements one life could possibly hope for
and endure .

It changed my center , and I gained incredible insights from it all .

I would not advise anyone to ever step into my shoes , best for people
to simply view it vicariously .

Prevalent and revealing in how and what I write , if ever i was naive , i certainly after
the treasure experience , am not now .

jaded some may think
others may see my position as far too cynical and wrought with anger .

I have to say it , looking back , I was angered by the atrocities as any person sane should be .

yet , on further reflection after the angst mellowed , My life was melded and forged by the
experiences , and what life can be viewed as full , if only positive events had touched upon it ?

I learned from everything involved .

You allow for the flexible consciousness , and in time , your view is more expansive , giving
you some wisdom , some cautions , and some way to perceive the positive out of it all .

Like a bad relationship , after the break , after the tears and fears , after the anger ,
when you reflect from a higher perspective ,,,
you each learned something very valuble from each other ,,,,

and when you heal , you learn to love and trust again .

For you were as well a teacher as much a student in the experience for the mate.

You live on , better for what went by , forged as I put it , more mature for the next
relationship or events .

Compiled within the book shelves in this Encyclopedic mind of mine ,,,
are the many events , lessons , the internalized and self analyzed scripts , that not only
myself was in need of to be whole ,,,
but others as well can and do draw from to perhaps meld their own understanding of life .

Your greatest Art , is not how you paint yourself in the eyes of others ,
but rather , how well you accept your own inner colors , even the ones that clash .

Even Sorrow has it's beauty

even tragedy has it's lessons needed for a full understanding .

Could all be coincidence... take it or leave it.

I don't much believe in coincidences. With this kind of thinking, you'll probably get somewhere. Beats hanging out at the drugstore magazine rack.

That latitude is telling in many of the Vaults

coincidence ?

Planned that way ?

Something keeps taking me back to a trip I took on that craft .

They mentioned to me : " Two numbers you are not to forget concerning this , 32 and 76 . "

Stretch the mind further , see if you see .

cryptic ?

isn't everything a coded fractal ?

Nothing changes your mind , as experience with an alter event .

The next increment mentioned by them was 96 .

try a longitude / latitude using those .

Rog, for every location designated by latitude, there are an infinite no. of parallel locations, so simply using It as a logical factor has no purpose in so far as treasure hunting or sites are concerned.

As far as thoughts go, we would be getting into a kettle of fish if we were to follow this up, since all thoughts are simple packets of energy that theoretically never completely die out, only exist as a decreasing packet of energy.

This is not the place to go into that, but it is a fascinating field, suffice to say that you can have an experience that never happened through the harmonic or subharmonic factors.

Drink your coffee while it is still hot.

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